Sure we are traducir francés
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Sure we are.
Bien sûr que si.
- I'm sure we are all in agreement that we must do nothing for the moment that will further inflame the current situation.
Je pense donc que nous sommes tous d'accord sur le fait de ne rien tenter qui pourrait envenimer le conflit présent.
- Are you sure that we're... - You're not on the list.
Vous êtes sur que nous ne sommes pas sur cette liste.
We are not sure what to believe at this point.
- On ne sait pas encore quoi penser.
These militia guys are following us, and they're armed and I'm pretty sure we pissed them off.
Les militaires nous suivent, ils sont armés, et sûrement un peu en pétard.
Are we even sure he was my contact in the first place?
On est sûrs qu'il est vraiment mon contact?
But if we don't even try to help them, are we so sure we're the good guys?
Mais si on n'essaye même pas de les aider, qui seront les méchants?
Well, obviously you're more than qualified, but are you sure it won't be weird? I mean, we're friends.
Tu serais bien sûr parfaite pour le job, mais tu es sûre que ce ne sera pas gênant?
I mean, I'm glad you two are spending Thanksgiving together, but we're sure gonna miss him at our table.
Je suis heureuse de vous voir passer Thanksgiving ensemble, mais il nous manquera.
Are you sure we wanna get involved with this?
T'es sûr de vouloir être mêlé à ça?
Are you sure this is where we're supposed to meet this guy?
Tu es sûre que c'est ici qu'on doit rencontrer le type?
Well, we can't know for sure, but there are certain attention-focusing, performance-enhancing drugs that could account for his spike in grades and social activities.
On n'est pas sûrs. Mais il y a certaines facultés d'attentions, de performances, que la drogue peut améliorer, dans les études, comme dans la vie sociale.
The chances are, it's nothing, but we won't know for sure until a surgeon goes in there and has a look.
C'est sûrement pas grave, mais c'est à un chirurgien de se prononcer.
And I promise you we are gonna make sure that it comes out.
Et je te promets qu'on fera la lumière dessus.
I would prefer that we meet I don't want to meet you unless I know who you are I'm sure both you and Bent Sejrø will find my information interesting
Il faut qu'on se rencontre. Je ne vais pas vous rencontrer si je ne sais pas qui vous êtes. Je suis sûr que vous et Bent Sejro trouveraient mes informations très intéressantes.
We did everything by the book. What's the problem? Are you sure?
C'était réglo, où est le problème?
Are you sure we're talking about the same thing?
On parle de la même chose?
We're not sure that this is evidence yet, are we?
C'est pas encore une preuve, non?
How sure are we it's the same guy?
Comment être sûr que c'est la même personne?
- Are we sure it's worth it?
- Sommes-nous sûrs qu'il vaut la peine?
Well, I am in fact here to supervise preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration. And you're in charge of the food? We sure as sugar are.
- Eh bien, en fait je suis ici pour superviser les préparatifs de la célébration estivale.
Make sure the corridors are clear before we go in.
Cabine 226. Évacuez le couloir.
Are you sure we'll be safe in here?
Êtes-vous sûr qu'on sera en sécurité ici?
It peaks interest, but I'm not sure where we are going with it yet.
C'est intéressant, mais Je ne sais pas dans quoi on se lance encore
If he originally had plans to kill him, he probably wouldn't have brought money to buy him off. Are we sure that the marks on the briefcase are from a wrench? From the results, it was a wrench, and on that wrench, there were only Yoo Myung Woo's fingerprints.
Je suppose que c'est comme ça. je pensais que je devais te remercier. mon père est sauvé.
Are we sure he was the killer?
C'était le bon?
Are you sure he knew who we were?
Il savait qui on était?
Are we sure this is accurate?
Sommes-nous certains que c'est exact?
We want to make sure our outfits are appropriate.
Dis si nos tenues conviennent.
Are we sure?
On est sûrs?
What we're gonna show you today are a few behaviors that the elephants know and things that we need to do daily to take a look at'em to make sure they're healthy and doing well.
Nous allons vous montrer aujourd'hui quelques exercices que les éléphants savent faire. Et tous les soins qu'il faut leur apporter tous les jours pour les garder en bonne santé.
How do we make sure that the women are into it?
Comment motiver les filles?
Maybe we can... Are you sure we have to throw it out?
0n pourrait... 0n est obligé
Are you sure we can't shave your head?
Etes-vous sûr de ne pas pouvoir vous raser?
We are the people who make sure things happen according to plan.
Nous sommes ceux qui font en sorte que tout se déroule selon le plan.
We sure are.
C'est vrai.
I'm sure I don't have to remind you that we are working to a deadline.
Je suis sûr que je n'ai pas à vous rappeler que nous avons une date limite à respecter.
Are you sure we're going to get away with this?
Vous êtes sûre que ça va marcher?
This unusual gesture is also an act of humility, which we are sure you will want to respect.
Ce geste insolite est surtout un geste de grande humilité... que, nous en sommes sûr, vous saurez respecter.
Use some of the funds to make sure there are strong institutions within the country that will protect them against human rights violations and so many other issues that we face.
Utiliser des fonds pour créer des institutions fortes qui feront respecter Ies droits de l'homme et bien d'autres choses.
If we are the only intelligent beings in the galaxy, we should make sure we survive and continue.
Si on est les seuls êtres intelligents de la galaxie, on se doit de survivre et de continuer.
- Yep. We sure are.
- Oui, c'est vrai.
Are we even sure this guy's home?
Il est là au moins?
Are you sure we're gonna need these?
C'est indispensable?
How are we not light?
T'es sûre qu'on est assez?
Jules, are you sure what we are doing?
- Tu aurais dû me laisser faire.
I'm sure she's better off than we are right now.
Je suis sûre qu'elle est... mieux là où elle est, que nous.
Sure, these are trying times. But when we begin to lose ourselves in routine or fear or tragedy, I think we can always find our way back.
Bien sûr, les temps sont durs, mais quand on s'égare dans la routine, la peur ou la tragédie, on peut revenir en arrière.
We sure are.
Yuson, are you sure we're in the right line?
Pourquoi on fait la queue?
Me, Lou, Needles and Franco, we're doing ours this week, then you are doing yours last so that we can make sure that you talk and act good.
Pour moi, Lou, Needles et Franco, c'est cette semaine. Toi, en dernier. On pourra veiller à ce que tu te comportes correctement.
sure we can 55
sure we do 40
sure we will 19
we are going 52
we are not the same 19
we are family 66
we are friends 99
we are 2563
we are together 51
we are free 37
sure we do 40
sure we will 19
we are going 52
we are not the same 19
we are family 66
we are friends 99
we are 2563
we are together 51
we are free 37
we are brothers 40
we are coming 52
we are fucked 33
we are ready 99
we are done 75
we aren't 48
we are leaving 66
we are a family 40
we are who we are 38
we are a team 39
we are coming 52
we are fucked 33
we are ready 99
we are done 75
we aren't 48
we are leaving 66
we are a family 40
we are who we are 38
we are a team 39