That was an accident traducir francés
878 traducción paralela
That was an accident.
- C'est un accident.
That was an accident.
C'était un accident.
Nobody can tell me that was an accident.
On ne me fera pas dire que c'était un accident.
But that was an accident.
- Mais c'était un accident.
You know that was an accident.
- Vous savez que c'était un accident.
That was an accident, not in the line of duty.
- Je n'étais pas en service commandé.
I suppose you expect me to believe that that was an accident, too.
Je n'aime pas ça!
That's why I thought it was an accident.
Voilà pourquoi j'ai pensé à un accident.
That shot was an accident.
Ce tir était un accident.
That stickup we done was just an accident.
Le vol, c'était un accident.
- I thought that maybe there was an accident...
- J'ai pensé à un accident.
- Nobody tell me that was an accident.
Curieux cet accident!
It was an accident - hitting my... that man.
C'est le hasard, pour cet homme.
That it was a lovely evening, you went for a drive and there was an accident.
C'était une belle soirée, vous avez pris la voiture et il y a eu un accident.
If it should ever enter Drake's mind that this whole catastrophe was anything but an accident...
Si Drake vient à apprendre qu'on l'a amputé sans aucune raison valable...
I... I just wanted to tell you that I know it was an accident.
Je voulais te dire que je sais que c'était un accident.
Perhaps I do. Then you wish it was an accident, and you had that policy for $ 50,000. Is that it?
- Il aurait un accident, et tu toucherais les 50 000 dollars.
And from then on, clear up to the night we got the judge out of bed in that little Idaho town, nothing was an accident, Ted.
Et à partir de là, jusqu'au moment où on a tiré du lit le juge d'une ville de l'Idaho, rien n'a été accidentel, Ted.
And it was an accident that I found out.
Je l'ai découvert par accident.
Now look, Delbar, I don't care how it looks to you or to anybody else this was an accident and you have no right to think it was more than that.
Écoutez, Delbar. Je me fous de ce que vous pensez. C'était un accident, et vous ne devriez rien y voir de plus.
Brad, was that an accident?
C'est un accident?
I want you to believe that the money was an accident.
Sachez que pour l'argent, c'était un accident.
It was just an accident, but they murdered him that night.
C'était un accident, mais on l'a assassiné la nuit suivante.
Was it just an accident that you found the letter?
Tu as trouvé la lettre par hasard?
Besides, it was an accident. I told you that.
Je t'ai dit que c'était un accident.
That was for Lisa's benefit. She thought Steve had been in an accident.
C'était pour que Lisa le voie et croie que Steve a eu un accident.
It was an accident, you know that.
C'était un accident, tu le sais.
If it was an accident like you say, no premeditation... It'll likely be a suspended sentence. Something like that.
Si c'est un accident, sans préméditation, il y aura sûrement non-lieu.
I did not. And that it was an accident undesired by you.
Qu'il s'agit d'un accident que vous ne souhaitiez pas.
That was an unavoidable accident.
C'était un accident unprévisible.
That one was just an accident.
C'était un accident.
Maybe it was an accident. Do you think that'll make any difference?
Si c'était vraiment un accident, cela ferait-il une différence?
It was luck that his experiment ended in an accident rather than a tragedy.
Une chance que cette aventure se soit soldée par une fracture et pas plus.
Was that an accident, or did you do it on purpose?
C'est un accident, ou vous l'avez fait exprès?
I don't doubt that it was an accident... the elevator door, through an oversight, was left open.
Il s'agit d'un accident : la porte de l'ascenseur était restée ouverte.
That break was an accident of timing.
Je l'ai grillé par pur hasard.
Inspector, granted that the cut on the wrist was caused by that knife, is there anything to show whether it was an accident or done deliberately after the murder to account for the bloodstains?
Inspecteur, admettons que la coupure provenait de ce couteau. Peut-on établir si c'était un accident ou une lésion faite délibérément pour justifier les taches?
The craft that was taking us to Venus has suffered an accident, but soon we will be ready to resume the voyage.
Le vaisseau qui nous emmenait sur Vénus a subi un accident, mais bientôt nous serons prêts à reprendre le voyage.
Do you think that chandelier falling was an accident?
Croyez-vous que la chute du lustre était un accident?
Do you think that falling casket was an accident?
Et la chute du cercueil?
I realize now that my sister's death was an accident.
Je sais à présent que la mort de ma sœur était un accident.
You're quite sure it was an accident? I was given to understand that she slipped as she was getting out of the shower and broke her neck.
Elle a glissé en sortant de la douche et s'est rompu le cou.
It was an accident that you met him in the first place.
Rencontré par hasard.
I saw that it was an accident, if that is pertinent, sir.
J'ai vu qu'il s'agissait d'un accident, si cela est pertinent.
Assuming that it was an accident.
- Était-ce bien un accident?
That was soon after my parents were killed in an automobile accident and I was very alone.
C'était peu après la mort de mes parents, et j'étais très seule.
precisely because she unfortunately found out... that my husband's death wasn't an accident, she should have realised that it was both foolish and dangerous to push it. But no...
Justement parce qu'elle avait découvert par hasard que la mort de mon mari n'était pas un accident... elle aurait dû savoir qu'il était dangereux pour elle d'insister.
Yes, on the night that Barbara was captured, Susan and Ping-Cho thought Barbara had gone down to the cave, and met with an accident, so they came looking for me.
DOCTEUR : Oui, la nuit où Barbara a été capturée. Susan et Ping-Cho ont pensé que Barbara était partie dans la grotte et qu'il lui était arrivé quelque chose, alors elles sont venues me chercher.
- Can't tell me that was just an accident.
- Ce n'était pas un accident.
I will say that it was an accident. Only an accident.
Je vous promets de ne rien dire.
Ladies and gentlemen, you may think that I staged that but I didn't. It was an accident.
Mesdames et Messieurs, vous croyez peut-être au coup monté, mais il n'en est rien, c'était un accident.
that was close 355
that was stupid 112
that was quick 252
that was about 19
that wasn't very nice 41
that was a long time ago 336
that wasn't a question 26
that was fast 352
that wasn't my intention 19
that wasn't me 262
that was stupid 112
that was quick 252
that was about 19
that wasn't very nice 41
that was a long time ago 336
that wasn't a question 26
that was fast 352
that wasn't my intention 19
that wasn't me 262