There are more than traducir francés
1,050 traducción paralela
There are more than that in Algado, Miguel.
Il y en a plus que ça à Algado.
But you're crazy, there are more than a hundred thousand francs!
Mais tu es fou, il y en a pour plus de cent mille francs!
There is a picture of the courtyard down below, but there are more than two bodies.
Il y a une photo de la cour d'en bas. Mais il y a plus de deux corps.
Yes, there are more than two bodies down there.
Oui, il y a plus de deux corps en bas.
Of course they exist. There are more than a million only in Rome.
- Bien sûr qu'ils existent.
Yes, there are more than ever of them this Winter.
- Oui, ils sont plus nombreux cet hiver.
But there are people much more unfortunate than you are, much more!
Mais il y a plus malheureux que toi.
Now, those are facts, but more than fact, there's chemistry.
Ce sont des faits. Mais mon cœur parle aussi.
That's right. Sometimes there are things more important than going to a dance.
Parfois, il y a des choses plus importantes qu'une soirée dansante.
We have reached the point where there are more slaves in Rome than citizens.
II y a à présent à Rome plus d'esclaves que de citoyens.
There are times when the individual soldier... is much more effective than the unit.
Tout le monde sait que parfois, le soldat individuel... est bien plus efficace qu " une unité.
- What for? There are more important things than finding dead ants.
Il ne suffit pas de constater qu'elles sont mortes.
Well, they were here when we came... and there were more deer than there are now.
Ils étaient là quand on est arrivés, et il y avait plus de cerfs à l'époque.
There are things more important than money.
Il y a des choses plus importantes que l'argent.
There are things that mean more to me than a brief conversation.
J'ai mieux à faire que bavarder.
There are more pressing matters than getting in the family register.
Pour l'état civil, c'est trop tard. Allez droit au but.
More Sioux out there than there are fleas on a dog.
Il y a plus de Sioux que de puces sur un chien.
Yes, there are times where trade is more important than marriage.
Oui, il y a des moments où le commerce est plus important que le mariage.
You see, Carlo, there is also a physical side to love and some women are more demanding than others... and some automobiles are blue.
Carlo, il y a aussi le côté physique de l'amour. Certaines femmes sont plus exigeantes que d'autres. Et certaines autos sont bleues.
There is an are of more than 3,000 miles diameter off the east coast of South America.
Il existe une région de 3000 Milles de diamètre à l'est de cote sud américaine.
There's always a man faster on the draw than you are. And the more you use a gun, the sooner you're gonna run into that man.
Il y a toujours un homme qui dégaine plus vite que vous, et plus tu joues du revolver plus tôt tu rencontres cet homme.
Easier to change your woman than the pianist. There are more of them.
Mieux vaut changer de femme que de pianiste, il y en a tant.
There are few things more fundamentally encouraging and stimulating... than seeing someone else die.
Rien n'est plus foncièrement encourageant et stimulant... que d'en voir d'autres mourir.
There are more ways of destroying us than just by open attack.
Une attaque à découvert ne serait pas la seule manière de nous anéantir.
Yes, well, uh, there are plenty of others with reason to hate it more than we do.
Beaucoup de gens en souffrent bien plus que nous.
If we can make one of them listen to us and believe we've reached more people than there are in Yang Cheng.
Si on en convertit un seul, on aura touché plus que la population de Wangcheng.
There are certain defeats that are more resounding than victories.
Certaines défaites sont plus brillantes que des victoires.
No, Mrs. Railton-Bell, I'm sure there are people in this very room, who have done their fellow man more harm than the Major.
Je suis sûr qu'il y a des gens dans cette piéce qui ont fait plus de mal à leur conjoint.
" "There are more Ways than one to crack a vault." "
"Il y a plusieurs clés au mystère."
It so happens that there are more important things in the world than table manners. Oh?
Ce qui est arrivé est plus important que des bonnes manières
To catch one... look over there go after one more stupid than you are.
- Tu sais, pour te rattraper, cherches-en un plus bête que toi, tu lui fais.
There's no sense in maintaining that you are deceiving us any more than we are deceiving you.
Inutile d'imaginer que vous pouvez nous tromper.
No, Teo, there are no spots before your eyes, any more than there were a pair of boots in the wood box this morning.
Non, tu n'as pas de taches au fond de l'oeil, pas plus que de bottines dans la boîte à bois ce matin.
There are more men than women.
Ce ne sera pas difficile.
There are more slaves in Rome than Romans.
Il y a plus d'esclaves à Rome que de Romains.
There are more virgins than in any other city.
Je parierais qu'on y trouve beaucoup plus de vierges que dans n'importe quelle autre ville.
There are more of them than you think.
Ils sont plus nombreux que vous croyez.
And there are more women than men!
Il y a plus de femmes que d'hommes.
In fact, there are more stings in here than in a hornet's nest.
II y a plus de "dards" ici que dans un nid de frelons.
Many times more men than there are Greeks.
Bien plus d'hommes qu'il n'y a de Grecs.
And at night, there are more of their campfires than there are stars in the sky.
La nuit, elle a plus de feux de camp qu'il n'y a d'étoiles.
( male narrator ) "There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio " than are dreamt of in your philosophy "
"Il y a des choses, sur la terre et au ciel, Horace, qui dépassent imagination et philosophie."
And there's a lot more of them than there are of us.
Et ils sont plus nombreux que nous.
There are more ways of killing a cat than sticking a poker in his ear, lad.
On peut tuer un chat sans le frapper en pleine tête.
There's no question that the man's views are more than just extreme. They border on out-and-out fascism!
Rien de sérieux sinon que l'homme... serait plus ou moins fasciste.
I know you're a great agent. I know you took steam baths. But there are some things that are more important than stardom, fame and money.
Je sais que vous avez fait du bon travail et pris des bains de vapeur, mais la célébrité et l'argent ne sont pas tout.
There are more important things to do than pick flowers for mother.
Il y a plus important que de cueillir des fleurs
Look, I know it's tough on the kid but there are more important things than soapbox derbies.
Je sais que c'est dur pour lui, mais il y a des choses plus importantes dans la vie.
There are 2500 head of Mexican range-bred steers on that plantation stupid, temperamental and a lot more vicious than anything you've got here.
Cette plantation compte 2500 vaches mexicaines élevées à la ferme. Stupides, caractérielles et encore plus vicieuses que celles-là.
The fact is that there are very few men on this Earth whom I admire more than you.
Le fait est qu'il y a peu d'hommes sur cette planète que j'admire autant que vous.
- There are 10 more than I expected.
- Il y en a 10 de plus que prévu.
there aren't any 65
there aren't 60
there are 1232
there are no rules 58
there are some 34
there are no accidents 24
there are no words 34
there are no 25
there are many 28
there are three 23
there aren't 60
there are 1232
there are no rules 58
there are some 34
there are no accidents 24
there are no words 34
there are no 25
there are many 28
there are three 23