Touch him traducir francés
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The kids aren't nude, so we can't touch him.
Liberté d'expression. Les enfants ne sont pas nus, donc on ne peut pas l'atteindre.
He says that he didn't touch him.
Il a dit qu'il ne l'avait pas touché.
I can't let you touch him.
Il est mort. Je ne peux pas vous laisser le toucher.
Rachel, don't touch him!
Rachel, ne le touchez pas!
If you ever kiss my husband again or touch him or look at him in the wrong way, you and I will have a very big problem.
Si vous embrassez encore mon mari, ou le touchez, ou le matez, vous et moi aurons un très gros problème.
That's what everybody said. " Why did you touch him?
C'est ce qu'on disait : " Pourquoi?
- Extensive partial-thickness burns, but he won't let anybody touch him except for you.
- Brûlures importantes, mais il n'y a que toi qui puisse le toucher.
Touch him and I'll kill you.
- Touche-le et je te tue.
Can I touch him?
Je peux le toucher?
- Can you touch him?
- Si vous pouvez le toucher?
- You know what? Yes, touch him, bum.
- Bon, oui, touchez-le.
Don't you touch him!
Ne le touchez pas!
- I didn't touch him! - Don't lie!
Je ne l'ai pas touché!
No one else could touch him.
Toi seul pouvais l'atteindre.
Don't touch him.
Laissez-le faire.
Touch him again... I'm out of here forever.
Si jamais vous recommencez, je partirai d'ici pour toujours.
Don't touch him!
- Ne le touche pas!
Don't you touch him.
Ne le touchez pas.
- Don't touch him!
- Ne le touches-pas!
You wanna touch him?
Vous voulez le toucher?
- No, no. Really, really touch him. Yeah.
- Non, touchez-le pour vrai.
Legally, we can't touch him.
Légalement, on ne peut pas l'atteindre.
But I didn't even touch him.
Mais je l'ai même pas touché.
Jack, I don't have to tell you... once he's through that gate and onto that base, you're not going to be able to touch him.
Jack, je n'ai pas à vous dire... qu'une fois qu'il sera dans la base, vous ne pourrez pas l'approcher.
Don't... Don't touch him.
Ne le touche pas.
Oh, sir, don't touch him.
Monsieur, ne le touchez pas.
Hannah, did he make you touch him in any way?
Hannah, vous a-t-il forcée à le toucher?
While Daniel has friends, you can't touch him again.
Tant que Daniel aura des amis, vous ne pourrez pas le retoucher.
Maybe you shouldn't touch him... at least until we know exactly what Giller did to you.
Tu ne devrais peut-être pas le toucher, jusqu'à ce qu'on sache ce que Giller t'a fait.
Don't touch him!
Ne le touche pas!
- He brought this team up. - Nobody on this world to touch him.
Il est intouchable.
I didn't get to touch him.
C'est injuste!
I'd like to get in touch with him.
J'aimerais le contacter.
I just need to get in touch with him.
Je ne veux que le contacter.
- Don't you touch him!
Ne le touchez pas!
We have a new cleaning service and I forgot to tell him not to touch the furniture.
On a un nouveau service de nettoyage et j'ai oublié de leur dire de ne pas toucher aux meubles.
Tell him I'll be in touch.
Dites-lui que je reste en contact.
- Touch him.
- Touche-le.
Won't you give him your healing touch?
Vous ne voulez pas le soigner?
I can't go another year without having him touch my face.
Je ne passe pas un an de plus sans qu'il me caresse le visage.
When the war started I lost touch of him.
Quand la guerre a éclaté j'ai perdu le contact avec lui.
I know he's working out of your London office right now but I wondered if I can speak to his assistant or anyone that would know how to get in touch with him immediately.
Il est à Londres actuellement. Mais j'ai besoin de le joindre de toute urgence.
You tell him to get on his knees and touch the sky, okay?
Dîtes-lui de se mettre à genoux et de mettre les mains en l'air.
- Don't touch him!
Ne le touchez pas!
He didn't mean to, but the pipes froze and he took out that damn torch, which I told him not to touch when I wasn't there, and he thawed them out.
Les tuyaux avaient gelé, il a pris le chalumeau, je lui avais dit de ne pas y toucher, et il les a dégelés.
His days have devolved into a horrible cycle of soiling his bedsheets and screaming incoherently at the very touch of the nurse who cleans him.
Ses jours ne sont plus qu'un cycle horrible où il salit ses draps et crie de manière incohérente au moindre touché de l'infirmière qui lui fait sa toilette.
We can't let him get in touch with that boat.
Il ne doit pas appeler le bateau.
Tell him to get in touch with the Prisoner Rights Committee.
Il doit contacter "Droits en Prison".
You wouldn't happen to know how we could get in touch with him?
Vous ne sauriez pas comment le joindre?
Are you still in touch with him?
Tu as gardé contact avec lui?
I understand your fear, child, but the Seeker has found the meaning within The Book of Counted Shadows, and the Book tells him that the dark power of Orden can be tempered only by the Confessor's touch.
et le Livre lui révèle que le pouvoir sombre d'Orden ne peut être adouci que par le toucher de l'Inquisitrice.
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himura 39
him again 23
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him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
touche 95
touched 29
touch 409
touching 81
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touch them 21
touchdown 220
touch me 152
touch and go 16
touch wood 21
touchy 75
touching you 17
touch it 142
touch gloves 19
touch them 21