Violently traducir francés
493 traducción paralela
Renfield reacted very violently to its scent.
Renfield a réagi très violemment à son odeur.
Young man, I want you to know that I object violently to this whole affair.
Sachez que je suis violemment opposée à cette aventure.
Next, a beautiful young girl, violently killed as she lay on a hospital bed recovering from an illness.
Puis une ravissante jeune fille, violemment assassinée dans son lit d'hôpital.
I've never known a man to detest receptions so violently as the judge.
Je n'en connais pas qui déteste autant les réceptions que le Juge.
I opposed it violently.
Violemment contre.
I don't know what the young man means, but he means it violently.
j'ignore ce qu'il insinue, mais il le fait violemment.
Violently insane?
Violemment fou?
- Quite violently.
Une averse assez violente.
Not now and not so violently.
Non. Pas maintenant, et pas si violemment.
After all, Dr. Frankenstein, we have to remember... the patient was violently dementia praecox.
Après tout, docteur Frankenstein, il faut penser... que le patient souffrait de démence précoce grave.
I keep this room ready at all times for the more violently insane.
Je garde cette salle prête à recevoir les déments violents.
When your time comes, you'll die violently.
Quand ton heure viendra, tu mourras violemment.
A man who rises from his chair and digs his heels sternly into the carpet is violently opposed to something, and the Admiral being quite distressed by the criticisms of the Press would be most apt to resent my intrusion.
Un homme qui se lève et plante ses talons dans le sol marque son opposition. L'amiral étant touché par les critiques de la presse, - c'est sûrement lui.
I kept thinking of what you said... that all good things died here violently.
J'ai pensé à ce que vous m'aviez dit. Que tout ce qui est bon mourait ici, soudainement.
- I protest violently!
Je proteste.
You know your parents very well, it wouId kill them if I told them that not only haven't you studied in more than two years, but you also violently despise the principles they taught you during your childhood,
Tu connais bien tes parents, ça Ies tuerait de savoir que non seulement tu n'étudies plus depuis plus de deux ans, mais que, en plus, tu méprises profondément
" Education violently interrupted. Religion
Éducation inachevée.
He has just violently and indignantly turned down an offer of $ 200 for his story.
Il vient de refuser une offre de 200 dollars.
Very well, then. At about 8 : 00, you heard the bell ringing violently.
Donc, vers 20h, vous avez entendu la cloche sonner violemment.
Miss Hall told me you were very disturbed. You insisted violently...
Mlle Hall disait que tu insistais violemment pour...
So silly, "violently"!
C'est ridicule.
Being violently ill to her tummy.
En proie à des douleurs d'estomac.
Thirty-two people had had contact with her, and within four days, before the disease could be correctly diagnosed and contained, twenty-six of them had died, and they died suddenly, violently and horribly.
Une femme était morte, de pneumonie, croyait-on. 32 personnes l'avaient approchée. En 4 jours, avant qu'on diagnostique la maladie, il y eut 26 victimes, mortes dans d'atroces souffrances.
Political passions explode violently... ] [... and the fight is hard, but men are always men... ] [... and what happens here doesn't happen anywhere else. ]
Il exaspère les passions, mais sous sa lumière, les plus graves conflits gardent un air de gentillesse. On s'en veut, mais on reste des hommes.
Their thinking must remain straightforward, or they die violently.
Ils doivent avoir les idées claires, sinon ils risquent une mort violente.
I think you described it very well, in view of the fact that Her Highness was taken violently ill at 3 : 00 this morning, put to bed with a high fever, and has had all her appointments for today canceled in toto!
Vous l'avez très bien décrite, considérant que Son Altesse est tombée grièvement malade à 3 h du matin. Elle est au lit avec une forte fièvre et elle a annulé tous ses rendez-vous pour la journée.
Nobody's ever been so violently indifferent to me before.
Personne n'a jamais été si violemment indifférente pour moi auparavant.
That's why the girl reacted so violently.
Je comprends la réaction de l'enfant.
I object most violently... the suggestion that I suborned this witness.
On suggère que j'ai suborné ce témoin.
[He was trembling so violently that he wasn't sure where to put his hands.]
Ses mains tremblantes restaient indécises.
And they demand... - Violently.
professeur adjoint de géométrie analytique.
She is headstrong like a spoilt child. She is hot-tempered and gets violently angry.
Elle est têtue comme un enfant et ses colères sont terribles.
Near the channel in a dense thicket, where the reeds violently grew lived an ancient Tanuki, who tricked people quite often.
Près du chenal, dans un épais fourré, là où poussent les roseaux sauvages, vivait un ancien Tanuki, qui jouait bien souvent des tours aux gens.
They were seen quarreling violently in a public place.
Ils ont été vus se disputant violemment en public.
If you do move the controls violently you will overcorrect.
Si vous bougez violemment les commandes, vous compenserez trop.
In certain circumstances, they react violently.
Et parfois, ils réagissent violemment.
They'll all die violently. The spies, the liars, all the ones who want me dead.
Les espions, les menteurs qui veulent ma mort mourront d'une mort violente.
I craved you so violently that I could deny you nothing.
Je te désirais tant que je ne pouvais rien te refuser.
In fact, he objected violently to having empty glasses standing around.
Il détestait voir traîner des verres vides.
- She's usually sweet and generous... but when she feels unappreciated... she becomes terrible... and violently goes from one extreme to the other.
- Elle est d'habitude douce et généreuse. Mais quand elle croit qu'on ne l'apprécie pas suffisamment, elle devient terrible, et passe alors d'un extrême â l'autre, avec des attaques brusquées.
And then of course you would quarrel violently?
Et ensuite, vous vous disputiez violemment.
Clarence said that I would die violently by the hands of a dead man.
Clarence a dit que je mourrais violemment, aux mains d'un homme mort.
- You've uprooted us violently from our own lives.
Vous nous avez arrachés violemment à nos propres vies.
When he broke down in a violently depressive episode leading to an unstable state, and really broke down into violent cephalalgia.
Lorsque se déclencha brusquement une violente crise dépressive provoquant un état fébrile, et déclenchant vraisemblablement de violentes céphalées. - De violentes quoi?
No, by God, but you've seen them kill... violently and hideously.
Non, mais tu les as vus tuer de manière violente et hideuse.
He protested violently.
Il protestait violemment.
My family disapproved violently.
Ma famille s'est violemment opposée.
So violently, I no longer have any ties there.
Si violemment que je n'ai plus aucune attache là-bas.
violently, I hope.
Violemment, j'espère.
- Sometimes. Violently.
Parfois, violemment.
Anyone violently opposed?
Quelqu'un s'y oppose violemment?