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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ W ] / Wait for him

Wait for him traducir francés

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I'II wait for him
J'attendrai pour Iui
Today he is here with me... he should be coming any moment, I'II wait for him
Aujourd'hui il est avec moi... ii devra rentrer à tout moment, j'attendrai pour Iui
But why you wait for him to come to us?
Mais pourquoi attendre qu'il vienne à nous?
I wish I could wait for him.
J'aurais bien voulu pouvoir l'attendre.
He said we had to wait for him at the forest 300 miles away Go there quickly, please Hold it!
Attendez-le dans la forêt à 150 lieues d'ici.
- I'll wait for him outside.
- Je vais l'attendre dehors.
This is stupid. Let's wait for him.
C'est stupide, on va l'attendre.
Either you do it, or we set him free and you can wait for him to return.
Tue-le ou alors libère-le et attends son retour.
What should Mom do? Sit here and wait for him?
Et maman reste assise ici à l'attendre?
I'll just sit down and wait for him.
Dans ce cas je vais m'asseoir et l'attendre.
Shouldn't we wait for him to finish?
On devrait pas attendre qu'il sorte?
When a woman is with a man she knows a 100 % ain't gonna hit her, oh! She can't wait for him to do something wrong so she can yell at him like a little boy.
Quand une femme est avec un homme, et qu'elle sait à 100 % qu'il ne va pas la frapper... elle espère le moindre faux pas... pour lui crier dessus comme s'il était un gamin.
Well, you can wait for him in here if you like.
Vous pouvez l'attendre ici, si vous voulez.
Then maybe we shouldn't wait for him.
Je propose que nous ne l'attendions pas.
We will wait for him together.
- Il est en vie! Nous l'attendrons ensemble.
I'm sure you can't wait for him to get back to making the decisions... so you can stop sweating through that silk blouse of yours.
Vous devez être impatiente de lui rendre la barre et de cesser de suer dans votre chemisier en soie.
I think we should stand inside the front door and wait for him.
On l'attend dans l'entrée, je pense.
Someone, somewhere is made for you.. .. and you should wait for him.
quelqu'un, quelque part est pour toi et il faudrait l'attendre.
I have to wait for him.
Je dois l'attendre
Tell him how you wait for him.
Dis-lui que tu l'attends.
You wanna go in there and get him, or wait for him to come out?
On entre la-dedans, on le flingue ou on attend qu'il sorte?
He said to go straight to the station and wait for him there.
II a dit d'aller directement à Ia gare, et de l'attendre là-bas.
Wait for him.
He's coming and we have to wait for him.
Mais, il arrive. Attendons-le.
If you want to know the reason, wait for him at Luk's Bridge tonight
Si tu savoir pourquoi, retrouve-le ce soir au pont Luk tu auras la réponse!
So we were expected to sit around and wait for him... which I wasn't prepared to do.
On devait donc s'asseoir et l'attendre. Mais je n'y étais pas disposé.
We can't just sit here and wait for him to come to us.
On ne peut pas attendre qu'il vienne à nous. Il faut savoir qui c'est.
We're gonna wait for him to get here because he wants to talk to you...
Nous attendons qu'il arrive pour vous parler personnellement.
Who says you have to sit and wait for him?
T'es pas obligée d'attendre qu'il appelle.
We don't have all night to wait for him.
On va pas l'attendre toute la nuit.
Leave the sword where he said to leave it, and wait for him to make contact.
Cache l'épée comme convenu et attends qu'il te cherche.
- Wait for him. It'll be fun.
Attendez-le, on va rigoler.
Wait for him to play his hand.
Laisse-le finir.
Mickey's great. I can't wait for you to meet him.
Mickey est génial, j'ai hâte que tu le rencontres.
We can't wait much longer. Prep him for surgery, we'll do an exploratory.
On n'attend plus, préparez-le pour le bloc, on l'opère.
Maybe he'd decided he'd gone too far with Wade. He figured he'd better not wait for the sheriff to get behind him.
Il pensait peut-être avoir un peu poussé avec Wade, il ne voulait pas attendre que le shérif s'occupe de lui.
So I'll lie down and take a nap while I wait for him to turn up.
Je vais me coucher en l'attendant.
if you don't believe me, you may want to call on him... unless you'd rather wait for tony to come knocking on your door.
Si tu ne me crois pas, tu devrais faire appel à lui. A moins que tu préfères attendre que Tony ne vienne frapper à ta porte.
And he was not going to sit idly by... and wait for his executioners to destroy him.
Il n'allait pas rester là à attendre son exécution.
When you make someone well it's like you're chasing death off- - making him wait for another day.
Quand on sauve quelqu'un, c'est comme si on chassait la mort.
I mean, I'm familiar with his physical state... and perhaps if we wait, nature will assassinate him for us.
Si nous attendons, la nature l'assassinera pour nous. Trop risqué.
I wouldn't have voted for him, but it's nice to have a celebrity in the neighborhood. Wait a minute.
Si Lisa a pas voté pour lui et que j'ai pas voté pour lui...
We can't wait around for him all friggin'night.
On va pas y passer la nuit.
Don'tcha think we oughta wait for him? I mean, what if...
Peut-être qu'on devrait l'attendre.
... for him, hour after hour I just wait.
J'attends heure après heure.
- I'm gonna wait for him.
And Max, he will just stop at the end of the hallway, wait for me to come and get him.
Alors, Max s'arrêtait au bout de l'allée et attendait que je l'escorte.
I can't wait to work for him.
J'ai hâte de travailler pour lui!
You don't wait for the enemy to come to you. You go to him.
Il ne faut pas attendre que l'ennemi vienne à vous, il faut aller à lui.
I said I would wait for him and I will.
J'ai dit que j'attendrais qu'il revienne et je le ferai.
Keep on seeing him 3 to 4 times a week, wait for your turn.
Continuez a le voir 3, 4 fois par semaine comme avant. Distrayez-le et attendez votre tour.

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