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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ W ] / We're gonna figure this out

We're gonna figure this out traducir francés

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We're gonna try to figure out the shape of this thing.
On va essayer de voir la forme de cette chose.
We're gonna figure out some way to make this run like a 20th century farm.
Nous allons faire de cet endroit une ferme moderne.
We're just gonna drive around a little while, see if we can't figure this thing out.
On va rouler un petit moment pour réfléchir.
We have time to figure out how we're gonna handle this.
On a le temps de se préparer.
We're gonna figure this out.
On va régler ça.
We're gonna figure this out.
On va résoudre tout ça.
And now, we're gonna figure out how to get this thing moving.
Allons-y, vous allez vite me trouver un moyen d'avancer.
I know how we're gonna figure this out.
Je sais comment tirer ca au clair.
We're gonna sit with Rick tonight and figure this all out.
On en discutera avec Rick ce soir.
We're gonna figure this out together right now!
On la trouvera ensemble.
We're gonna figure this thing out.
On trouvera une solution.
We're gonna figure out what this is all about.
On va essayer de comprendre ce qui se passe.
We're gonna figure out what this is about.
On va tenter de comprendre.
Keep reading. lf we're gonna rescue Spike, we need to figure out how to fight this thing.
Continue à lire. Pour sauver Spike, il faut trouver comment combattre ce truc.
Until we get to the bottom of this, your lab has been declared a top-secret military site... and you're not gonna get a security clearance to get back into it... or any other lab that's doing anything more interesting than... trying to figure out the next generation of herbal hair gel.
Tant que cette histoire n'a pas été tirée au clair... votre labo est saisi et placé sous contrôle militaire... et on ne vous délivrera aucun sauf-conduit pour y retourner... ni dans aucun autre labo dont les recherches dépasseraient... le stade d'élaboration de gel fixant révolutionnaire pour salon de coiffure.
The only thought that I just kept having the whole night was, " We're gonna get bailed out and then we'll go home and we'll figure out what's going on, and the lawyers will take care of this,
Toute la nuit, je me suis dit : "On va rentrer et on va comprendre ce qui se passe."
Well we're gonna figure this out.
On va trouver une solution.
I'll find a job, we'll figure out a way to make this whole thing work and we're gonna have lots to celebrate about, okay?
Je vais trouver un travail, on verra comment on va s'en sortir et on aura beaucoup de choses à fêter, OK?
We're gonna run some tests and figure this out.
On va faire quelques examens.
We're gonna figure this out.
On va trouver une solution.
Okay, don't worry about this, Paige. We're gonna figure something out.
Ne t'inquiète pas, on va trouver un moyen.
Don't worry John, we're gonna figure this out.
Ne t'inquiète pas John, nous trouverons ce qu'il se passe.
- We're gonna figure this out, okay?
- On va essayer de régler ça. - Sam, maintenant. Je reviens tout de suite.
Listen, we're gonna figure this out.
Il faut élucider ça.
We're gonna figure this out.
On va arranger ça.
Look, Donna, we're gonna figure this out, okay?
Ecoute, Donna, on va trouver une solution ok?
We're gonna figure all of this out together, all right?
Ensuite, je suis allé au boulot en métro.
Hey, we're gonna figure this out, all right?
Hey, on va tout arrangé, daccord?
We're gonna figure this out.
On va mettre ça au clair.
We're gonna figure this out.
On va tirer ça au clair.
It's okay! We're gonna figure this out, okay? It's gonna be okay.
On va découvrir ce qui se trame, tu verras, ça va aller.
Honey, you and me, we're gonna figure this out, all right?
Chérie, toi et moi, on va s'en sortir, d'accord?
Look, we're gonna figure this out, okay?
On trouvera quelque chose.
This is a very big opportunity for your mother, so we're gonna have to figure out another way to make things work.
On se croirait à un concert de retrouvailles de Stone et Charden.
We're gonna figure this out, Ray, you and me.
On va arranger ça, Ray, toi et moi.
maybe i got angry, maybe- - there's an explanation f this, and we're gonna figure it out.
Peut-être que j'étais fou de colère... Il y a une explication, et nous allons la découvrir.
We're gonna figure out this whole divorced-parenting thing, eventually.
On va finir par résoudre ces histoires de parents divorcés.
Look, if we're gonnabe friends again, we're gonna haveto figure this stuff out.
Écoute, si on doit rester amis, on va devoir mettre les choses à plat.
We're gonna figure this out.
On va comprendre ce qui se passe.
We're gonna figure this out.
Nous allons nous en sortir.
Now, we're not gonna hurt anyone, but I need you to stay calm, quiet and on the ground, until we figure this out!
On ne veut blesser personne, mais il faut rester calmes et silencieux, et à terre jusqu'à ce qu'on trouve une solution.
My point is that after this week, we actually have to figure out what we're gonna do with our lives.
Je veux dire qu'à la fin de la semaine, on devra décider quoi faire de nos vies.
We're gonna get to it, figure it out after this.
On y arrive, après cet album.
All right, well, just stay clear of the whole Dan thing until we figure out how we're gonna handle this, okay?
Ne lui parle plus de Dan tant qu'on ne saura pas comment régler ça.
We're gonna figure this out.
On trouvera une solution.
We're gonna figure this out together.
Nous allons résoudre ça ensemble.
Hey... we're gonna figure this out, okay?
On trouvera la cause, OK?
But we're never gonna figure this blueprint out if we can't find the person who drew it.
Mais pour comprendre ce plan, on doit trouver son auteur.
I don't know, but we're gonna have to figure out who was on this boat.
Je sais pas, mais nous allons devoir trouver qui était sur ce bateau.
We're gonna figure this out.
On trouvera ce que vous avez.
This is a new firm, Patti, and we may have to improvise, but we're gonna figure out a way to be the best firm that we can.
- Vraiment, Eli? - C'est un nouveau cabinet, Patti. On va devoir un peu improviser, mais on va faire de notre mieux.

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