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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ W ] / We already knew that

We already knew that traducir francés

77 traducción paralela
- Yes, but... But we already knew that the gamekeeper was her accomplice. In the course of the inquest, suitable methods were used to induce him to confess.
Oui, mais nous étions déjà au courant de la culpabilité du complice avec la méthode appropriée... nous obtîmes sa confession.
But we already knew that, didn't we, Har?
Mais on le savait déjà, ça, n'est-ce pas, Hart?
We already knew that!
On le savait déjà!
- But we already knew that.
On le savait déjà.
And, we already knew that many Jews had been sent to Poland.
Or, nous savions déjà que beaucoup de juifs avaient été envoyés en Pologne.
But we already knew that, didn't we?
Oh, oui! Mais ça, nous le savions déjà.
But we already knew that.
Mais on le savait.
- We already knew that.
- On le savait!
We already knew that they didn't need to come here for that.
Ce n'est pas nouveau.
But I guess we already knew that, heh.
Mais ça, on le savait déjà.
We already knew that before we came up here - that there's gonna be avalanches.
On savait ça avant de monter - Qu'il y aurait des avalanches.
So she's more altruistic than you are. - We already knew that. IRV :
Elle est plus altruiste que toi, ça, on le savait déjà.
I mean, it is bad but we already knew that.
Enfin c'est mauvais, mais on le savait déjà.
We already knew that.
On le savait déjà.
We already knew that!
Nous savions déjà ça!
But we already knew that, right?
Mais on le savait déjà, pas vrai?
Well, we already knew that.
On le savait déjà. Allez-y.
Okay, so tree equals weapon, sort of, but we already knew that.
Ok donc l'arbre égale les armes, en quelque sorte, Mais on le savais déjà ça.
We already knew that Spike Island was going to be the most important gig in the history of the world.
On savait déjà que Spike Island allait être le concert le plus important de l'Histoire du monde.
If he said you're a nutter, we already knew that.
Si il a dit que tu étais dingue, on le savait déjà.
"I'm obliterating you," but we already knew that.
"je te fais disparaître", mais nous le savions déjà.
That just proves she was a smoker, we already knew that.
Ça prouve juste qu'elle fumait, nous le savions déjà.
We already knew that Wilden was a creep, okay?
On savait déjà que Wilden était un voleur, d'accord?
Well, we already knew that.
Oui, ça on le savait déjà.
We already knew that, Amy, what's your point?
On savait déjà ça, Amy, où veux-tu en venir?
We already knew that Josh was trying to
On savait déjà que Josh essayait de
We already knew that.
On s'en doutait un peu.
It means I'm a genius, but we already knew that.
Que je suis un génie, mais on le savait déjà.
- We already knew that.
On le sait déjà.
We got the white man's disease. y ou already knew... when you said that the moon was looking... at my hut.
On a la maladie des blancs. Tu l'avais prévu. Tu as dit que la lune regardait vers... ma cabane en colère.
We're actually looking to beef up our Tech Practice but then you probably already knew that.
On veut renforcer notre technologie mais vous devez déjà le savoir.
I thought we were asking questions that we already knew the answers to.
Je croyais qu'on posait des questions dont on connaissait déjà les réponses.
No, Mom, that's plenty. It's just we already knew.
Non, Maman, c'est suffisant, mais on le savait déjà
I guess we knew that already, didn't we?
Mais on le savait déjà.
Well, all that tells us is that Philip died in the park, which is something we already knew.
Bien, tout ça nous dit que Philip est mort dans le parc, ce que nous savions déjà.
We knew all that already. Thanks.
D'accord, c'est ce que nous savions.
We want to help you in any way that we can, but like we already told you, we barely knew the woman.
Nous voulons vous aider, mais nous la connaissions à peine.
Je suppose que tu le savais déjà.
We already know that you paid for Olivia's funeral. We know that you knew her mom.
Vous avez payé pour l'enterrement d'Olivia.
I mean, she started sane, but then she told me that we already knew each other.
Au début, elle avait l'air normal, mais ensuite, elle m'a dit qu'on se connaissait. Et franchement? Je m'en souviendrais.
I think we knew that already, didn't we?
On le savait déjà, non?
We already knew that.
- Ça, on le savait déjà.
Well, maybe his brain is breaking down so fast that the Morgan we knew is already gone.
Eh bien peut-être que son cerveau se détériore si rapidement que le Morgan que l'on connaissait est déjà parti.
Yes, he was an animal but we knew that already.
C'est un sale type, mais on le savait.
And that reassured us, because we already knew what was the purpose of a "Judenrat."
Et cela nous a rassurés, car on savait déjà quel était le but d'un "Judenrat".
But you already knew that, which is why we didn't get the heads up.
Mais vous le saviez déjà, c'est pourquoi vous n'aviez pas la tête haute.
But you probably already knew that, now that you saw that we got your phone.
Mais vous le saviez déjà probablement, maintenant que vous avez vu qu'on a votre téléphone.
that much we already knew.
On le savait déjà.
We've already established he knew details that could only have come from the killer.
On a déjà établit qu'il connaissait des détails que seul le tueur savait.
We already knew all that.
- Mission accomplie. - On savait déjà tout ça!
- Well, we knew that already, right?
Tu le savais déjà non?

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