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What's his story traducir francés

184 traducción paralela
Hey, Napoli, what's his story?
C'est quoi cette histoire?
Walter, here, who's an Apache himself, has heard from his own people... the story of what happened.
Walter, qui est lui-même Apache, a entendu de la bouche des siens le récit de ce qui s'était passé.
- What's his story?
Qu'est-ce qu'il a?
It's his story of what your little girl told you.
C'est ce que votre petite fille vous a dit.
And that old story with her and him... what was his name?
Comment s'appelle donc cet homme?
Now, what's his story?
Alors, qui est-ce?
- what do you think of his story? - I think it's true.
- Vous croyez ce qu'il a raconté?
What do you care? It's his story.
Qu'est-ce que ça peut te faire?
What's his story?
Qui c'est ce gars-là?
What's his story?
On connaît son passé?
- Waxman. What's his story?
- C'est quoi, son histoire?
- They think I'm an idiot. - What's his story?
- Ils me prennent pour un crétin.
What's his story?
- Quels sont ses antécédents?
What's his story?
C'est quoi, son histoire?
This Dalton, what's his story?
Quel genre de type est ce Dalton?
- What's his story?
- Il joue à quoi?
- What's Buck's story? - You mean how did he lose his wife and kid?
C'est quoi, l'histoire de Buck?
What's his story?
Qu'est-ce qu'il a?
We had to take a little bit of a back seat The story was that he sold his painting to a John Moore exhibition So the question was what do you do with 75 quid?
On s'est trouvés un peu en retrait ll a vendu un tableau á une exposition de John Moore ll se demandait quoi faire de ses 75 livres
- What's his story?
Je l'ai! - Et lui?
- What's his story?
- Et lui?
What's the current version? Has he changed his story the last few minutes?
Il a encore changé sa version des faits?
- what's his story?
- Qu'en dit-il?
- What's his story?
- Ses antécédents?
What the hell's his story?
Qu'est-ce qu'il a?
That guy you're with. What's his story?
Le type avec toi, comment il est?
What's his story?
C'est quoi son histoire?
- What's his story?
- C'est quoi, son histoire?
Oh, yeah? What's his story?
Que dit-il?
And about a secretary of the Treasury who's kept his entire department in the dark about what he's really doing, about a cover story about his resignation that just fell through.
Qu'un Secrétaire au Trésor a dissimulé à ses services ce qu'il faisait. Que la raison officielle de sa démission est bidon.
- What's his side of the story, admiral?
- Quelle est sa version?
- What's his story?
- Quel est son profil?
What's his story?
Parlez-moi de lui.
So, what's his story, anyway? How did he become what he is? - Oh, God.
Comment est-il devenu ce qu'il est?
- What's his story?
- Quelle est son histoire?
What's his story?
Dis-moi, il est...
Well, what's his story?
- Quelle est son histoire?
What's his story?
- What's his story?
- Alors, son histoire?
What's his story? Didn't he get involved in something when we got back?
Il s'est engagé quelque part à notre retour?
I wasn't clear on what you wanted to do about this guy Haskell. About his wife's story.
Je ne savais pas ce que vous vouliez faire pour Haskell et l'histoire de sa femme.
What's the story about Carlos Gardel... and his plane crash?
C'est quoi cette histoire sur Carlos Gardel... et son accident d'avion?
What's the real story with his health?
Parle-moi de sa santé.
What about that guy over there? What's his story?
Cet homme à cette table là-bas, c'est quoi son histoire?
For example, if he knew the secret, he'd know what to say and what not to say to his buddy, the reporter looking for a hot story.
S'il connaissait le secret, il saurait quoi dire et ne pas dire à son copain reporter en quête d'histoire-choc.
The risk he's taking by talking to us, the credibility of his story and what is at stake.
Les risques qu'il prend en nous parlant, sa crédibilité et l'importance des enjeux.
What's his story?
Les antalgiques l'ont assommé, il est ici pour un mal de dos.
What's his story?
C'est qui?
What's his story?
Quel rapport avec vous?
- What do you think of his story? - I think it's true.
- Il faut couper la tête au serpent.
- So, what's his story? - Who, him?
- C'est quoi, son histoire?

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