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What you did was wrong traducir francés

194 traducción paralela
- But really what you did was wrong!
Mais vraiment, ce que vous avez fait n ´ est pas bien.
What you did was wrong, Eddie, and I'm ashamed of you.
Tu t'es très mal conduit et j'ai honte de toi.
Now, Bud, you know what you did was wrong, don't you?
Bud, tu sais que ce que tu as fait est mal, n'est-ce pas?
Okay, look. Kelly, what you did was wrong.
Bon, Kelly, c'est mal d'avoir fait ça.
What you did was wrong!
Ce n'est pas juste ce que vous avez fait.
What you did was wrong, but I was too young and stupid to realise it.
Vous aviez tort, mais j'étais trop jeune et bête pour le réaliser.
Forgiveness means that when you did something really wrong, you want somebody to tell you... that it wasn't really, really wrong, when you know what you did was wrong because you did it!
C'est quand tu as fait le mal et que tu veux que quelqu'un te dise que c'est pas si grave alors que tu sais que tu as mal fait!
What you did was wrong.
C'est pas bien, ce que tu as fait.
I think what you did was wrong.
Je crois que vous avez eu tort.
What you did was wrong.
Tu n'avais pas le droit.
- You think what you did was wrong?
Tu regrettes ce que tu as fait?
- What you did was wrong, Sethe.
C'était mal.
What you did was wrong.
Ce que tu as fait était mal.
/ Because you knew what you did was wrong.
Vous saviez que vous aviez mal agi.
What you did was wrong, and we have to make it right.
Ce que vous avez fait est mal, et nous devons le rendre juste.
You know what you did was wrong. That's why you didn't show it to me.
Tu t'es bien gardé de me la montrer avant.
Oh, and I know what was wrong with that introduction. Danny didn't tell you, did she?
La présentation de Danny était incomplète :
Tell me just what did you think was wrong with my acting?
Dites-moi... Juste... Qu'est-ce qui vous a déplu dans mon jeu, au juste?
Just what-what was it that you thought you did wrong?
Qu'est-ce qui vous fait penser que vous avez eu tort?
Did you find out what was wrong with the wheel?
Vous avez trouvé ce qui n'allait pas?
Look, what he did was wrong, but you going along with it, then shooting him down, that was all right?
Il a fait quelque chose de mal, mais suivre son plan, puis le descendre, c'était bien?
Aron, your last season with me you did nothing but tell me what was wrong with our cars.
Aron, lors de votre dernière saison chez nous, vous n'avez cessé de critiquer nos voitures.
You think what we did was wrong?
On a été trop méchants?
And what was the one wrong thing you did?
Tu as fait quelle chose?
Obviously, Simmons was very happy with what you did... and I'm glad that I was wrong.
Visiblement, Simmons a beaucoup aimé ce que tu as fait, et je suis heureuse d'avoir eu tort.
What we did was wrong but we think you're crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are.
C'était mal de notre part, LE BOULEDOGUE DE SHERMER CLARKE BRILLANT EN LUTTE mais vous êtes fou de nous demander un essai "Je n'aime pas les LUNDIS"
Father, around what time did you notice something was wrong?
Père, vers quelle heure l'avez-vous trouvée bizarre?
What you did was wrong.
Vous aviez mal agi.
What you did to that donkey was wrong.
Qu'avez-vous donc fait à cet âne?
How did you work out what was wrong?
Comment tu as trouvé ce qui n'allait pas?
What you did tonight was wrong.
ce que tu as fait ce soir n'était pas bien.
- I did what I thought was right. - Well, you were wrong.
- J'ai fait ce qui me semblait bon.
What you did was very wrong.
Ce que vous avez fait est très mal.
What the military did to you was wrong, but maybe your testimony can help.
Ce que l'armée vous a fait est mal. Mais vous pouvez témoigner.
Cleo, you know you was wrong for what you did to Stony.
Cleo, tu as eu tort de faire ça à Stony.
I don't know yet if it was wrong, what you did.
Je ne sais pas si tu as eu tort.
What we did to you was wrong.
Ce que nous avons fait était mal.
- I admit what I did was wrong, but Joey you lied to me. You've been lying to me.
Je reconnais que j'ai eu tort, mais tu m'as menti.
Look, what I did was deadly wrong and I could stand here and try to explain to you my hopelessly troubled state of mind because you do deserve an explanation for my behavior but instead of feeding you 1 0 years of therapy I was hoping that maybe I could get by with a simple apology and hope that I haven't left any permanent scars.
Ecoute, ce que j'ai fait aujourd'hui était vraiment mal je pourrais rester ici et essayer de te l'expliquer mon état d'esprit incurablement chargé parce que tu mérite que je m'explique pour mon attitude mais au lieu de te déballer 10 ans de thérapie j'espérais que peut-être je pourrais m'en sortir avec de simples excuses et j'espere que je ne t'ai pas laisser plus de cicatrices permanente.
Andie, everything that I've worked for, everything that you've helped me to become, is somebody who believes in himself and his instincts and every instinct in me tells me that what that man did in that classroom was wrong.
Andie, grâce à mes efforts... et à ton aide, j'ai commencé à croire en moi... et à croire à mon instinct, et mon instinct me dit... que ce qu'il a fait, c'était mal.
I know what I did was wrong. I also happen to know that you, my friend... and I are kindred spirits.
Je sais aussi que toi et moi, on est pareils.
You know, I guess it was wrong, what I did with Laurie.
Je n'aurais pas dû coucher avec Laurie.
What he did to you was wrong.
Ce qu'il t'a fait est mal.
What you did was dead wrong. Wrong.
Ce que tu as fait est mal.
Dr. Skoda, you say the defendant knows what he did was wrong by our standards.
Selon vous, l'accusé sait que ce qu'il a fait est mal, selon nos critères?
You're upset, and what I did was so wrong.
Tu m'en veux et ce que j'ai fait, c'était mal.
Did you even give her a chance to fix what was wrong?
Lui as-tu au moins donné une chance?
It was wrong what you did.
Tu as mal agi.
What you did to me was wrong.
Tu n'aurais pas dû me faire ça.
Because she called you on your cell phone the day she was murdered. Could have been a wrong number. Then, uh... what did you talk about for three minutes and 55 seconds?
parcequ'elle vous a appellé sur votre portable le jour de sa mort ça a pu être un faux numéro et alors pourquoi avoir parlé pendant 3 minutes et 55 seconds?
Look, I know what he did was wrong and obviously you have some things to work out but he really needs you right now. Yeah?
Je sais que ce qu'il a fait est mal, et que vous devez régler ce problème entre vous, mais il a vraiment besoin de vous à ses côtés.

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