Who we are traducir francés
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- The answer is not letting others define who we are.
- La solution est de ne pas laisser les autres définir qui tu es.
Who we are is less relevant than what we are, and what we are is different from them.
Le plus important, c'est ce que nous sommes. Nous sommes différents d'eux.
It's who we are.
C'est nous.
But it's not who we are anymore.
Mais ce n'est plus ce que nous sommes.
Maybe it'll be somewhere safe where we can... learn from each other and be who we are, including people who are different than us.
ça sera peut-être un lieu sûr où nous pourrons... apprendre les uns des autres et être qui on est, en incluant des gens qui sont différents de nous.
I'll tell you that love is cruel but it teaches us who we are.
L'amour est cruel, mais il nous enseigne qui on est.
We're different from who we are during the day.
Nous sommes différents de ce que nous étions pendant le jour.
It's not who we are.
Ce n'est pas qui nous sommes.
He knows who we are and what we're doing here.
Il sait qui on est et ce qu'on fait là.
Yeah, and whoever it is clearly knows who we are.
Oui, et quel qu'il soit clairement sait qui nous sommes.
The touch of others makes us who we are.
Le contact des autres fait de nous ce que nous sommes.
You will soon get used to it, and we shall all soon discover who we are.
vous vous y habituerez vite. Et nous apprendrons tous très vite à bien nous connaître.
To those who have the strength to carry on our work when we are gone.
A ceux qui auront la force de poursuivre notre travail.
We are the only ones who understand.
On est les seuls à comprendre.
We are doing laps around the clock to find who did this.
- Nous travaillons nuit et jour.
Professor, the Venn diagram of people who are fluent in American Sign Language and know chemistry and are available at the exact time that we have lecture has got to be minute.
Professeur, le diagramme de Venn du nombre de personnes qui sont à l'aise avec le langage des sourds, qui connaissent la chimie et qui sont disponibles au moment exact de mes cours doit être vraiment faible.
You keep using "us" and "them." Who are we?
Tu parles de "nous" et "d'eux". Qui sommes-nous?
The real violence... the violence that I realized was unforgivable... is the violence that we do to ourselves, when we're too afraid to be who we really are.
La vraie violence... la violence qui était impardonnable, comme je l'ai compris, est la violence qu'on s'inflige à soi-même quand on a trop peur d'être qui on est vraiment.
We both agree you are the last person on Earth who should be talking to me about sex.
Vous êtes la dernière personne à qui je devrais parler de sexe.
What, are we supposed to know who in the hell that is?
On devrait savoir qui c'est?
And now you gotta keep cozying up to this skank? - Whoa, who are you calling "skank"? - We were supposed
Puis-je t'aider dans ta libération conditionnelle anticipée?
Who are you so afraid of? You know that we can protect you.
Il y a un truc qui cloche.
The tenants are very upset about what those two city councilmen said last night on the TV about the kind of people we are, and we're upset that they want to screen people at the sites and check on who we have as company and things like that.
Les locataires n'acceptent pas ce que deux conseillers municipaux ont dit à leur sujet. Nous n'acceptons pas qu'on veuille contrôler les proches qui nous rendent visite.
No one knows who hires us, but everyone knows they can trust us to get the job done, and we can guarantee that because our agents are guided by one principle, one code.
Nul ne sait qui nous engage, mais tout le monde sait que le travail sera fait, et nous pouvons le garantir, car nos agents sont guidés par un principe, un code.
It's very hard to know who we really are.
C'est très difficile de savoir qui on est vraiment.
Although we've repaired our home, we can never replace the lives that were so viciously taken from us, and as hard as it is to believe, there are those among us who would help the people who did this,
Bien que nous ayons réparé notre maison, nous ne pourrons jamais remplacer les vies qui nous ont été prises si sauvagement, et aussi dur que c'est à croire, il y en a parmi nous qui aideraient les personnes qui ont fait ça,
I mean, if abuela gets to know us and sees that we're somewhat normal, like how I sometimes dance in my sleep and how you sometimes dye your hair blonde for no reason, then she'll see us for who we really are, okay?
Je veux dire si abuela nous connaissait et voir que nous sommes un peu normaux, comme comment je danse parfois dans mon sommeil et comme tu t'es parfois teint les cheveux en blond sans raison, elle nous verra ensuite telles que nous sommes réellement.
So who are we looking at?
Qui donc, alors?
We who are privileged to be Americans have had a rendezvous with destiny since the moment in 1630 when John Winthrop, standing on the deck of the tiny Arbella off the coast of Massachusetts, told that little band of pilgrims,
Nous, qui avons la chance d'être américains, nous avons rendez-vous avec notre destin depuis ce jour de 1630, où John Winthrop, sur le pont de son petit vaisseau Arbella, près des côtes du Massachusetts, a dit à son petit groupe de pèlerins :
Now, who are we meeting again?
Qui nous rencontrons déjà?
See, we're fighting for the same thing, you and I. To save the lives of the only ones who do not see us for the monsters that we truly are.
On se bat pour la même chose, pour sauver les vies des seuls qui ne nous voient pas comme les monstres que nous sommes réellement.
Who are we running from?
De qui nous cachons nous?
Who are we running from?
Qui fuit-on?
To do that, we need to take a long, hard look at who these so-called victims actually are.
Pour ce faire, nous devons examiner attentivement ces soi-disant victimes.
I suppose I should have expected as much. After all, you continue to make us skulk in darkness like some gay rat hiding who and what we are.
Pas étonnant, puisqu on tâtonne dans l'obscurité comme l'homo refoulé qu'on est.
Who are you to resign? We're going to sack you.
Tu ne démissioneras pas, parceque tu es viré.
We're eliminating people who are still alive.
On élimine les gens toujours en vie.
He's showing us who we really are.
Il nous montre tel que nous sommes réellement.
Well, who are we to say that madness is a curse?
Qui sommes nous pour prétendre que la folie est un fléau?
~ Who are we to meet?
- Et avec qui?
Why am I the only one who cares that we are losing money?
Pourquoi suis-je seul à me soucier du fait que nous perdons de l'argent?
Women always figure out who we really are.
Les femmes finissent par savoir qui on est vraiment.
Yes, we get caught up in what we're doing... who we think we are.
Oui, on est pris par ce qu'on fait, par la personne qu'on croit être.
You know, so, like, maybe she's just... and who are we to say that she's...
Du coup, peut-être qu'elle est juste... je dis ça...
If we're almost "there," "there" isn't much. The only people who are getting punished are us.
On y est presque, mais c'est nous qu'ils punissent.
Why are we working so hard to find a hooker who's been missing for seven years?
Pourquoi on se donne tant de mal à trouver une prostituée qui a disparu il y a 7 ans?
We know who his fans are.
Nous savons qui sont ses fans.
The only people who have any connection to your child are there, so we will be too.
La seule personne qui a une connexion avec ton enfant est-là, donc nous irons aussi.
And since the only cops who know what we're up against are in this room, we're gonna need your help.
Et depuis le seul flic qui sait à quoi nous avons affaire est dans cette pièce, nous avons besoin de ton aide.
Now the king says "I am France", but I say it is we who are France.
Le Roi prétend être la France. Je lui réplique que la France, c'est nous.
Who are we hiding from?
De qui on se cache?
who were you with 40
who were they 101
who were you calling 16
who were you talking to 126
who were you expecting 17
who were those guys 29
who were you 20
we are going 52
we are not the same 19
we are family 66
who were they 101
who were you calling 16
who were you talking to 126
who were you expecting 17
who were those guys 29
who were you 20
we are going 52
we are not the same 19
we are family 66
we are friends 99
we are 2563
we are free 37
we are together 51
we are brothers 40
we are coming 52
we are fucked 33
we are ready 99
we are done 75
we aren't 48
we are 2563
we are free 37
we are together 51
we are brothers 40
we are coming 52
we are fucked 33
we are ready 99
we are done 75
we aren't 48