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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ W ] / Who would do something like that

Who would do something like that traducir francés

67 traducción paralela
Thats's absurd, I don't see who would do something like that.
Tu n'as pas tu n'as rien entendu cette nuit? Non, rien.
It makes you think. You know, Who would do something like that?
Je me demande qui pourrait faire ça.
Who would do something like that?
Qui a pu faire un truc pareil?
Now, on the other hand, if you still are the kind of guy who would do something like that, then I understand you don't want to apologize.
Maintenant, d'un autre côté, Si t'es toujours le même style de gars qui referait un truc comme ça, Alors je comprendrais que tu ne veuilles pas t'excuser.
Right, so, what can I do as the friend of a person who would do something like that?
Je fais quoi, en tant qu'amie... d'une personne suicidaire?
Who would do something like that?
Qui ferait un truc pareil?
Who would do something like that?
Qui ferait ça?
- Who would do something like that?
- Qui ferait quelque chose comme ça?
Clark, who would do something like that?
Clark, qui oserait faire une chose pareille?
Who would do something like that?
Qui ferait cela?
I mean, who would do something like that?
Pourquoi quelqu'un ferait ça?
I mean, who would do something like that?
Tout le monde aime cet homme
Who would do something like that?
Qui peut faire un truc pareil?
But who-who would do something like that and why?
Qui ferait une telle chose et pourquoi?
No, you're my only disturbed friend who would do something like that.
Non, t'es mon seul pote tordu capable de ça.
Who would do something like that?
Comment peut-on faire ça?
Who would do something like that?
Qui ferait une chose pareille?
A woman who would do something like that should not be in charge of children.
Une femme qui fait une chose de ce genre ne devrait pas s'occuper d'enfants.
Who would do something like that?
- Qui ferait une chose pareille?
No, who would do something like that?
Non, qui ferait une chose pareille?
Who would do something like that?
Qui pourrait vouloir faire une chose pareille?
Who would do something like that?
Qui ferait quelque chose comme ça?
I mean, who would do something like that?
Qui ferait une chose pareille?
- Who would do something like that?
- Qui ferait ça?
- Now, who would do something like that?
- Maintenant, qui ferait quelque chose comme ça?
I mean, how can I have a relationship with someone who would do something like that?
Comment pourrais-je avoir une relation avec quelqu'un qui ferait un truc comme ça?
How do you think that the people who lost sons and fathers and brothers in the massacre would feel about something like that?
Comment pensez-vous que les gens qui ont perdu des fils... des pères et des frères lors du massacre le prendront?
Now, you wouldn't know anybody who'd do something like that, would you? Me?
Tu ne connaîtrais personne qui ferait une chose pareille, par hasard?
Who would try to do something like that?
Qui pourrait essayer de faire quelque chose comme ça?
Who else but my Alan would do something like that?
Qui, à part mon Alan, ferait une chose pareille?
If it doesn't do something with it... like make some kind of change... or make some kind of difference... this group of people who feels this certain way... this group of people who, like, thinks these things... that the underdogs we've all met and lived with think... if they finally get to the forefront... and nothing comes of it, that would be the tragedy.
Si ça ne permet pas de changer les choses, de faire la différence... Tous ces gens qui ont cette sensibilité, ces gens qui ont cet état d'esprit... Si tous les "paumés" qu'on a tous côtoyés ont réussi à être au premier plan et que rien ne se passe...
One minute, your life's moving along just like you always thought it would and the next, you do something that changes everything and that makes you realize you're not who you thought you were.
Un instant la vie suit son cours comme on l'avait toujours imaginé... et l'instant d'après, on commet un acte qui change tout et on se rend compte qu'on n'est pas celui qu'on croyait.
I mean, who would've thought she would do something like that? I mean, she's weird and everything, but -
Qui aurait pu imaginer qu'elle ferait un truc pareil?
Who else would do something like that?
Qui d'autre ferait quelque chose de ce genre?
Who the fuck would do something like that?
Qui ferait une telle chose?
What, who would want to do something like that?
C'est insensé. Qui a fait cette horreur?
Who would do something like that?
Qui voudrait faire ça?
Who would do something like that?
- Qui ferait une telle chose?
Who do you think would do something like that?
Tu sais qui ça peut être?
Who would have ever thought That a man whose job it is to save lives would... would do something like this?
Qui aurait pu deviner qu'un homme dont le travail est de sauver des vies fasse... fasse une telle chose?
Who would have thought america's hero, "the legend," would do something like that?
Qui eut cru qu'un héros comme "La Légende" ferait une chose pareille?
If you knew a certain gesture, like, say, calling... would be considered "needy", and therefore a turnoff... but you wanted to call, and you felt... this call could be welcomed this one time... if you were the one person who took a chance to do something different... maybe even some would call it romantic... like calling for another date... a date that... if someone were counting, could be numbered above five... say six... do you think that would be considered manly?
Imagine que le fait de téléphoner à une personne risque de te couvrir de ridicule et de te rendre pathétique. Mais tu as quand même envie d'appeler parce que tu crois que ça peut être bien reçu. Surtout si tu es le seul à avoir tenté quelque chose de différent.
Who in God's name would ever do something like that?
Qui, pour l'amour du ciel, ferait une chose pareille?
I mean who else would do something like that?
Je veux dire... qui d'autre aurait pu faire quelque chose comme ça ;
I'm confused as to who in their right mind would give someone else's kid permission to do something like that?
Je suis confus comme dans "quelle personne sensée donnerait à l'enfant d'une autre personne la permission de faire quelque chose comme ça?"
Who the hell would do something like that?
Mais qui pourrait faire ça?
Who would've wanted to do something like that?
Qui aurait voulu faire une chose pareille?
Hey, you know, there's not too many guys in the world who would be willing to do something like that for their pal.
- Putain, oui. Tu sais, y a pas beaucoup de gens qui feraient un truc comme ça pour leur pote.
Who do you know that would do something like this?
Qui connais-tu qui ferait quelque chose comme ça?
Who would ask you to do something like that?
Qui pourrait te demander de faire une chose pareille?
Who the hell else would do something like that?
Qui d'autre serait capable de faire une chose pareille?

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