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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ W ] / Woulda

Woulda traducir francés

350 traducción paralela
See, if I woulda had a gun there... why, one of us might have got hurt, and it might have been me.
Vous voyez, si j'avais eu un pistolet... l'un de nous se serait fait blesser... Ç'aurait pu etre moi.
Otherwise, your friend Joe here is gonna woulda have to sleep in the park anyway.
Il va dormir dans le parc de toute façon. Et même vous!
Woulda lasted a couple of weeks. Maybe less.
Ça aurait duré quelques semaines.
Don't worry, if people didn't think you were in the right, Dean woulda had you a long time ago.
Si l'on ne vous soutenait pas, Dean vous aurait depuis longtemps.
It woulda been five years this coming Christmas.
Ça aurait fait 5 ans à Noël.
The whole gang woulda jumped us.
Tout le gang nous aurait sauté dessus.
Woulda cut you in, for old time's sake.
On t'aurait mis avec nous, pour le bon vieux temps.
If it hadn't been that, it woulda been something else.
Si ce n'était pas ça, ce serait autre chose.
As I see it, if Susie woulda stood behind him today, he might've proved a threat.
Si Susie l'avait défendu, il aurait pu représenter un danger.
You woulda had three eights.
Tu aurais eu trois huit.
There was a time when I woulda caught all three.
À une époque, j'aurais eu les trois.
My cut woulda been what?
- Ma part aurait fait combien?
Something... woulda made you more famous than Miss Rheingold.
Quelque chose... qui te rendra plus célèbre que Miss Rheingold.
It's the product that woulda brought you fame and fortune.
C'est le produit qui t'aurait rendue riche et célèbre.
The key that woulda opened the key to Hollywood.
La clef de la porte dorée d'Hollywood.
It's lucky I didn't. I woulda strangled you with one of Gus Gilroy's fancy ties!
Si je l'avais fait, je t'aurais étranglée avec une cravate de Gilroy!
Well, who woulda thought a wet-nosed kid woulda made a big thing out of it?
Qui aurait cru qu'un gosse allait en faire toute une histoire?
And woulda got around to the rest of'em if I hadn't pulled a leg muscle.
J'aurais continué si je m'étais pas froissé un muscle à la jambe.
Never woulda got over it either if this other fella hadn't come along.
Il s'en serait jamais sorti si un autre type ne l'avait pas aidé.
If he'd have hit ya, he woulda killed ya.
Autrement, il t'aurait tué.
The slopehead woulda killed me?
Le Chinetoque m'aurait tué?
Holman, you're crazy. He woulda killed the Chink.
Holman, il aurait eu sa peau.
- He woulda put out your lights.
- Il t'aurait liquidé.
I bet what happened to Shelly never woulda happened.
Ce qui est arrivé à Shelly n'arriverait jamais là-bas.
I sure woulda liked to have met up with you before you took to them clothes and them vows.
J'aurais bien voulu vous rencontrer avant que vous fassiez vos vœux.
And a Rebel gunsmith woulda got his head handed to him.
Un armurier rebelle aurait fini la tête sur un plateau.
Never woulda had to put my shoes on if I hadn't heard you comin',
Je n'aurais jamais mis mes chaussures si je ne vous avais pas entendus arriver.
But I woulda had it all back if they'd just give me a lousy two or three more days.
Mais je les aurais refaits... s'ils m'avaient donné deux ou trois jours de plus.
If I was in Mississippi and asked you for a piece of trim, you woulda had my black ass hanging'from the highest limb.
"Dans le Mississippi, si je t'avais demandé une pièce, " tu m'aurais fait pendre haut et court. "
If we'd gone another hundred yards, we woulda been...
Si nous étions allés une autre centaine de verges, nous avons été en Woulda...
You woulda been well in.
T'aurais eu ta chance.
If I did, I woulda carried you everywhere.
Si j'avais su, je t'aurais portée partout.
We gotta laugh now, that's what he woulda liked.
On devrait s'amuser maintenant, c'est ce qu'il aurait voulu.
Yeah, that woulda ruined it. Would it ever!
Si, ça aurait tout gâché.
I woulda throwed'em out on their ear.
Je les aurais jetés dehors.
This never woulda happened if you didn't meet that guy.
Ça serait pas arrivé sans ce type.
And we woulda just gone on the same way..... till we were too old to even hope for better.
Et on aurait continué comme avant, jusqu'à un âge où plus rien n'importe.
It woulda been a disaster.
Ç'aurait ete une catastrophe.
- If he had, then we woulda had a case.
- Mais il ne l'a pas fait.
I haven't seen you in a while, but they woulda sent me papers if you were divorcing me.
T'as disparu depuis un bail mais on m'aurait prévenu si t'avais divorcé de moi.
This shit never woulda happened in New York.
À New York, ça serait pas arrivé.
You woulda had him!
Tu l'avais!
- You woulda won, too.
Vous auriez aussi gagné.
You woulda beat those guys so easy.
Vous les auriez battu si facilement.
If anyone had ever told me that one day I'd be having a candlelit dinner with Paul Sheldon in my own house, I woulda checked both legs to see which one was being pulled!
Si on m'avait dit qu'un jour je dînerais aux chandelles avec Paul Sheldon chez moi, j'aurais regardé mes deux pieds pour voir lequel on faisait marcher.
I used to coulda, woulda, shoulda.
Je me tâtais, thé ou pas thé.
I never woulda done as good. You're always there. And my kid, having you is like being born all over again.
Tu es toujours là... c'est comme être né à nouveau.
Who woulda thunk all that up if somebody had been there to see it for themselves?
Qui aurait pu inventer ça si quelqu'un avait été là pour le voir lui-même?
Her rocks Woulda been a snap!
t'as pas besoin de me forcer... ça va! Quoi! le collier, les bracelets, les bagues...
Personne ne m'aurait remarqué, de toute façon.
I woulda killed you.

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