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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ W ] / Wouldn't dream of it

Wouldn't dream of it traducir francés

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I suppose you and your cutthroats intend to send this treasure to Richard? You wouldn't dream of keeping it yourselves.
Je suppose que vos brigands et vous allez envoyer ce trésor au roi sans songer à vous l'approprier.
I wouldn't dream of signing a thing like that without talking to some lawyer about it.
Je ne signe pas ce genre de papier sans en parler d'abord à mon avocat.
No, Frith, I wouldn't dream of it.
Non, c'est inutile.
- Oh, no. I wouldn't dream of it.
Je n'y songerais pas.
It's granted the worst criminals. I wouldn't dream of depriving you of it.
Même les pires criminels y ont droit.
There ain't been nothing to spend it on here. Thank you, Martha, but I wouldn't dream of taking it.
Jamais je ne toucherai à tes économies.
I don't want'em. Now, look, I'm not gonna let you pay off my creditors with your money, I wouldn't dream of it.
Payer mes dettes avec ton argent, c'est hors de question.
Well, i wouldn't dream of it. You've been much too extravagant already.
Non, vous avez déjà été trop déraisonnable.
I wouldn't dream of it.
- Il n'en est pas question.
I was so wayward I stuck my hand through a window to mess it up so I wouldn't dream of being a soloist anymore.
C'était insupportable. J'ai brisé une vitre avec mon poing, pour mettre fin à mes rêves de soliste.
I wouldn't dream of it
Jamais, voyons! - Sérieusement?
I wouldn't dream of letting you marry me in a fit of temper. Not until you can do it in perfectly cold blood.
Je ne peux pas te laisser m'épouser sur un coup de tête.
I wouldn't dream of it.
Je n'accomplirai rien de tel.
Wouldn't dream of it.
Même pas en rêve.
I wouldn't dream of it, my boy.
- Mais pas du tout.
- Take it back. - No, I wouldn't dream of it.
I wouldn't dream of it We'll have dinner together, that's all
Je n'en rêverais pas. Nous allons dîner ensemble et c'est tout.
I wouldn't dream of it.
J'espêre que vous avez raison.
I wouldn't dream of it.
Vous n'y pensez pas!
I wouldn't dream of it.
- Je n'y pensais même pas.
- I wouldn't dream of it.
- N'ayez crainte.
No, I wouldn't dream of it.
Vous n'y pensez pas.
I wouldn't dream of it.
Non merci.
- I still wouldn't dream of it.
- Merci, sans façon.
No, I wouldn't dream of it.
Ça ne m'effleurerait même pas l'esprit.
Oh, believe me, Samantha I wouldn't dream of asking you if I didn't really want it.
Oh, croyez-moi, Samantha, il serait hors de question de vous le demander si je n'y tenais pas tant.
I wouldn't dream of it. Of course you'll stay here. It's just that I...
Vous logerez ici, naturellement, mais... mais je...
I wouldn't dream of it.
Je n'en ai nulle intention.
I wouldn't dream of it.
Jamais de la vie.
- Don't disturb him. I wouldn't dream of it!
Loin de moi cette idée.
Wouldn't dream of it. Come along, Mr. Purvis.
Aucun risque.
Wouldn't dream of it.
Je n, y songeais même pas.
Of course, I wouldn't dream of saying it to Samantha but she's being very selfish.
Bien sûr, je n'oserais jamais le dire à Samantha, mais elle est très égoïste.
I wouldn't dream of it.
Pas question.
- I wouldn't dream of it.
- Non, je ne veux pas t'en priver.
I wouldn't dream of it.
Je crois pas, non.
- I wouldn't dream of it.
- N'y compte surtout pas.
no, no, no, no, no, i wouldn't dream of it.
On peut vous prêter un parachute. Non, non, non, non jamais de la vie!
i wouldn't dream of it- - dirtying a nice, clean parachute.
Salir un joli parachute tout propre.
I wouldn't dream of it.
J'y pense même pas.
No, the bitch wouldn't dream of it.
Mais cette salope n'y pense même pas.
I wouldn't dream of it!
Je n'y pense même pas!
I wouldn't dream of it.
Je n'oserais pas.
Wouldn't dream of it.
Je n'y songerais même pas.
- I wouldn't dream of it.
Pas question. Krista...
A decent, ordinary woman wouldn't dream of crowning it
Une femme décente, ordinaire ne rêverait pas de le couronner
No. I wouldn't dream of it.
Sûrement pas, j'en rêverais même pas.
You could offer me a fortune and I still wouldn't dream of it.
Tu pourrais m'offrir une fortune que ça ne m'intéresserait pas plus.
I wouldn't dream of leaving it here, Mister...
Même pas en rêve, Monsieur...
It was an honour to have you along and I wouldn't dream of attacking that Cylon base without you.
C'était un honneur de vous avoir et je ne voudrais pas attaquer la base cylonne sans vous.
We wouldn't dream of taking you off it.
Je suis ravi que ce soit vous plutôt qu'un autre.

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