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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ Y ] / You care about him

You care about him traducir francés

363 traducción paralela
Do you care about him or me?
Est-ce que tu te préoccupes de lui ou de moi?
You care about him, don't you?
Tu y tiens, hein?
What the hell is all this sudden pretense that you care about him? - You'd like to kill him.
- Qu'est ce que c'est que ce soudain simulacre comme quoi tu te soucies de lui?
What do you care about him?
Tu n'as qu'à l'ignorer.
Why do you care about him?
Qu'est-ce que ça peut te faire?
Don't try to tell me that you care about him all that much, He didn't stop you from breaking us up.
Tu ne tiens pas à lui, sinon tu ne briserais pas notre couple.
You keep Luciano. you care about him.
Luciano tu te le gardes.
He can't do it. Don't you care about him?
Il ne peut pas, vous vous en foutez?
If you care about him, you got to deal with it.
Si vous tenez à lui, il faut s'en occuper.
You care about him very much, yes?
Tu l'apprécies beaucoup?
You care about him too much.
Vous vous inquiétez un peu trop pour lui.
You care about him
Tu y tiens?
You care about him?
Tu t'en fous aussi?
You care about him now, huh?
Tu t'itéresses à Iui, maiteat, hei?
You don't care a pin about him.
Vous vous en foutez de lui!
Wait, if all you do care about is Constance why don't you go to this other man? The countess confides in him.
Si tu n'aimes que Constance, va trouver celui à qui Milady se confie.
It's no use, Lucy... I don't care what you say about him.
Lucy, peu m'importe ce qu'on en dit.
Don't you care nothing about him?
Tu n'éprouves rien pour lui?
I gather you don't care too much about him.
Vous ne tenez pas à lui?
If you really care about that boy... you've got to tell him the truth... that he's got to go to an orphanage right here.
Si tu tiens vraiment à ce garçon tu dois lui dire la vérité, qu'il ira dans un orphelinat ici.
Or do you not care about him the way you used to not care about me?
Ou est-ce que tu tiens à lui comme avec moi au début?
Listen, Thomas, you've had a quarrel with Amerio and you've killed him, but that isn't a reason to make this worse for yourself. I don't care about Amerio, you hear, I don't care.
- Thomas, tu t'es bagarré avec Amerio et tu l'as tué, OK, mais c'est pas une raison pour en remettre.
You walk in here and calmly ask him to leave and expect me to believe you care one way or another about me.
Tu débarques ici, tu lui demandes calmement de sortir et tu t'attends à ce que je croie que tu tiens à moi?
My son! The only person I gave a care about in this whole world, and you killed him.
C'était la seule personne au monde qui comptait pour moi et vous l'avez tué.
Before one of you makes a mistake. And that's you, Rick! Why do you care about a waste of space like him?
Tu baisses les volets, J'allume la lumière et tu... tu mets les mauvais disques, on recommence!
You don't have to care about him because how do you know he cares about you? Then what are you gonna do?
Comment sauras-tu s'il t'aime si tu ne l'aimes plus?
You seem to care about him.
Vous vous souciez de lui?
- You don't have to worry about him. I'll take care of you.
Ne t'en fais pas pour lui.
What makes you think I care about him?
Pourquoi voudrais-tu qu'il m'intéresse?
He doesn't care about you. Only what you can steal for him through someone you become.
Il se fiche de vous, mais pas de ce que vous pouvez voler pour lui... quand vous devenez quelqu'un d'autre.
WEll, I don't care What you think about him, What your sixth sense is.
Je me fiche de ce que tu penses de lui, de ton sixième sens.
If you are talking about this specific boy, I lost interest in him long ago, and I don't care to see or hear about him, With his character, you may be well suited for him,
Si tu fais allusion à ce garçon, de toutes façons je ne suis plus intéressée à le voir et à en entendre parler, Tu lui conviendras mieux,
Oh, come on. You must care about him.
Tu ne te fiches sûrement pas de lui.
I know you don't care about him that much.
Je sais que tu tiens pas à lui à ce point-là.
What do you care what a fat old pile of shit like him says about your dad?
Pourquoi t'occupes-tu de ce qu'un vieux tas de merde dit sur ton père?
- You care a lot about him, don't you?
- Tu l'aimes beaucoup, hein?
Nobody will care about him if you don't
Frère Wah, viens vite. Personne ne fera attention à lui sinon.
You couldn't care less about him!
Vous n'en aviez rien à faire de lui!
Maybe you don't care about what you're doing to him, but I do.
Tu te fiches peut-être de lui, mais pas moi.
You're always having a go at him. You don't understand nor care about him.
Vous vous êtes toujours désintéressé de lui!
I don't care about you or him.
Je ne veux ni vous, ni lui.
I care about him deeply, and I know you do too.
Je l'aime profondément, et vous aussi.
I don't care about him, it's you I'm worried about.
Je me fous de lui, c'est de toi dont je me soucie.
So don't you go telling me that I didn't care about him.
Ne me dites pas que je ne l'aimais pas.
They think you care more about him than your classes.
Ils croient que tu t'intéresses plus à lui qu'à eux.
He doesn't care about you but you chase him like a fool.
Il ne se soucie pas de toi mais tu le poursuis comme une imbécile.
But obviously you still care about him.
De toute évidence, vous avez encore des sentiments pour Iui.
I don't care about him... or you, or anybody else in this town.
Je me fiche de Cort. Et de toi. Et de toute cette ville.
She hopes to keep him in town and persuade you that he does not care about you.
Elle espère le retenir en ville et essaye de vous persuader qu'il ne pense pas à vous.
So don't you go telling me that I didn't care about him.
Ne fais pas de bêtises, Andy.
And yet, despite all that you care enough about him to risk your life for him.
Et pourtant, malgré cela, il compte suffisamment pour vous pour que vous risquiez votre vie.

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