You do it traducir francés
110,905 traducción paralela
Hey. I'll do it, if you do it.
HÃ ©, je le fais si tu le fais.
But it's cool that you do it.
Mais c'est cool que tu le fasses.
You start hallucinating eventually... but that could be fun, if you do it right.
On finit par avoir des hallucinations... mais ça peut être sympa, si on s'y prend bien.
Do you think it's like she said? A thing?
Vous pensez que c'est comme elle dit?
Go on, go do whatever it is you do.
Va faire ce que tu veux.
- Who do you think's gonna pay for this Zurich Polytechnic, huh? - Stop it, both of you.
- Arrêtez, tous les deux.
I expect you to do it because of the casino.
Mais je voudrais que ce soit à cause du casino.
And what did you do to stop it? No.
Vous avez fait quoi pour l'arrêter?
What is it that you do that you're the best in the world at?
C'est quoi être à son meilleur niveau?
You locked in on how you want to do it?
Tu as décidé comment tu allais le jouer?
What do you want to tell people about it?
Que voulez-vous dire aux gens à ce sujet?
- You're gonna do it?
- Tu vas vraiment le faire?
Okay, do you want me to explain to you why it ended?
OK, je t'explique pourquoi à § a s'est terminà ©?
It's weird I know more about your ex-boyfriend than I do you.
C'est à © trange que j'en sache plus sur ton ex que sur toi.
Boone, you so do not seem like you have it together.
Boone, tu n'as rien d'un mec stable.
Forget it. Just do whatever you want, Shandra.
Fais ce que tu veux, Shandra.
So, you're just saying that no matter what I do, there's still no assurance that I'm actually gonna make it even if I win the best award that playwriting has to offer?
Donc, d'aprà ¨ s vous, quoi que je fasse, il n'y a aucune garantie que je rà © ussisse. Même si je gagne le meilleur prix possible pour une dramaturge?
And I hate that I had to do it, and I understand that you're angry, but I'm asking you to do what I'm trying to do, which is look at the bigger picture.
Et je haie d'avoir du faire ça. Je comprends que tu sois en colère, mais je te demande de faire ce que j'essaye de faire, prendre du recul.
Then why don't you just do it?
Alors pourquoi ne le faites vous pas?
You don't do it because deep down inside... you know there's something worth sticking around for.
Vous ne la faites pas parce qu'au fond de vous Vous savez qu'il reste des choses qui en valent la peine.
You can do it.
Tu peux le faire.
Uh, do you want to watch it with me?
Tu veux regarder avec moi?
You know, I feel like maybe lately we've been in a bit of a rut, and, you know, I'll do my part to fix it.
Tu sais, j'ai senti que peut-être dernièrement on a été dans une sorte de routine, et, tu vois, j'ai essayé de l'empêcher.
I know you didn't do it.
Je sais que vous ne l'avez pas fait.
Was it so tough that you would do something so stupid as to try to make a buck by stealing from me?
C'est si dur? que vous devez faire quelque chose de si stupide en te faisant de l'argent en me volant?
Tell him you didn't do it.
Dis-lui que tu ne l'as pas fait.
You do whatever it is you need to do.
Fais ce que tu as à faire.
But I need you by my side if I'm to do it.
Mais j'ai besoin de toi à mes côtés si je dois le faire.
Do you know what it is?
Tu sais ce que c'est?
I would lay awake at night tormented with anguish that the only reason that you do not share the nature of your assignment with your wife is that you might be placed in danger by it.
Je me suis réveillée tourmentée, dans l'idée que tu ne partages pas la nature de ta mission avec ta femme... car cette mission te met en danger.
If you do take it, marshal... and if it works, as it has for young Mercy, it would establish that your affliction was not brought on by witchcraft.
Si vous le prenez, marshal, et s'il fonctionne... comme pour la jeune Mercy, alors il sera établi que votre affection n'était pas due à la sorcellerie.
Do not look inside of it, it could cost you your life.
Ne regarde pas dedans, ça pourrait te coûter la vie.
Do you not know true devotion when it's stood looking at you?
Ne voyez-vous pas la vraie dévotion quand elle se tient devant vous?
Do not let this place do to you what it has done to us men.
Ne laissez pas cet endroit vous faire ce qu'il a fait à nous les hommes.
It's quite hard to actually stop and say, "You know what? I think I want to do something massively different."
C'est dur de dire "Je veux faire un truc très différent".
I guess the point is life's too short and you really do have to live it.
La vie est trop courte, il faut la vivre à fond.
If you don't understand why someone would want to do it, then of course it seems like an unnecessary and crazy thing to do.
Si on ne comprend pas ça alors, bien sûr, ça semble fou et inutile.
[Tony] When you asked me would I ever row an ocean, the reason I say no is because I know how tough it is to row an ocean and I know how much you've got to want to do it.
Je ne traverserais pas à la rame... parce que je sais à quel point c'est difficile et combien il faut le vouloir.
"Can you still do it?"
"Tu veux toujours?"
It's just like we've been taken from our day-to-day life and just inserted in the ocean, and all you have to do is row.
On a été arrachées à notre quotidien, plongées dans l'océan et tout ce qu'on doit faire, c'est ramer.
It was really difficult to do because you have to write a step-by-step plan of how do you want to find out if something happens to your family.
C'était difficile, car on doit détailler comment on veut se faire dire s'il arrive un malheur à notre famille.
It's like, what do you want to do with your life?
Que faire de votre vie?
- [Meg] Do you want to plug it in?
- On le branche?
So, what's gonna make them be able to do it over you guys?
Qu'est-ce qui va leur permettre d'y arriver?
You could have one of the uniformed guys do it.
Vous pourriez demander à un des gars en uniforme de le faire.
Do you remember what it felt like before you took the cure?
Est-ce que tu te souviens de ce que ça faisait avant que tu prennes le remède?
Do you know what it means?
Savez-vous ce que ça veut dire?
When there's a revolution, who do you think it is that gets guillotined first?
Pendant la révolution, qui se fait guillotiner en premier, d'après toi?
You can do it.
Tu peux y arriver.
What do you do if it's a cloudy night?
Tu fais quoi si c'est couvert?
You don't fucking have it, do you?
- Tu l'as paumé, c'est ça?
you do it yourself 17
you do it all the time 22
you don't want to talk to me 24
you don 159
you don't 4631
you do 5232
you don't have to 1176
you don't understand 2732
you don't have to worry 197
you don't understand me 29
you do it all the time 22
you don't want to talk to me 24
you don 159
you don't 4631
you do 5232
you don't have to 1176
you don't understand 2732
you don't have to worry 197
you don't understand me 29
you don't know me 657
you don't remember me 206
you don't know nothing 35
you don't know anything 267
you don't mean that 235
you don't believe me 569
you don't want to 180
you don't know what love is 17
you don't trust me 261
you don't have to be sorry 41
you don't remember me 206
you don't know nothing 35
you don't know anything 267
you don't mean that 235
you don't believe me 569
you don't want to 180
you don't know what love is 17
you don't trust me 261
you don't have to be sorry 41