You say that traducir francés
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I once heard you say that I had the same rights as any other Colombian citizen.
Vous m'avez dit un jour que j'avais les mêmes droits que n'importe quel citoyen colombien.
Why did you say that?
- Pourquoi tu dis ça?
You know how long I've been waiting to hear you say that?
Je rêvais de t'entendre dire ça.
You say that you are going to take his...
Dis que tu vas prendre sa...
- Why do you say that?
- Pourquoi vous dites ca?
Didn't you say that it started out feeling better a little bit at a time when it happened to you?
Tu t'es remis petit à petit, quand ça t'est arrivé, non?
I'm gonna have to say that I cannot believe that you just said all of that to me.
Je dois l'avouer, j'en reviens pas de tout ce que tu viens de me dire.
I guess you could say that he was paranoid, but then again, if people are actually after you, that's not paranoid.
Je suppose qu'on aurait pu dire qu'il était parano, mais quand on a les flics au cul, c'est plus de la paranoïa.
_ And I guess you could say that the second part of Carrillo's plan was to show Pablo that the sheriff was back in town.
UN HOMME, UN QUARTIER, UN PAYS l'autre partie du plan de Carrillo consistait à montrer à Pablo que le shérif était de retour.
That's why we're going to say that you were poorly advised by your vice minister.
Le vice-ministre de la Justice t'a mal conseillé.
They say, over there, that you like whiskey.
Là-bas, on dit que tu aimes le whisky.
That's it? That's all you got to say on that?
T'as rien d'autre à en dire?
That's what you'd say. Um...
Voilà ce que tu devrais dire.
- I knew you were gonna say that. - What?
J'en étais sûre.
You came here just to say that to me?
Tu m'as amenée là pour me dire ça?
Max, do you understand that every time you say "I hate you" to me, it doesn't mean anything anymore?
Tu comprends qu'à force de le répéter, ça veut plus rien dire?
You're doing that thing where you say "Okay," but you're not actually okay.
Tu fais cette chose quand tu dis "D'accord", mais que tu n'es pas vraiment d'accord.
You know, I'd say that she has room in her life for both of us.
Vous savez, je dirais qu'elle a de la place pour tous les deux.
Look into my eye and say.. ... that you don't love Amar.
Mais regarde-moi dans les yeux et dis-moi que tu n'aimes pas Amar.
Say that every day you didn't feel something shatter inside you.. ... after you told Amar about me.
Dis-moi que, tu ne sentais pas quelque chose se briser en toi chaque jour quand tu me parlais de Amar.
Say, Sockie, who was that lady I saw you with last night?
Dis-moi, Sockie, qui était cette fille que j'ai vu avec toi la nuit dernière?
There may be a level of tension within the Council that goes beyond what the public is aware, and yes, if this blink drive works the way you say it does you may well be in a unique position to help.
Il peut y avoir un degré de tension au sein du conseil, bien au delà de ce qu'en connaît le public, et oui, si ce blink drive fonctionne comme vous le dites vous seriez en position unique pour aider.
Once you ask Him that, you'll be surprised how much the old guy has to say.
Une fois que vous Lui demandez ça, vous serez surpris de voir ce que le vieux bonhomme a à raconter.
- That's all you can say?
C'est tout?
Not like with you and Lawrence when you're wrong, but I say that you're right, so...
Je te soutiens toujours, même quand t'as tort avec Lawrence.
L just think that it would be much better for you to have a conversation with her so that you can communicate everything you want to say.
Je pense que c'est vous qui devriez lui parler. Comme ça, vous pourrez tout lui dire... en tant qu'associée.
Please say that you brought me a Snickers.
Dis-moi que tu m'as rapporté un Snickers.
- There's nothing you can say that's...
- Rien ne pourra...
You want to say that again?
Redis-moi ça.
Because trust me when I say that I'll have you replaced by Ryan Gosling, Ryan Phillippe, or Ryan Reynolds or any other handsome Ryan by the time you get to your car.
Crois-moi, je peux te remplacer par Ryan Gosling, Ryan Phillippe, Ryan Reynolds, ou n'importe quel Ryan en deux minutes.
I came here today so I could look you in the eye, say that to you, and then get back in my fancy-ass car and finally prove to myself, and to you, and to my family who loves me, that I didn't need a thing from you, even after I knew who you were.
Je suis venu aujourd'hui pour vous regarder dans les yeux, vous dire ça remonter dans ma belle bagnole et enfin me prouver, vous prouver et prouver à ma famille que je n'ai aucun besoin de vous, même en sachant qui vous êtes.
You can't just say that.
Tu ne peux te contenter de dire ça.
Then how'd you know to say that if you weren't listening?
Alors comment saurais tu quoi dire si tu n'écoutais pas?
You know that thing they say about how you're supposed to sleep when the baby sleeps?
Tu connais cette chose qui dit que tu es supposée dormir quand ton bébé dort?
I don't have anyone else who understands except you, and I know that Bailey said not to say anything,
Personne d'autre ne comprend à part toi, et je sais que Bailey a dit de ne rien dire,
You're gonna have to say that all again.
Vous allez devoir le répéter encore une fois.
And then you have to say they're dead, and there's just no coming back from that.
Et ensuite tu dois dire qu'ils sont morts, et il n'y aucun moyen de s'en sortir.
I guess what I'm trying to say is I hope that things continue in that direction, you know?
Je suppose que ce que j'essaie de te dire c'est que j'espère que les choses vont continuer comme ça, tu vois?
That's what you were going to say?
C'est ca que t'allais dire?
What I want to say is that you must not take into account my version up to now.
Ce que je veux dire a la cour, c'est qu'il faut pas tenir compte de ce que j'ai raconte.
You're going to say that he takes back his confession.
Vous allez dire que mon fils revient sur ses aveux.
You had to say that. Think!
Fallait que tu dises ça.
I brought all of you here to show you that what they say about me isn't true.
Je vous ai fait venir pour prouver que ce qu'on dit sur moi est faux.
Now, that thing you got, it's like a... how would you say, uh, a buffet for us.
Ce truc que tu as, c'est... Comment dire? Un buffet pour nous.
Did I say shit when you were complaining about your job for five fucking years like you can't change that shit?
Tu te plains de ton taf depuis 5 ans comme si c'était une fatalité.
You've been on the fence, whining about your relationship forever, but did I say a motherfucking thing about that?
Tu pestes sur ta vie de couple depuis toujours! Mais j'ai jamais rien dit!
And then he'll say, " Well, if you look at the reservation sheet... none of the guests that are coming in tonight have ever been to this restaurant before.
Et alors il dit : " Eh bien, si tu regardes la feuille des réservations... aucun des hôtes qui viennent ce soir n'est jamais venu au restaurant avant.
"I'm sorry to say that you have stage IV-B cancer."
"Je suis désolé de vous dire que vous avez un cancer de niveau IV-B."
When I serve something that you say,
Quand je sers quelque chose dont vous dites :
They say that you grow as a kid, your character develops then.
Ils disent que vous grandissez comme un gamin, votre caractère se développe ensuite.
You can't say that.
T'as pas le droit de dire ca.
you say that every time 21
you say that now 64
you say that like it's a bad thing 55
you say yes 16
you say something 57
you say 1269
you say no 28
you say the word 43
you say nothing 34
you say it 83
you say that now 64
you say that like it's a bad thing 55
you say yes 16
you say something 57
you say 1269
you say no 28
you say the word 43
you say nothing 34
you say it 83
you say so 24
say that again 344
say that 54
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
say that again 344
say that 54
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that's awesome 830
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that's awesome 830
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334