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You were gone traducir francés

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I woke up, and you were gone.
Je me suis réveillé et tu étais partie.
I dreamt that I woke up and you were gone.
J'ai rêvé que je me réveillais et que tu étais parti.
You were gone a long time, did something happen?
Tu es parti longtemps, quelque chose est arrivé?
Frank, I know it seems that way, and I'm sorry, but you were gone and I was taking care of this.
Frank, ça a l'air ainsi, et je suis désolée, mais tu étais absent, et je m'occupais de ça.
You Were Gone For A Few Days.
Vous êtes parti quelques jours.
You were gone and it was painful for me.
Tu es parti et ça a été très douloureux pour moi.
You were gone for three years without coming back to us... to see how we are doing or to help your younger siblings get an education.
Tu es parti pendant trois ans sans revenir nous voir. Ni voir comment nous allions. Ni aider tes jeunes frères et soeurs dans leur éducation.
Lana, I thought you were gone.
J'ai cru que tu étais morte.
While you were gone, Casey Brock, a LuthorCorp lab tech working on Scion, was found... half-conscious in an alley.
En ton absence, Casey Brock, une laborantine qui travaillait sur Scion, a été découverte à demi-consciente dans une ruelle.
Hey, it's me. I fell asleep and when I woke up you were gone.
Je me suis endormie et à mon réveil tu étais parti.
I fell asleep, and when I woke up, you were gone.
Je me suis endormie et à mon réveil tu étais parti.
I couldn't let her go. I thought if you were gone,
Je ne pouvais pas la laisser et si tu partais,
She lived at the 4400 Center after you were gone.
Elle a vécu au Centre après ton départ.
I had come so close to finding you and you were gone.
J'étais arrivée si près de te trouver et tu as disparu.
You were gone for a long time, Michael.
Tu as été parti longtemps, Michael.
You were gone for a really long time.
Tu as été absent très longtemps.
That was nothing.After you were gone from my life, it really got bad.
c'était pas grand chose.Aprés que tu sois sorti de ma vie, ca a mal tourné.
When I asked you to supervise their rehearsals, you were gone and then you were late.
Quand je t'ai dit de t'occuper de la répétition, tu as disparue, puis tu a été en retard.
I thought you were gone forever from my life.
Je te croyais disparu à jamais de ma vie.
You were gone so long. - I know.
T'étais partie si longtemps.
II'Karolma, you were gone so long we forgot about you.
" Tu es partie si longtemps qu'on t'avait oubliée.
We didn't even notice you were gone.
"On n'avait pas remarqué " que tu étais partie.
But something happened, which I can't really explain but it's been incredible and I got to live your life for you while you were gone.
Seulement, il s'est passé quelque chose que je ne pourrais expliquer. Ca a été incroyable, j'ai vécu ta vie pendant ton absence.
Can you tell me anything about how you managed to keep alive while you were gone so long?
Pouvez-vous me dire quoique ce soit sur comment vous avez réussi à rester en vie depuis tout ce temps?
You were gone for three weeks.
Ton coma a duré trois semaines.
I mean, you were gone.
Vous étiez ailleurs.
I came while you were gone.
Je suis passé en ton absence.
We knocked them into your yard while you were gone.
Ils sont passés dans votre jardin en votre absence.
Do you know the fright you gave me when I looked in your room and you were gone?
Tu sais la peur que tu m'as faite quand j'ai vu que tu étais partie?
You were gone.
Mais tu étais partie.
You were gone.
T'étais à l'ouest.
You were gone a long time.
C'ètait long.
But in my defense, You were always gone,
Mais je dois dire pour ma défense, que tu n'étais jamais là.
You were right to tell me that Jessi was gone.
Vous aviez raison de me dire que Jessi s'était enfuie.
- Well, if Kyla were gone, you'd get the whole 25 million.
Juste quelques mots, comme on a dit. Ok. Clay...
Why did you say you were two months gone?
Pourquoi tu as dit que tu en étais au 2e mois?
That thing you were feeling... my hesitation and fear... it's gone.
Ce truc que tu ressens, mon hésitation et ma peur, C'est parti.
But John told some people that you were gonna be gone. And before you came back, everybody was already freaked out.
Mais John a dit que tu serais bientôt parti, et ça a fait paniquer tout Ie monde.
Like you wouldn't have gone to MIT when you were 15?
Tu ne serais pas allé au MIT à 15 ans?
One second you were there, and then you were... gone.
Un moment vous êtes là et puis vous... disparaissez.
And then, you know, two days later, they were gone, disappeared forever.
Après deux jours, il n'en restait plus. Aucun.
if i thought you were wrong, you'd be gone by now.
Si je pensais que vous aviez tort, vous ne seriez déjà plus là.
When I called to say Troels was gone, you were cool and calm.
J'ai dit que je le cherchais, tu n'étais pas inquiet.
Look, you were just gone forever.
Écoute, tu es parti pour une éternité.
Tom Stipe said he told you where the coins were. And now they're gone.
Tom Stipe vous a dit où les pièces se trouvaient et elles ont disparu.
The girls in the hallway were gone by the time we got there. Did you hear them leave or... hear someone talk about moving them?
Les filles dans le couloir étaient parties le temps qu'on arrive, vous les avez entendues partir ou... entendu quelqu'un parler de les déplacer?
He / she thought that Torres you he / she had gone later to the West. And we were following the same turn.
Torres avait alors fui vers le nord-ouest et nous suivions son itinéraire.
I made one up while you were gone.
Comment je peux le connaître?
I came back three weeks later and you were all gone.
Je suis revenue au bout de 3 semaines, et vous aviez disparu.
No, no, you were way past gone.
Non, t'étais bien plus qu'à l'ouest.
We were just starting to wonder where you'd gone.
On se demandait où tu étais.

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