And then i realized traducir portugués
545 traducción paralela
And then I realized.
Depois é que percebi.
And then I realized... like I was shot... like I was shot with a diamond... a diamond bullet right through my forehead.
E depois percebi... como se tivesse sido alvejado... alvejado por um diamante. Uma bala de diamante a entrar-me na testa.
And then I realized... they were stronger than me because they could stand it.
E depois percebi, que eles eram mais fortes que eu porque aguentavam aquilo.
And then I realized I was feeling good because of you.
E foi assim que me apercebi que estava alegre por vossa causa.
And then I realized I had the answer all along.
E depois descobri que a solução esteve sempre ao meu alcance.
And then I realized that it was too late because I'd reached up and broken off my teeth with my hand...
E então apercebi-me ser tarde de mais, porque tinha partido os dentes com a minha própria mão.
You know, first i thought it was sort of a- - a low-down, dirty place and then i realized it was a low-down, dirty place.
Primeiro pensei que fosse um lugar pobre e sujo e então percebi que era um lugar pobre e sujo.
And then I realized... that my hands and dress were covered with blood
Separei-me dele e aí dei-me conta de que tinha as mãos e o vestido manchados de sangue...
and then i realized that he is more interested in the takings from the cafe than in you.
E depois reparei que lhe interessa mais o dinheiro da caixa.
I went in, and-and I complimented him, and then I realized, "Oh, God, I'm kissing up."
Eu entrei e cumprimentei-o mas depois apercebi-me : "Oh, Deus, estou a dar graxa."
I yanked the guy out of his car, and then I realized M.D. Stands for Mike Ditka.
Tirei o tipo do carro e depois percebi que MD significa Mike Ditka.
I couldn't understand why I kept looking at this one face... and then I realized he wasn't smiling.
Não entendia por que não podia deixar de olhar essa cara... e então dei conta porquê, ele não estava a sorrir.
And then I realized that this is his home.
Mas então eu percebi que esta é a casa dele.
And then I realized all my friends were really good in different ways.
Percebi que todos os meus amigos eram bons de maneiras diferentes.
And then I realized that I'm against that.
Depois, percebi que sou contra isso.
You know when my father left, I thought it was because of me. And then I realized that, you know, that's just the way people are.
Sabes quando o meu pai saiu de casa, eu...
And then I realized that that was the struggle.
E depois percebi que a luta era essa.
Then I found another one and another one, and I realized it's a path.
Depois eu encontrei outra e outra, e eu compreendi que era uma trilha.
and then when I realized what I was doing, I let her go. And she just fell.
Quando me apercebi do que estava a fazer, larguei-a e ela caiu.
Then I caught on and realized I was only a desert rat... ... and that's all I'd ever be.
Depois apercebi-me de que era apenas um rato do deserto, e isso é tudo o que poderei ser.
I realized then for the first time that what you were doing was right... ... and that we were wrong.
Percebi, pela primeira vez, que o que fazeis era certo e que estávamos errados.
And then suddenly, I realized that the five secretaries were five gates to freedom.
Depois, percebi que as cinco secretárias eram cinco portas para a liberdade.
It was really pretty wonderful, and then... all of a sudden I realized that this girl was almost literally insane about me.
Era realmente maravilhoso, e depois... de repente compreendi que aquela rapariga estava literalmente louca por mim.
How you thought high school romances were goofy... and we started dating only because you thought I was cute and funny... but then you suddenly realized... you were in love with me, it was serious- -
Você dizia que namorar no colegial era babaquice... e saímos porque me achou bonitinha e engraçada... E de repente, percebeu... que estava apaixonado por mim, era sério...
Then I went to high school and read the book... and I realized that...
Quando, na escola secudária eu lí o livro. E entendi que...
I spent eight years trying to reach him... and then another seven trying to keep him locked up, because I realized that what was living behind that boy's eyes was purely and simply evil.
Passei 8 anos a tentar chegar a ele, e depois mais 7 a tentar mantê-lo preso, porque me apercebi que o que vivia por trás dos olhos daquela criança era pura e simplesmente... o mal.
Then, I realized that you knew what was happening, you and your friends.
Foi aí que percebi que sabias o que se estava a passar... Tu e os teus amigos.
But then you realized how upset your father and I would be?
Mas depois lembraste-te do quão chateado o teu pai e eu íamos ficar?
Just a... little, wooden, quacky duck. And a string on the bottom and you pulled him forward, he'd waddle from side to side. And I realized... if you put the head on a hinge, just a little wooden dowel... then the beak would peck at the ground when it pulls forward.
Apenas um pequeno pato de madeira. e balanceava de um lado para o outro.
I'd come all the way down the Mississippi... and hadn't gotten anywhere, and I realized right then that ya can't run away from your problems, ya gotta make a stand and face'em.
Tinha descido todo o Mississipi e chegado a lado nenhum, e só ali percebi que não podemos fugir dos problemas, tens de te impor e enfrentá-los.
But then i realized you would never do anything that indecent, and i know that no matter how much you hate robin, you would never jeopardize my happiness like that.
Mas depois apercebi-me de que não farias nada tão indecente e sei que não importa quanto detestas o Robin, nunca prejudicarias a minha felicidade assim.
Then I realized that I was alone... and that while I had killedManuel, I had not killed my love for him
Foi então que me dei conta de que estava sozinha. e que matando Manuel, não havia matado o amor que sentia por ele.
At first, I was really mad, And then I realized that the reason that I couldn't
You should have killed yourself when you first realized... and then I would have been able to mourn.
Devias ter-te matado quando te deste conta. Então eu poderia fazer o luto.
It was then I realized that the Afrikaners were not the only ones to hate and fear others.
Foi então que percebi que nem só os africânderes odiavam e temiam outras pessoas.
Well, I was, but then it... I came to my senses and realized my place was here helping Sammy.
- Bem, eu ia, mas depois eu caí em mim e apercebi-me que o meu lugar era aqui a ajudar o Sammy.
But then Catherine was born, the years went by and one day I realized I loved my husband.
Até que um dia a Catherine nasceu, os anos foram passando e um dia apercebi-me que amava o meu marido.
And then, as I watched him struggling, I realized something was obstructing its breathing.
E então enquanto o via a lutar, apercebi-me de que algo a impedia de respirar.
And then one day I realized, you know, you could get it out of the tree.
Um dia, apercebi-me que os podia tirar dali.
And then, as I watched him struggling, I realized that something was obstructing its breathing.
E então, enquanto a via a lutar, apercebi-me de que algo a impedia de respirar.
Then I got to know you and I... realized you were just as confused as the rest of us.
Mas fiquei a conhecer-te e dei-me conta de que estavas tão confuso como toda a gente.
That was my first thought but then I realized that a portable transporter is a rather large and bulky piece of equipment is a rather large and bulky piece of equipment to be carrying around the halls.
Foi o que pensei a principio. Depois percebi que um transportador portátil é grande e pesado para se trazer pelos corredores. - É verdade.
Then one morning I noticed a bald spot on top of my head... and realized I wasn't only losing my hair, but my career as well.
Um dia notei uma careca na cabeça, e percebi que estava a perder o cabelo, e também a carreira.
The day that Joana and Pedro left, I realized that the holidays had come to an end, and then it was me who had to leave.
No dia em que a Joana e o Pedro partiram eu percebi que as férias tinham chegado ao fim e que a seguir era eu quem tinha de partir.
I was terrified at first and then, I realized what was happening.
No início, fiquei aterrorizado, mas depois, percebi o que estava a acontecer.
And then, as I watched it, I suddenly realized that I was... watching myself as well.
E então, assim que percebi isso, de repente percebi que estava... olhando para mim mesmo também.
And then when when I didn`t get it no more I realized that was the last....
E, quando eu parei de recebê-Io quando vi que era o último...
And then one day, I found myself up and down at the same time, and I realized that I wasn't God.
Um dia vi-me em cima e em baixo ao mesmo tempo... e percebi que não era Deus.
But then I watched your olympic race on TV, and I realized...
Mas depois vi a tua corrida nos Jogos Olímpicos na televisão. E percebi que aquilo é o que tu adoras mesmo.
I began to have faith in myself and when she died, the first thing I thought was that I couldn't do this without her, that I needed her too badly- - her strength and her compassion, but then I realized
foi que eu não poderia fazer isso sem ela, que eu precisava dela tanto... da força e da compaixão dela, mas então percebi que o presente que ela me deu...
Every year, at first. Then one day, I realized a century had passed... and for years, I had been celebrating birthdays... for the dead.
No começo a cada ano... e então um dia percebi que um século se passou, e por anos eu tinha celebrado os aniversários... dos mortos.
and then 7362
and then i met you 29
and then she said 33
and then i 152
and then what 920
and then some 118
and then we 52
and then what happened 169
and then you 113
and then finally 32
and then i met you 29
and then she said 33
and then i 152
and then what 920
and then some 118
and then we 52
and then what happened 169
and then you 113
and then finally 32