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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ A ] / And we'll talk about it

And we'll talk about it traducir portugués

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- We'll drop in and talk about it sometime. - If you don't mind.
- Num dia temos que falar disso.
We'll talk about it and straighten everything out before anything happens.
Falaremos e esclareceremos as coisas antes que algo aconteça.
Well, read it, and we'll talk about it some other time, huh?
Lê francês? Então leia-a, conversaremos sobre isso noutra altura.
Come with me and we'll talk about it over lunch?
Vem comigo e falamos disso enquanto almoçamos?
In that case... just give me a check for my share of the profits and we'll talk about it then.
Nesse caso... me dê um cheque pelos meus lucros e logo falaremos do resto.
Vai dormir, aquecer-se, e falamos na segunda-feira.
If you get tired of chasing'em, look me up and we'll talk about it.
Se te fartares de os perseguir, procuras-me e falaremos sobre isso.
Now, look, Walters, why don't you come down from there and we'll talk about it?
Agora, olha, Walters, porque não desces daí para podermos conversar?
No, because if we talk about it... we'll fight, and you wouldn't want that, would you?
Não, porque se falarmos disso, brigaremos. Não quer isso, não?
Go ahead. Take the book... and after you return it... I'll ask you how you like it... and we can talk about it for a while.
Leve o livro... e depois quando o devolver... eu perguntarei se gostou... e podemos conversar sobre ele.
Why don't you come to my place tomorrow for breakfast, and we'll just talk about it.
Por que não vem amanhã para tomar café, e falaremos sobre isso.
Just relax and we'll talk about it at the airport.
Relaxe e falaremos disto no aeroporto.
I'll tell you something. Why don't we have dinner tonight and talk about it?
Porque não jantamos juntos e falamos do assunto?
Well, get these chairs off and we'll talk about it.
Bem, tira essas cadeiras e falaremos.
Let's not even talk about it. Okay? We'll just sit down calmly next week, and discuss it.
Encontramo-nos na semana que vem para falar de tudo.
Hey, bring us up a couple of cold ones... would you, and we'll talk about it.
Traz um par de cervejas frescas... e falamos sobre isso.
And as soon as we're finished, we'll talk about it, okay?
Em breve falaremos disso.
I'll see you on the set tomorrow, and we'll talk about it.
Falamos amanhã, no estúdio.
You just simmer down and we'll talk about it.
Vê se acalmas e podemos falar sobre isso, está bem?
Well, come on in, and we'll talk about it.
- Bem, passe então por cá para conversarmos.
Why don't you get changed and we'll talk about it at home?
Porque não mudas de roupa e falamos disso em casa?
And then we'll talk about it.
E depois falamos sobre isto.
Well, let's get him off to jail first, and then we'll talk about it.
Primeiro, vamos mandá-Io para a prisão, depois, falaremos nisso.
I'll meet you at the hospital and we'll talk about it.
Vou ter contigo ao hospital e falamos no assunto.
Just put the knife down, and we'll talk about it.
Pousa a faca, e falamos do assunto.
I understand that. Just pull over and we'll talk about it.
Encosta e discutimos o assunto.
I'll give you my address. You could come over later, and we could talk more about it perhaps.
Posso-lhe dar a minha morada e podemos falar mais tarde sobre isto...
- Put the gun down and we'll talk about it.
- Pouse a arma e podemos conversar.
I tell you what, I'm gonna sleep on it..... and we'll talk about it in the morning.
- Vou dormir sobre o assunto e falamos disso amanhã.
Come to the cigar store tomorrow morning at ten and we'll talk about it.
Aparece na loja de cigarros amanhã de manhã às dez horas e falamos nisso, ok? Veremos o que se pode arranjar.
And then I'll read what you've got and we'll talk about it.
E depois leio o que escreveste e falamos sobre isso.
Put down the gun and we'll talk about it.
- Baixe a arma e vamos conversar.
Let him go and we'll talk about it.
Largue-o e falamos disso.
Take a few days off and we'll talk about it then.
sai alguns dias de férias e então nós falamos.
Why don't you come back when you grow some hair on your nuts, and we'll talk about it.
Porque não voltas, quando tiveres cabelos nos tomates e falamos depois?
We'll talk about stuff, about problems, and we'll figure it out, okay?
Falamos sobre as coisas, os problemas, e resolvemos tudo.
You put that tape in my hands and we'll talk about it.
Ponha aquela cassete nas minhas mãos e depois falamos disso.
Let's finish the tour in California and then we'll talk about it.
Ouçam, após a excursão pela Califórnia, voltamos a conversar.
Why don't you come down and we'll talk about it over some raktajino?
Porque não vem cá e falamos enquanto bebemos?
We'll have a drink and talk about it.
Bebemos um copo e falamos disso.
And then we'll talk about it.
Depois, podemos conversar.
Let's go in so I can change my clothes and we'll talk about it.
Vamos entrar para eu mudar de roupa e falarmos disto.
You can come over and we'll talk about it.
Passa por cá e falamos, mas não fica nada assente.
- Come over and we'll talk about it.
- Sente-se aqui para conversarmos.
- And we'll talk about it at home.
- E falaremos em casa.
And then, we'll talk about it, all right?
E depois falamos nisso, está bem?
Okay, it's really great that your powers have advanced, and we'll talk about that later.
OK, é mesmo fantástico que os teus poderes tenham evoluído e falamos disso logo.
Why don't you grab a seat, and we'll talk about it.
Porque não se senta e conversamos sobre isso?
All right. Why don't you do it, and we'll talk about the next step.
Façam isso e falamos do passo seguinte.
Why don't I give you some pills... and that'll help you sleep... and then we talk about it in the morning?
Porque não me deixar dar-te uns comprimidos que te ajudarão a dormir... e depois falamos disto pela manhã?
Go to bed and we'll talk about it tomorrow, Beto.
Vá para cama e nós falaremos sobre isto amanhã, Beto.

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