Because it was traducir portugués
9,000 traducción paralela
When Brendan was arrested, that was immediately on my radar screen because it was one of the first video-recorded interrogations in the State of Wisconsin, and I had been involved in the litigation that led the Supreme Court to require videotaping.
Quando o Brendan foi preso, o caso ficou no meu radar... DE BRENDAN CENTRO DE CONDENAÇÕES INCORRETAS... porque foi um dos primeiros interrogatórios gravados em vídeo, no estado de Wisconsin.
I didn't even see it because it was right behind some ferns.
Não a vi porque estava atrás de uns fetos.
Now, I accepted because it was Facebook.
Aceitei, porque era o Facebook.
- Because it was wet.
- Porque estava molhada.
I suppose it wasn't cool to admit it, because it was painfully conventional, but I really just wanted to be married,
Imagino que não fosse fixe admiti-lo, na altura, porque era penosamente convencional, mas eu só queria mesmo casar-me.
I devoted myself to rum because it was more profitable And added four houses.
Dediquei-me ao rum porque era mais lucrativo e acrescentei quatro casas.
She left because it was her time to leave.
Ela foi embora porque estava na altura.
I had this stupid idea that you and I could make a new start together and all the pain we caused everybody else, it was for a reason because we were meant to be together.
Tive a ideia estúpida de que tu e eu podíamos começar uma vida juntos e toda a dor que causámos aos outros tinha razão de ser, porque estávamos destinados a ficar juntos.
I'm glad I did, because after looking in that man's eye, I swear to God, there was no doubt in my mind Maddox was behind it.
Estou contente pelo que fiz, porque depois de o olhar nos olhos, juro por Deus, não há a menor dúvida que o Maddox está por detrás disto.
Yeah, well, if that's the case, it turned out to be a great investment, because not only was he able to pay back the mortgage, he was collecting a $ 3,500 weekly salary.
Bem, se foi esse o caso, acabou por ser um grande investimento, porque além de conseguir pagar a hipoteca, ele ainda estava a receber um salário de 3500 dólares por semana.
Because they started growing their own product, and it was your territory- - you couldn't have that, right?
- Porque começaram a produzir o produto deles e este é o teu território.
Because it's starting to seem like that was part of the plan all along.
Porque está a começar a parecer que isso sempre fez parte do plano.
Because she was spreading rumors that I was on the front lawn and on the road, bare ass, and she was telling everybody about it and it wasn't true.
Porque ela andava a espalhar boatos de que eu andava na relva e na rua em pelota, contou a toda a gente e não era verdade.
People believed he did it, though, because he was an Avery.
Paradeiro do suspeito questionado As pessoas achavam que era culpado, porque era um Avery.
And there was a sense that law enforcement may be vulnerable here, and probably feeling it, uh... because God knows there were numerous editorials, articles, all of which had the theme of "How could this happen?"
Havia a noção de que as autoridades poderiam estar numa posição vulnerável, e provavelmente sentiam isso, porque foram tantos editoriais, artigos... Emendar uma grande injustiça... tudo com o tema :
And it clearly had because of what Gregory Allen did while Steven Avery was sitting in prison.
HABITANTE DE BROWN ATACADA POR G. ALLEN EM 1995 E tinha acontecido, devido ao que Gregory Allen fez enquanto Steven Avery estava na prisão.
Because DNA evidence from the suspect, Steven Avery, was found on the key and Mr. Avery's blood is found inside of Teresa Halbach's vehicle, it is no longer a question, at least in my mind as a special prosecutor in this case, who is responsible for the death of Teresa Halbach.
Como foi encontrado ADN do suspeito, Steven Avery, na chave e foi encontrado sangue do Sr. Avery no carro de Teresa Halbach, não há dúvidas, pelo menos para mim como procurador especial neste caso, sobre quem é o responsável pela morte de Teresa Halbach.
Sofia didn't want to use her key, because she was afraid it could lead back to her.
A Sofia não queria usar a chave dela, porque temia que pudesse ser ligada.
Well, it was so unusual because there were branches leaning up against this vehicle.
Foi estranho porque havia ramos a tapar o veículo.
The court finds that this tactic of misleading Brendan Dassey was neither improper nor coercive because it did not interfere with Brendan Dassey's power to make rational choices.
O tribunal acredita que esta tática para enganar Brendan Dassey não foi imprópria nem coerciva por não interferir com a sua capacidade de tomar decisões racionais.
It was because of this man right here, right?
Foi por causa deste homem, certo?
If you find it in a stain, the argument is it must be because the blood was planted.
Se for encontrado numa mancha, o argumento é que teve de ser forjado.
But all the work it did was scrapped this morning after a juror was excused because of a family emergency.
Mas todo o trabalho feito foi anulado esta manhã porque um dos jurados foi dispensado, devido a uma emergência familiar.
The defendant confessed because he was guilty, because he did it.
O arguido confessou por ser culpado, porque ele cometeu o crime.
Because I knew that Brendan's family was watching these newscasts and so in effect it was a message to try to get them accustomed to the idea that Brendan might take a legal option that they don't like, so part of the intended audience was Brendan Dassey's family.
Sabia que a família do Brendan estava a ver as notícias e foi uma mensagem para tentar que se acostumassem à ideia de que o Brendan podia escolher uma opção legal de que não gostassem, parte do publico alvo era a família do Brendan Dassey.
At first I thought it was funny but then I realized it's so true because it's not an adventure sport unless you have an adventure and therefore you have to be in a really cool unique, landscape.
De início, achei piada, mas depois percebi que é verdade porque não é um desporto radical se não houver aventura e isso requer uma paisagem fixe e única.
[Krystle] The first flight we had today, it was amazing but at the same time, a tiny bit frustrating because as we flew today the landscape just kept getting better and better and by the end of the shoot
O primeiro voo de hoje foi incrível, mas, ao mesmo tempo, um pouco frustrante porque, à medida que voávamos, a paisagem ia ficando cada vez melhor.
I finally found the perfect location but I couldn't quite communicate to the others what I wanted because the motors are going, it's super loud, also my pilot Justin was telling me " we're running out of gas,
No final da sessão, encontrei finalmente o local perfeito, mas não conseguia comunicar aos outros o que queria porque os motores faziam muito barulho, e o meu piloto Justin dizia : "Vai acabar o combustível, vamos voltar."
we've got to get back. " So I knew that was going to be the outcome because you know it's very hard to nail everything on the first shoot.
Eu sabia que seria assim, porque é muito difícil acertar tudo na primeira sessão.
- It was only because he was drunk.
- Isso foi porque estava bêbedo.
It was weird looking at them, because..... something about it felt right.
Era estranho olhar para elas, porque havia algo acerca delas que parecia fazer sentido.
It's funny, because the first thing we did..... was check the phone records.
É engraçado, porque a primeira coisa que nós fizemos foi verificar os registos telefónicos.
It was snowing and raining, and my mother said I didn't have to get up because the Germans invaded.
PRAGA Nevava e chovia, e a minha mãe disse que não tinha de me levantar porque os alemães tinham invadido.
That was very lucky for both of them because it meant that the visas that they had obtained allowed them to leave and return to the country on short visits.
Tiveram ambos muita sorte porque significava que os vistos que haviam obtido lhes permitiam sair e entrar no país em visitas breves.
I knew it was illegal, but I did it because I had no other choice.
Sabia que era ilegal, mas fi-lo porque não tinha escolha.
And it was a good thing, because we reached audiences nobody thought we could reach.
E isso foi uma coisa boa, porque chegou a um público que nunca ninguém pensou que se podia chegar.
It's just sawdust because I was helping Grandpa in the garage, so...
É serradura, estive a ajudar o avô na garagem.
It was easy to track her down because of the whole Middle Eastern thing.
Foi fácil localizá-la por causa da questão do Médio Oriente.
Because if it wasn't for that, then I have no idea what the hell I was doing there, sir.
Porque se não foi, não faço ideia de que raio fui lá fazer.
Was it because the boy yelled at me on the way to school yesterday?
Foi por isso que o menino gritou comigo no caminho da escola ontem?
It was not because of it.
Não foi por causa disso.
If it was me and him, I'd be a tiny bit worried, because he's a bit of a waster.
Se estivesse com ele, ficaria um pouco preocupado, - porque ele não vale grande coisa.
- It was because of soldier's accommodation going to the border!
- quando a rebelião começou? - Sim, para os soldados terem abrigo
We just blew it because they were supposed to bring you up immediately, and then I was waiting for you for, like, 20 minutes, and I don't really know what happened.
Esperei por vocês durante 20 minutos e não sei o que aconteceu.
It was a different kind of fame, because we didn't have social media, we didn't have satellite television, and yet the word would spread that this group would be coming.
Era uma fama diferente, porque não tínhamos meios de comunicação, nem televisão por satélite, e mesmo assim o mundo sabia que este grupo estava a chegar.
It was all because of that interview
Foi tudo por causa dessa entrevista
You have to really put it into perspective. I mean, the whole scandal was very serious, partly because of the violence that was in America at the time.
Era preciso ter em conta a perspectiva, que o escândalo, como um todo fora muito grave, em parte devido à violência que havia na América naquela época.
In one way it was good because we went into the recording scene and really, sort of, expressed ourselves through the records, then, because we could no longer do it outside.
Por um lado foi bom porque fomos para um cenário de gravação e de alguma forma, expressamo-nos realmente, através dos discos, porque nós já não podíamos fazê-lo fora, ao vivo.
I suppose it was because he was German, and they'd lost family during the war.
Julgo que foi por ele ser alemão e por eles terem perdido... familiares durante a guerra.
Was it because he was German?
Foi por ele ser alemão?
It's too bad, because I was gonna have a big, fat burger.
É mau demais, porque eu ía comer um grande hamburguer.
because it's you 31
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because it's true 90
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