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It was a traducir portugués

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It was a trap.
Era uma armadilha!
I had 11 years, I was on a cruise to Mexico, I ordered a virgin piña colada, I took a big gulp and realized it was as much a virgin as I was.
Estava sóbria há 11 anos, estava num cruzeiro no México, pedi um piña colada sem álcool, dei um gole e percebi que tinha muito álcool.
Okay, fine, it was a date.
- Está bem, foi um encontro!
It was like we both knew it was a lie.
Foi como se ambos soubéssemos que era mentira.
First hunter we found, we thought it was a hunting accident.
O 1º caçador que encontrámos, pensámos ser um acidente de caça.
Well, it was absolute murder, but it completely reconfigured the seating arrangements and I got a brand-new colour pallet and...
Bem, foi a morte absoluta, mas reconfigurei a zona de estar e tenho uma paleta de cores completamente nova.
He told us how he used to go to the Warlock's Chest storefront when it was a grocery.
Ele disse que ia ao Warlock Chest quando era uma padaria.
He was hoping it was Allie.
Esperava que fosse a Allie.
Or it was a crappy bridge!
Ou era uma porcaria de ponte!
He needed some air, so he went over to open the window and it was all blacked out.
Ele precisava de ar, então foi abrir a janela, e estava tudo escuro.
Which was obviously his way of sublimating his desires. But it also means that he is highly familiar with condemned and abandoned buildings.
Que era obviamente a sua forma de satisfazer os seus desejos, mas também significa que está muito familiarizado com prédios condenados e abandonados.
It happened last year, too, And it was raining hard that night, and...
Também aconteceu o ano passado, e estava a chover muito naquela noite.
A pawnbroker in Maryland. The local coroner wrote it off as natural causes, but the weird thing is, his pawnshop was robbed the day he died.
O médico legista relatou morte natural, mas o problema é, a sua loja foi roubada no dia em que morreu.
It appears he was trying to isolate the enzyme in her blood that shields her from Luschen's.
Ele estava a tentar isolar o enzima no sangue que a protege da Luschen.
It was you who destroyed the sentries and powered down the solar barrier.
Foi você quem destruiu os sentinelas e desativou a barreira solar.
Let me tell you something : if I was gonna relapse, I wouldn't do it on something as lame as pot!
Vou dizer-te uma coisa, se eu fosse recair, não seria com algo tão básico como a erva.
It was just a Rolo wrapper.
Era só papel de alumínio.
- It was not a date.
- Não era um encontro.
Oh, poor kid. It looks like during a police raid of a brothel, then 8-year-old Trey was found in a bedroom with a naked prostitute, and his dad was, um, busy, in another room.
Pobre miúdo, parece que durante uma rusga policial num bordel, o Trey de 8 anos foi encontrado num quarto com uma prostituta nua, e o pai estava "ocupado" noutro quarto.
I just kind of assumed it was'cause you were drinking all the time.
Assumi que foi por beberes a toda a hora.
This wasn't your call, S. - Yeah, it was, actually.
- Não te cabia a ti decidir, S.
No, Sarah, I want you to know that what S did, the sacrifice... It was for my family, too.
Sarah, quero que saibas que o que a S. fez, este sacrifício, também foi pela minha família.
And, um, Felix and I, actually, got some serious après-ski cred by the end of it, but Delphine was, like, all business.
O Felix e eu ainda nos divertimos, mas a Delphine só queria trabalhar.
Westmorland wants unprecedented access to human genetics, and Hashem Al-Khatib was bribing governments worldwide to get it.
O Westmorland quer acesso ilimitado a dados genéticos e Hashem Al-Khatib está a subornar governos em todo o mundo para consegui-lo.
And Delphine, I don't know if it helps chill you out, all she did was whatever Siobhan told her to, all right?
E a Delphine? Não sei se te ajuda a acalmar, mas ela só fez o que a Siobhan lhe disse.
Reddington insists his courier's death was part of a larger threat. And we're going to investigate it.
O Reddington insiste que a morte do correio faz parte de uma ameaça maior e vamos investigar.
I mean, maybe if it was for the right reason, I wouldn't have a problem, but it's not, it's for Reddington.
Talvez se fosse pelo motivo certo, não teria problemas, mas não é.
It looks like Holden was in town for a conference called the Method ;
Parece que o Holden estava aqui para uma conferência chamada "O Método".
Hey, listen, I thought it was gonna be all. Mani and pedis this weekend, and I'm having a really good time, but I really don't want to lose.
Pensei que este fim de semana ia ser apenas das mulheres, mas... estou-me a divertir imenso e, realmente, não quero perder.
You know, it was kind of entertaining watching all these guys hit on her, only to flame out in a few minutes.
Até foi engraçado ver todos estes tipos a tentar dar em cima dela, e seguirem o seu caminho ao fim de poucos minutos.
You're just saying it because you're scared, but, hey, remember what it was like when we met?
Estás, apenas, a dizê-lo porque estás assustada, mas... lembras-te como as coisas eram quando nos conhecemos?
It was me... eating... Dionne Warwick!
Era eu a comer a Dionne Warwick.
Now when I wake up screaming, it's about how good the food was.
Agora quando acordo a gritar é porque a comida era mesmo boa.
Was it the- - the dead wife part?
Foi a parte da falecida esposa?
I sprayed them until the bottle was empty, but it turned out I wasn't only spraying them.
Borrifei-os até o borrifador estar vazio. Mas parece que não estava só a borrifá-los a eles.
So, I ran into the hallway, I banged on the door, and I tried the doorknob, and it was unlocked.
Então, entrei no corredor, bati na porta virei a maçaneta, mas estava trancada.
Uh, so, I-I brought the quilt home, and I was being really, really careful with it.
Uh, pois, levei a manta para casa, e estava a ser super cuidadosa.
Yes, as I was saying, she's hurting, so she needed space and I gave it to her.
Como estava a dizer, ela está magoada e precisa de espaço, e eu dei-lhe espaço. Estou a progredir.
It was crushed under a eucalyptus that went down in the storm.
Foi esmagado por um eucalipto que caiu no temporal.
Her doctors said that a weak match might take, but it was my call.
Os médicos disseram que podiam usar uma combinação fraca, mas a decisão era minha.
Why was it so hard to find a match?
Porque foi tão difícil encontrar uma combinação?
We knew this was a possibility, but you'll be able to break through it.
Havia essa possibilidade, mas tu podes resolver isso.
Yeah. It was just a broken insert-peg.
Era só uma cavilha partida.
This one time a few years ago, across from my work, it was late.
Uma vez, alguns anos atrás, perto do meu trabalho, já era tarde.
Well, it was a long shot.
Foi um tiro no escuro.
Yeah, well, maybe I didn't think it through,'cause I was too focused on how much Lockwood sucks.
Talvez não tenha pensado bem por estar focada em ver o quanto a Lockwood é péssima.
When I was growing up, it was the kid with the ball.
Por quê? Quando eu era pequeno eu era o rapaz com a bola.
- Well, it was a case involving me.
- Foi um caso que me envolvia.
That wasn't the question, was it?
Não era essa a pergunta, não é?
He can't know it was my idea.
Ele não pode saber que a ideia foi minha.
- Rip, we have a plan to put reality back as it was.
- Rip, nós temos um plano para voltar a pôr a realidade como ela era.

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