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Captain hastings traducir portugués

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I'm sure that the Mr. Poirot and Captain Hastings want to see your room and freshen up before dinner.
Estou certa de que o Sr. Poirot e o Cap. Hastings desejam ver suas acomodações e refrescarem-se antes do jantar.
And Captain Hastings will be in the next door.
E o Cap. Hastings estará na porta seguinte.
Mr. Poirot and Captain Hastings.
O Sr. Poirot e o Cap.
Good morning, Captain Hastings.
Bom-dia, Cap. Hastings.
Captain Hastings joining us soon.
O Cap. Hastings se unirá a nós daqui a pouco.
I introduce to him the Captain Hastings, my partner.
Apresento-lhe o Capitão Hastings, meu sócio.
The Captain Hastings it is delirious with cars.
O Capitão Hastings delira com carros.
Captain Hastings, is the vehicle repaired?
Capitão Hastings, o veículo está consertado?
We go, Captain Hastings.
Vamos, Capitão Hastings.
Now, miss Dunn, you have mentioned your legacy, but Captain Hastings and I, we know nothing of this.
Miss Dunn, falou-me da sua herança, mas eu e o Capitão não sabemos de que se trata.
Perhaps you will recount to Captain Hastings and me, the whole history.
Talvez nos queira contar toda a história.
- Captain Hastings.
- Capitão Hastings.
- It already knows the Captain Hastings and this is the Inspector-chief Japp, of the Scotland Yard.
- Já conhece o Capitão Hastings e este é o Inspector-Chefe Japp, da Scotland Yard.
He is sure that this is allowed, Captain Hastings?
Tem a certeza que isto é permitido, Capitão Hastings?
You. Poirot and the Captain Hastings in order that you see. Farley.
O Sr. Poirot e o Capitão Hastings para ver o Sr. Farley.
Captain Hastings and Sir Poirot.
Capitão Hastings e Senhor Poirot.
Monsieur Poirot, Captain Hastings.
Monsieur Poirot, Capitão Hastings.
It is much of his kindness, I them have to find myself with the Captain Hastings in the "Mon Desir".
É muita amabilidade sua, mas tenho de me encontrar com o Capitão Hastings no "Mon Desir".
The fault belongs to his friend, the Captain Hastings, Monsieur Poirot.
A culpa é do seu amigo, o Capitão Hastings, Monsieur Poirot.
The Captain Hastings is very good in that.
O Capitão Hastings é muito bom nisso.
- Good morning, Captain Hastings.
- Bom dia, Capitão Hastings.
It does not seem to me that they like what touches the fruit, Captain Hastings.
Não me parece que eles gostem que mexa na fruta, Capitão Hastings.
The Captain Hastings hunted, the secretary visited the sister the Folkestone.
O Capitão Hastings foi caçar, a secretária foi visitar a irmã a Folkestone.
This is Captain Hastings.
Este é o Capitão Hastings.
Alors, my friend Captain Hastings will tell it to you.
O meu amigo Capitão Hastings apresenta-me.
And Captain Hastings, his associate.
E o Capitão Hastings, colega de Mr.Poirot.
Hello, Monsieur Poirot, Captain Hastings.
- Olá, Mr.Poirot. Capitão Hastings. Bom dia.
Except me, Captain Hastings and your good self.
À excepção de mim, do Capitão Hastings e de si.
Captain Hastings does not know what we are talking about.
O Capitão Hastings não sabe do que falamos.
Oh? It was only a ruse, Captain Hastings.
- Era a fingir, Capitão Hastings!
Bert, we're sitting next to that nice Captain Hastings.
Sempre é uma mudança, devo dizer. Bert, olha, vamos sentar-nos perto do simpático Capitão Hastings.
I think of some silly things that Captain Hastings and Miss Lemon were saying.
... lembrei-me de algo que o Capitão Hastings e Miss Lemon diziam há pouco.
Good morning, Captain Hastings.
Bom dia, Capitão Hastings.
Captain Hastings!
Capitão Hastings!
Be livened up, Captain Hastings.
Anime-se, Capitão Hastings.
Does not it agree, Captain Hastings?
Não concorda, Capitão Hastings?
- Captain Hastings!
- Capitão Hastings!
And the Captain Hastings.
E o Capitão Hastings.
Pardon, but he is the Captain Hastings what is resolving this case.
Perdão, mas é o Capitão Hastings que está a resolver este caso.
What was, Captain Hastings?
O que foi, Capitão Hastings?
The Captain Hastings it manages to explain any mystery.
O Capitão Hastings consegue explicar qualquer mistério.
This is my associate, the Captain Hastings.
Este é o meu associado, o Capitão Hastings.
Captain Hastings.
Capitão Hastings.
And we should have thanked for a Captain Hastings for his vigilance.
E devemos agradecer ao Capitão Hastings pela sua vigilância.
And this is Mr. Hercule Poirot and his colleague, Captain Hastings.
E este é Mr. Hercule Poirot e o seu colega, o Capitão Hastings.
Miss Lemon, has Captain Hastings telephoned yet?
Miss Lemon, o Capitão Hastings não telefonou?
Tell that to Captain Hastings when he telephones.
Transmita-o ao Capitão Hastings quando ele ligar.
Tomorrow, the captain Hastings and I we will meet you.
Amanhã, o capitão Hastings e eu iremos ter consigo.
Captain Hastings.
Cap. Hastings!
- Have you done any flying, Captain?
Capitão Hastings, já alguma vez pilotou?
I never received anything of the kind, Captain Hastings.
Nunca recebi nada do género, Capitão Hastings.

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