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Christine traducir portugués

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We're gonna need an exemplar of Christine Whitney's DNA.
- Tudo bem. Iremos precisar de uma amostra de ADN da Christine Whitney.
Christine's phone.
O telemóvel da Christine.
And you found Christine's cell phone by the second blood pool.
E encontrou o telemóvel da Christine na segunda poça de sangue.
Christine's room.
- No quarto da Christine.
Boyd manages Christine's restaurant.
O Boyd é gerente no restaurante da Christine.
So Boyd came with Christine for the restaurant convention? No, no.
Então o Boyd veio com a Christine para a convenção de restaurantes?
Christine wants nothing to do with this guy.
A Christine não quer saber deste tipo.
About Christine wanting to open up a new restaurant in Las Vegas, and Sadat was going to invest.
Sobre a Christine querer abrir um novo restaurante em Las Vegas, e o Sadat ia investir.
According to the messages, Christine was the one who set up the meeting at the jewelry store, and, uh, the messages were... pretty flirtatious.
Segundo as mensagens, a Christine estava a marcar um encontro na joalharia e as mensagens eram...
I can't wrap my head around the idea that Christine was keeping secrets from me.
Não consigo acreditar que a Christine guardava segredos de mim.
How well do you know Christine?
Quão bem conheces a Christine?
Still doesn't answer the question, where is Christine?
Ainda não responde onde está a Christine.
If he was holding Christine captive in the room, maybe he went to get her.
Se ele mantinha a Christine presa no quarto, talvez tenha ido buscá-la.
What about Christine?
- E a Christine?
Where's Christine?
Onde está a Christine?
If I don't go back, Christine dies.
Se eu não voltar, a Christine morre.
Christine is in New York.
A Christine está em Nova York.
What's this have to do with Christine?
O que é que isso tem a ver com a Christine?
A few months back, the jeweler Sadat- - he comes into Christine's restaurant, he asks me to introduce him to the owner because he wants to build another place like that in Vegas.
- Há alguns meses, o joalheiro, o Sadat, foi ao restaurante da Christine, ele pediu-me para apresentá-lo ao proprietário porque queria construir um igual em Vegas.
I knew that Christine was coming back here, and my... my girlfriend Kim- - she looks exactly like her, so all I had to do was just set up the meet, rip Sadat off...
Eu sabia que a Christine estava a vir para cá, e a minha namorada, a Kim, parece-se com ela, então eu só precisava de marcar o encontro, e enganar o Sadat.
You had Christine's phone.
Estava com o telemóvel da Christine.
I'm taking that bastard back to New York with the diamonds, he's going to pay off the scumbag he owes, I'm gonna get Christine back.
Vou levar o desgraçado para Nova York com os diamantes, ele pagará ao bandido que deve, e eu salvo a Christine.
Then I will put Christine to bed.
Então vou deitar a Christine.
So, you know, I'm thinking maybe next month... me, you and Christine, we could rent a cabin at, uh, Palmer River, and we can go fishing, huh?
Estava a pensar em, talvez, no mês que vem eu, tu e a Christine alugarmos um chalé no Rio Palmer e irmos pescar?
Christine wouldn't retain conscious access - to a memory made at 14 months.
A Christine não teria consciência de um facto ocorrido aos 14 meses.
You want Christine to grow up like that?
Queres que a Christine cresça assim?
Christine misses you.
A Christine também.
Okay, Christine.
Está bem, Christine.
Christine's -
Her name is Christine.
Chama-se Christine.
Max, she doesn't need to know the details.
Max, ela não precisa saber dos detalhes. Onde está a Christine?
Where's Christine? I thought I heard her with you when you found me.
Pensei tê-la ouvido contigo quando me encontraste.
Everything's under control, Christine.
Está tudo controlado, Christine.
I think we should go with your initial instinct, Christine and give Eric Love the one chance that Oliver thinks he needs.
Acho que devíamos de seguir o teu instinto inicial, Christine. Dar ao Eric Love a oportunidade que o Oliver acha que ele precisa.
For example, in my production, the Phantom appears in the first scene... because, after all, it's not called Christine and Raoul of the Opera.
Por exemplo, na minha produção, o Fantasma aparece na primeira cena... porque, no fim de contas, não se chama Christine e Raoul da Ópera.
Look, I don't blame you for what happened to Christine.
Não o culpo pelo que aconteceu com a Christine.
And to Christine.
E à Christine.
To get Christine somewhere safe.
- Para pôr a Christine num sítio seguro.
When-When I was on the road with Christine, I was scared.
Quando andei fugida com a Christine, tive muito medo.
We're here with The Good Wife's Christine Baranski.
Estamos aqui com Christine Baranski de "The Good Wife".
So, Christine, you've actually won an Emmy, is that right?
Então, Christine, ganhou mesmo um Emmy, não é verdade?
Oh, Christine's baby group is later this morning, if you want to take her.
O grupo de bebés da Christine é mais logo, se quiseres levá-la.
Is it Christine?
É a Christine?
I think maybe it's because Parker is in England, or maybe because Christine is so healthy, but... Booth wanted to give these children a carnival.
Acho que é porque o Parker está em Inglaterra ou talvez porque a Christine seja tão saudável, mas... o Booth queria dar uma festa a estas crianças.
I was worried. I - I thought maybe Christine -
Estava preocupada, eu... pensei que a Christine...
- And is he with Christine?
- Ele está com a Christine?
Because sometimes I would just like us to do something... without you having to ask, you know, some scientist if it's okay. I don't want to fight in front of Christine.
Não quero discutir na frente da Christine.
Christine, Christine, Christine,
Sinclair indicou que tinha informações para nós sobre o Colorado. A Srtª.

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