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Dad said traducir portugués

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Your dad said you lot were the only ones off limits.
O teu pai disse que apenas vocês estavam fora dos limites.
My dad said it was this big custody battle, But I heard him talking to Colin's mom one night, Saying how she had said that leaving was her chance to be free.
O meu pai disse-me que houve uma grande batalha pela custódia, mas ouvi-o falar com a mãe do Colin uma noite, a dizer como ter ido embora era a oportunidade dela de ser livre.
That's what my dad said. Mm-Hmm.
Ele disse?
- But Dad said I had to finish my...
Mas o Pai disse que eu tinha que acabar...
You know, everything that your dad said about the life we've chosen, he's right.
Sabes, tudo o que o teu pai disse sobre a vida que escolhemos, é verdade.
Dad said he was going to unite all faiths.
O pai disse que ia unir todas as fés.
Well, when Kyle asked me to move in with him, My dad said he was just trying to corrupt me.
Bem, quando o Kyle me convidou para ir viver com ele, o meu pai disse que ele só estava a tentar desencaminhar-me.
Dad said I could go.
O pai deixou-me sair.
He's going to kill us all, just like Dad said!
Ele vai matar-nos, como o meu pai disse!
He-he's going to kill us all, just like Dad said!
Ele vai matar-nos a todos, como o pai disse!
My dad said we'd come back someday and bury him.
O meu pai disse que voltaríamos um dia para o enterrar.
- My dad said, "Always have options."
- O meu pai dizia-me para ter opções.
Dad said it'd do him good.
O Papá disse que lhe fazia bem.
Your dad said something to me today that made a lot of sense.
Hoje, o vosso pai disse-me uma coisa que fez todo o sentido.
Just below the grip. Yeah, and when danny left his dad, He said he was just pounding his club against the ground.
Sim, e quando o Danny abandonou o pai, disse que ele estava a bater com o taco contra o chão.
'No-one ever said it was going to be easy, being a parent,'being a dad, but they never said it was going to be this hard either.
Nunca ninguém disse que iria ser fácil ser um pai, ser pai, mas também nunca disseram que ia ser dificil.
She said that her mom was dad's girlfriend before you.
Ela disse que a mãe dela foi namorada do pai antes de ti.
Dad, I said I was going to get you the rent.
Pai, já disse que estou a tentar pagar o aluguer.
Hey, um, Lux said something about your dad.
A Lux disse uma coisa sobre o teu pai.
Well, your mom and dad are up in the birthing suite, And they said they'd be down in a minute.
Os vossos pais estão na sala de parto, e disseram que descem num minuto.
Dad's always been so supportive, but she said we were too young...
O pai sempre apoiou, mas ela disse que somos jovens demais.
Dad always said they had the perfect marriage.
O pai dizia que tinham um casamento perfeito.
Yeah, like the time you said Dad was taking a weekend leadership seminar, When he was really stuck in a barrel at the junkyard?
Pois, como da vez em que disseste que o pai ia passar uma semana num seminário de liderança, quando na verdade estava preso num barril no ferro-velho?
Smith's dad told me what you said about me.
O pai do Smith contou-me o que disseste sobre mim?
But, dad, you said i could get a book.
Mas, pai, tu disseste que eu podia....
So, she called her dad, said, "I'm here with my new boyfriend."
Então, ela ligou ao pai dela, disse, "estou aqui com o meu novo namorado".
I shouldn't have said anything, but you shouldn't be lying to your dad.
Talvez não devesse ter dito nada, mas talvez tu não devesses mentir ao teu pai.
Dad just said the most fucked-up thing.
O pai acabou de dizer a coisa mais estranha.
I mean, he said it in a totally disjointed, early Alzheimer's, dad-like way, but he said, " you and your sister have a half brother.
Disse de uma maneira desarticulada tipo Alzheimer, estilo pai, mas disse : " tu e a tua irmã têm um meio irmão.
I saw your new dad. My mom said that would happen.
A minha mãe previu que isso acontecesse.
My dad just said that.
Meu pai acabou de dizer.
She said your dad... wasn't... proper with her.
Ela disse que o pai dela... não era... adequado para ela.
He said we had to look after you now,'cause Dad was gone.
Ele disse que agora tínhamos de cuidar de ti, porque o pai tinha morrido.
Uh-huh. I just said I'd go with dad because I think he'd need me more.
Eu só disse que iria com o pai porque acho que ele precisa mais de mim.
Dad always said it was temporary, Dean.
O pai sempre disse que era temporário, Dean.
My dad always said I was made of more brass than his medals.
O meu pai sempre disse que eu era feita de mais bronze que as medalhas dele.
( humming a tune ) Look, I know you're cool now, but my dad hates you more than celery, and my mom said no new pets, so I'm hiding you in my room.
Veja, sei que agora você está bem, mas o meu pai odeia-te mais que aipo e a minha mãe não quer mais animais.
You said your dad didn't like Kyle?
Disse que o seu pai não gostava do Kyle?
And she said that my dad has been haunting us.
E ela disse que o meu pai nos tem assombrado.
Lisa just said that she heard you talking to Mom... and you said something about you not really being my dad, I...
A Lisa disse que te ouviu falar com a mãe e disseste algo sobre não seres meu pai.
Oh, I spoke to my dad, and he said he didn't know Kaitlyn was underage.
Falei com o meu pai, ele disse que não sabia sobre a Kaitlyn.
He said this time... He'd... he'd hurt my mom and dad.
Disse que desta vez faria mal aos meus pais.
Your dad called me. He said he couldn't reach you.
O teu pai ligou-me a perguntar por ti.
My dad... He always said it was stupid, but he always went to church with her.
Já o meu pai sempre disse que era uma estupidez, mas ia sempre à missa com ela.
Said Dad wanted me to come by.
Disse que o pai pediu que eu viesse.
Mom said that before he died, dad gave you his bike... the Norton?
A mãe disse que ele, antes de morrer, te deu uma mota... A Norton?
You said you were wearing headphones when your dad was attacked.
Disseste que tinhas auscultadores postos quando o teu pai foi atacado.
Morgan, you said that you were gonna talk to my dad about us.
Morgan, disseste que ias falar com o meu pai sobre nós.
I heard from my dad's insurance company, and they said they would cover the structural damage to the bar.
Ligaram da companhia de seguros do meu pai e disseram que cobriam os danos estruturais do bar.
HEY that wasn't half bad, what you said about me at Dad's.
Aquilo que disseste sobre mim e o pai, não foi assim tão mau.
He came to see me the next day and said that my dad had been gambling on his boat, owed a lot of money, that he'd be working for free forever, but that I could help pay off my dad's debt
Veio falar comigo no dia seguinte e disse-me que o meu pai tinha estado a jogar no barco dele, que ficou a dever muito dinheiro, e que ia ter trabalhar de borla para sempre, mas eu podia ajudar a pagar as dívidas do meu pai

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