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Dad was right traducir portugués

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Dad was right.
O pai estava certo.
I made sure that Dad was right.
Assegurei-me de que papai estava bem.
Well, dad was right.
Pai estava certo.
" But maybe his dad was right and it would all be worth it.
"Mas talvez o seu pai estivesse certo e que tudo aquilo valeria a pena."
My dad was right.
O meu Pai tinha razão.
You know, dad was right.
Sabes, o pai tinha razão.
Dad was right.
O pai tinha razão.
Look Laurie, maybe your dad was right about me
Olha, Laurie, talvez o teu pai tivesse razão sobre mim.
Dad was right.
O pai tem razão.
My dad was right.
O meu pai tinha razão.
My dad was right all along.
O meu pai tinha razão. É uma estupidez.
Dad was right.
O pai tinha razão. Anda!
Dad was right we should have stayed in Cambridge.
O teu pai tinha razão. Devíamos ter ficado em Cambridge.
Dad was right about this.
Papai tinha razão sobre isso.
And your dad was right about you.
E o seu pai tinha razão em relação a si.
Dad was right.
O Pai tinha razão.
Dad was right, like that's news.
O meu pai tinha razão. Como sempre.
My dad was right.
O meu pai estava certo.
Well, I found out after four years of absence that it only took me the second day to be really relaxed, and I was right chummy again with my dad, and we talked about the old neighborhood and the new changes.
Bom, percebi, após quatro anos de ausência, que no segundo dia fiquei logo bastante relaxado, e novamente amigo do meu pai. Falámos sobre o velho bairro e as novas mudanças.
I've only done what i thought was right, dad.
Só fiz o que achei correcto.
Your dad deserved it, and I was just..... did what was right.
O seu pai merecia, e só se fez o que estava correcto.
My dad was a bastard, all right.
O meu pai era mesmo mau.
'Cause I had a dad who didn't think it was right to teach boys to swim,
porque tive um pai que não achava certo ensinar os filhos a nadar.
I have the right to know who my dad really was.
Tenho o direito de saber quem era o meu pai na realidade.
Dad said he was uncomfortable about us being here for the weekend, and I tried to explain, make him trust me, and I said it would be all right, and this...
O pai disse que não se sentia bem por nos ter cá no fim de semana. Queria fazer com que confiasse em mim. Disse que ia correr tudo bem, e agora...
I mean, I know Kelly is Dad's natural daughter... but me, I was just some one-night stand with a cool guy, right?
Eu sei que a Kelly é filha natural do pai. Mas eu sou resultado de uma noite com um tipo fixe, certo?
.. taken away, The way your dad saw it, this watch was your birth right.
Lho tiravam. E para o teu pai, este relógio pertencia-te por direito, e não ia deixar nunca que pusessem as patas no relógio do filho.
She was the babysitter at a hotel we stayed at right before my dad went to Vietnam.
Era a ama de um hotel onde ficámos antes de o meu pai ir para o Vietname.
Your dad's theory was right, Lois.
A teoria do teu pai estava certa, Lois. Ele salvou-me a vida.
I can't explain it to you, but... I believed I was doing the right thing, Dad.
Não te consigo explicar, mas acreditei que era o correcto, pai.
I'd forgotten how rough it was for us right after my dad died.
Já me tinha esquecido o quão difícil tinha sido para nós após a morte do meu pai.
But my dad was telling me you can never go wrong doing the right thing.
Mas o meu pai disse-me que nunca podes ir pelo caminho errado fazendo o que está certo.
But my dad was right.
Meu pai estava certo.
He put it right into, into my mouth, and it was his foot or his hand, I don't know which one it was, but it was like shut up, Dad.
Ele põe-o na, na minha boca, e era o pé dele ou a mão dele, não sei qual delas era, mas está mas é calado, pai.
Dad was never right wing, Alberto, not even now.
O papá nunca foi da direita, nem sequer agora.
I was afraid my dad was gonna leave too. But he sat me down and said I didn't have to earn the right to be part of this family.
Tive receio que o meu pai me abandonasse, mas ele disse-me que não precisava de conquistar um lugar nesta família.
She hadn't dated much since Dad died, but I could tell right away she was interested.
Ela não saia muito desde que meu Pai morreu, mas estava interessada.
Your dad was like a father to me. And I promised him that I would always... look after you and your mother... and as long as she was alive, you'd have a job right here.
O teu pai era como um pai para mim... e eu prometi-lhe que... iria cuidar sempre de ti e da tua mãe...
"If his Dad was alive, he'd have set him right"
Se o Pai dele fosse vivo, ele o acertaria.
Find out if the kid was using the dad's credit or check cards, right?
Vão ver se o miúdo estava a usar cartões de crédito do pai. É isso?
Just wanted to make sure your dad was doing all right.
Só queria ter a certeza de que o teu pai está bem.
Was that all right, Dad?
Está bom, pai?
I'm saying that my dad was wrong and I was right.
Estou a dizer que o meu pai estava errado e que eu estava certo.
That's right. You remember how cool dad was?
Onde está...?
His dad stayed with all the others... but he left Osama's mum right after he was born.
O pai dele ficou com todas as outras, mas deixou a mäe do Osama pouco depois dele nascer.
You knew perfectly well Dad was coming, right?
Por que você não me disse? Você sabia muito bem que meu pai vinha, não é?
Probably from the fox? Right. Did you know that your dad was going to choose Hannah for the honor?
Provavelmente é da raposa... sabias que o teu pai ia escolher a Hannah para a distinção?
He was sitting in the driveway in this mint sixties Lincoln, with the pre-need form from dad sitting right on top of the dash.
Estava no acesso da garagem no seu Lincoln dos anos 60 com um plano funerário do pai em cima do "tablier".
Dad was right.
O meu pai está certo :
If Jenna was hunting her mystery dad, this is where she would start, right?
Se a Jenna queria encontrar o pai-mistério começaria por aqui, não é?
I had to take my dad to Northwestern for a test... so I was right there, anyway.
Tive de levar o meu pai ao hospital para um exame, por isso estava naquela zona.

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