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Had to traducir portugués

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I had to run.
- Tinha de fugir.
But then one day I realized that I couldn't run anymore, that I had to fight.
Mas um dia percebi que não podia continuar a fugir, que tinha de lutar.
It had to have been something she did or said, some sort of rite she performed.
Deve ser algo que ela fez ou disse, algum tipo de ritual.
She had a horrible week. I mean, the funeral, and then she had to clear out Qasim's apartment.
Ela teve uma semana horrível, com o funeral, e teve de esvaziar o apartamento do Qasim.
What does matter is that I had to face that very same bull two weeks later.
Não importa. O que importa é que tive de enfrentar aquele mesmo touro duas semanas depois.
Less. I had to practically order her to take a few days off.
Praticamente mandei que tirasse uns dias de folga.
He wasn't home, so he had to turn it off remotely.
Ele não estava, então desligou-o remotamente.
We had to evacuate the whole damn building.
Tive de evacuar todo o maldito prédio.
And I'm telling you this, because Earl was the closest thing I had to a father.
E estou a dizer isso, porque o Earl foi a coisa mais próxima que tive de um pai.
They only had to look real for the war game to be fair.
Tinham de parecer reais para o jogo de guerra ser justo.
Yes, and then they, they swab them for anything that's illegal or dangerous, so I had to think outside the box, you know?
- Sim, eles... e analisam tudo para ver se é ilegal ou perigoso, Por isso, tive de pensar fora da caixa, sabes?
It means everybody working in Earl's department had to erase their computers.
Ou seja, todos os que estavam a trabalhar no departamento do Earl tiveram os seus computadores apagados.
In order to fund a field exercise, Homeland had to submit detailed security reports.
Para financiar um exercício de campo, a SN submeteu relatórios detalhados de segurança.
And you knew that because he had to register his travel plans with Homeland.
E você sabia disso porque registou a viagem dele na Segurança Nacional.
And if I had to do it over, I'd do the exact same thing again.
E se o tivesse de fazer novamente, faria exactamente a mesma coisa de novo.
I had to leave out the part about killing a guy.
- que deixei de fora o morto.
I mean, she was gonna fly home as is. I had to, you know, cover, so I convinced her to stay longer.
Ela ia voltar para casa, tive de encobrir para convencê-la a ficar mais tempo.
Kind of had to with the news and everything.
Foi preciso por causa das notícias.
Money had to go somewhere.
O dinheiro tinha de ir para algum lugar.
I had to say something.
Tinha de dizer alguma coisa.
He stayed apart from the group all morning, so the corporal had to do the same.
Ficou longe do grupo a manhã toda, então o cabo teve de fazer o mesmo.
Well, had to get close enough to fire the dart.
O dardo tinha de ser disparado de perto.
It was so crowded, the kid and I had to go outside after we got our drip, so the rest of the group could get theirs.
- Estava tão cheio, tivemos de sair depois de pegar o nosso café, para o resto ter o deles.
Well, the rainstorm happened post-coffee, which means the dart had to be injected sometime after that.
A tempestade, aconteceu depois do café, o que significa que o dardo foi inserido depois disso.
Someone had to know something.
Alguém tinha de saber alguma coisa.
I had to ; if you wait until they're dead, you can never bring them back.
- Foi preciso, se esperasse que morressem, não os podia trazer de volta.
It's not like I had to clear my schedule, hon.
Não que tivesse de limpar a minha agenda, querida.
Had to write him up a couple times.
Tive de lhe chamar a atenção várias vezes.
And you made it clear you still had a plan to kill thousands.
Deixou claro que ainda tinha planos para matar milhares.
He had been going to gay bars and having sex with strangers for years, and he planned on continuing it.
Ele andava em bares homossexuais e tinha sexo com estranhos há anos, e planeava continuar.
That you had a free pass to sleep with men.
- Podia dormir com homens.
It'll be easier to get a confession if we had more evidence as to what happened after he got into the house.
Seria mais fácil obter uma confissão se tivéssemos mais provas do que aconteceu depois dele ter lá estado.
What he didn't know was that they had already made a deal with the governor to double-cross him for the reward money.
O que ele não sabia é que fizeram acordo com o governador para o atraiçoar pela recompensa.
We had no idea someone was gonna try to make it real.
- Não sabíamos que iam agir. - Não era essa a ideia?
I... I had nothing to do with any of this.
Não tive nada a ver com nada disto.
But it had nothing to do with Earl's murder, I swear.
Mas juro que não tive nada a ver com o assassínio do Earl.
I once attended a crime scene where the note was so offensive, that the grieving wife, when she had finished reading it, began to mutilate her husband's body, starting with his...
Uma vez fui a uma cena de crime onde o bilhete foi tão ofensivo, que a viúva, quando acabou de ler o bilhete, começou a mutilar o corpo do marido. - a começar pelo...
I never had the chance to give it to him.
Nunca tive a hipótese de lho dar.
It had something to do with a hot tip he got from a buddy in the joint.
Tem relação com a informação de um parceiro da prisão.
Then you killed Pruitt, but the only reason we can think of is a liar like you had no intention of honoring their partnership to begin with.
Depois matou o Pruitt, mas só conseguimos pensar que um mentiroso como você não tinha a intenção de honrar essa parceria.
All I knew was that I had a key that I needed to hide for a few years.
Tudo o que sabia era que eu tinha uma chave que precisava de esconder por alguns anos.
I had a body that I needed to dispose of, and my floors were almost finished.
Tinha um corpo de que me precisava de descartar, e os meus soalhos estavam quase prontos.
There's no deal to be had here.
Não há nenhum acordo para ser feito.
That had nothing to do with honesty.
- Não interfere na honestidade.
Yeah, well, only 12 sailors from the boarding team had access to the secure compartment where the drugs were kept.
Apenas 12 marinheiros da equipa tinham acesso ao compartimento onde as drogas estavam.
I already told you- - I had nothing to do with Collins'death.
Já vos disse, não tive nada a ver com a morte do Collins.
He had no interest in getting to know anyone.
Ele não tinha interesse em conhecer ninguém.
Bishop, if I had spent any amount of time underneath that man, I'd be crushed to death by his ego.
Bishop, se tivesse passado qualquer tempo debaixo daquele homem, estava destruída pelo ego dele.
We had a fine night, and now we're back here ready to help when called upon.
Tivemos uma noite boa, e agora estamos aqui para ajudar no que for preciso.
Well, they had a habit for, recruiting sailors and Marines to do their dirty work.
- Habitualmente recrutavam marinheiros e fuzileiros para o trabalho sujo.
Turns out Campbell had an ex-girlfriend, and I managed to track down her address.
Acontece que o Campbell tinha um ex-namorada e eu consegui localizar a morada dela.

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