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I found traducir portugués

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So when I found your front door open, I was afraid someone broke into the apartment.
Quando encontrei a porta da frente aberta, receei que a tivessem arrombado.
Remember I told you how I found my mother dead by her own hand?
Lembras-te de eu dizer que encontrei a minha mãe após se suicidar?
It was at least an hour until I found the blood... in the snow.
Só uma hora depois é que encontrei o sangue na neve...
I found this under your pillow.
Encontrei isto debaixo da tua almofada.
I found a single hair, stuck in the bottom of the box.
Eu encontrei um cabelo preso no fundo da caixa.
I found a single hair in the bottom of the box.
Eu encontrei um cabelo no fundo da caixa.
I found him like this in my room.
- Encontrei-o assim no meu quarto.
You know, for a split second, when I found those journals, I actually felt sorry for you.
Quando encontrei aqueles diários, senti pena de ti.
I went back to the boat basin and I found this outside the Jade Wolf. It's Maia's.
Eu fui à doca e encontrei isto.
And I found these.
E encontrei isto.
So, I found many mentions in print, but no images.
Encontrei muitas coisas escritas sobre ti. Mas nenhuma imagem.
I found the procedure in the study of rare diseases by Archmaester Pylos.
Descobri o procedimento num estudo de doenças raras pelo Arquimeistre Pylos.
Laura, I found out that you and Robbie were dead and having an affair in the same sentence.
Laura, descobri que tu e o Robbie estavam mortos e tinham um caso, tudo na mesma frase.
The strength that I found to stay in control... that came from you.
A força que encontrei para ficar no controle, ela veio de ti.
- Look who I found.
- Olhem quem encontrei.
I found my place.
Encontrei o meu lugar.
I just... I found... oh.
I peered over the banister, and... I found you crying alone.
Olhei pelo corrimão e encontrei-te a chorar sozinho.
Look, I'm not changing time. I will put him back, right where I found him. After we get what we need.
Não estou a mudar o tempo, vou colocá-lo de volta onde o encontrei, quando apanharmos o que precisamos.
He had killed my first wife. Then I found out he had turned her, and that was what she wanted.
Ele matou a minha primeira mulher. e era isso que ela queria.
Nothing's really been sensible since I found that out.
Nada tem sido sensivel desde que eu descobri isso.
Cookie, I found him!
- Cookie, encontrei-o! Olha.
♪ Oh, euphoria ♪ ♪ I'm so glad I found you ♪
Euforia Para mim, és mais do que teoria
I found out what happened to Rafael.
Sei o que aconteceu ao Rafael.
Yo, it's Tariq. I found her.
Lucious, é o Tariq, encontrei-a.
Wait till you find out where I found Bella.
Espera até saberes onde encontrei a Bella.
I want him found, and I want him arrested. Put out an APB.
Quero que ele seja encontrado e preso, emita um alerta.
I want him found!
Quero que o encontrem!
I've found a few Shadowhunters who have a personal stake in wanting Valentine dead.
Encontrei alguns Shadowhunters que têm interesse na morte do Valentine.
I would have found it. Jonathan, you brought it on yourself.
Jonathan, tiveste o que merecias.
I just found out. I swear.
- Acabei de saber, juro.
Look, I was worried that if the Downworld found out, there'd be widespread panic.
Preocupava-me que, se o Mundo à Parte descobrisse, houvesse um pânico geral.
- I just found out.
- Acabei de saber.
I'd lose all my credibility if my people found out that I let a Shadowhunter spend the night.
Perderia toda a credibilidade se os meus soubessem que deixei um Shadowhunter dormir cá.
I want this killer found.
Quero este assassino encontrado, compreendem?
I think part of him never left that terrible little room where we found Julie.
Acho que parte dele nunca saiu daquele terrível quarto onde encontrámos a Julie.
I'm the asshole who found your operative.
Sou o caramelo que encontrou o seu operacional.
- No, no. I just never... you know, found the right... the right woman.
Não, eu nunca encontrei a mulher certa.
Well, like when he told me about cheating on his fiancée. But I later found out he's been cheating for years.
Como quando ele me falou em trair a noiva, e mais tarde descobri que o faz há anos.
I, um... I just found out that one of my stories is going to be in n + 1 magazine.
Uma das minhas histórias vai ser publicada na revista n + 1.
I may have found a way to treat Ser Jorah.
Posso ter descoberto uma forma de tratar Sor Jorah.
I tasked our satellite to look for anything that might have our specific power requirements, and... wouldn't you know it... we found something that has exactly what we need.
E quando demos por ela, encontramos uma coisa que tem exactamente o que precisamos.
I think she found peace. Somehow, it feels like she did.
Acho que ela encontrou a paz... parece que sim...
I'm glad he found someone.
Estou feliz por ele ter encontrado alguém.
It's good that you found me,'cause I've been meaning to ask you something since then.
Foi bom ter-me encontrado, porque queria perguntar-te uma coisa desde dessa altura.
I see you've found my love handles.
Vejo que encontrou as minhas algemas do amor.
I'll party every night until the trial, and then every day once I'm found...
Eu irei festejar todas as noites até ao julgamento. E então cada dia que eu apanhar...
♪ And everything that I've found again ♪
E tudo o que voltei a encontrar
If I had gone with Tariq, then Lucious would have found me and I would have been dead by now.
Sabes que mais, mãe? Se tivesse ido com o Tariq, o Lucious já me teria encontrado e estaria morta.
- I'm saying it's about damn time that she got through with Dad and she found herself a good dude.
- Obrigada. Está na altura de ela esquecer o pai e encontrar um homem bom.
I think you just found what you're looking for.
Acho que encontraste aquilo que procuravas.

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