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I knew it traducir portugués

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- I knew it.
- Eu sabia.
I knew it was your birthday.
Eu sabia que era o teu aniversário.
I knew it.
Eu sabia.
I knew it!
Eu sabia!
And I knew it wasn't.
Mas eu sabia que não era.
I knew it will be you.
Eu sabia que ia ser você.
When she met Will, I knew it was special.
Quando ela conheceu o Will, percebi que era especial.
Yes! I knew it!
- Eu sabia!
I knew it! I knew it! Okay, okay.
Eu sabia que o conhecia!
Yeah, I knew it, Johnnie, but my friends didn't.
Sabia, Johnnie, mas os meus amigos não sabiam.
Ooh, I knew it.
Eu sabia!
But I knew it was her.
Mas eu sabia que era ela.
I knew it. The news was wrong.
As notícias estavam erradas.
I knew it would work!
Eu sabia que ia resultar!
I knew it. I knew Henry Coles was a 90-year old man with type 1 diabetes and emphysema.
Eu sabia que Henry Coles era um velho de 90 anos com diabetes tipo 1 e enfisema.
Ha! I knew it!
Eu sabia!
- I knew it.
Eu sabia.
I knew it.
Bem me parecia.
I knew it the first moment I saw you.
Soube no momento em que o vi.
I knew it would work, and it did.
Eu sabia que resultaria e resultou.
I knew it.
- Eu sabia.
Shit, I knew it.
Merda, eu sabia.
I knew exactly where people were gonna be, so I put the ball right where it needed to go.
Eu sabia exatamente onde os jogadores iam estar e punha a bola onde era preciso.
It fell to earth I knew not where. "
Ela caiu no chão, eu não sabia onde. "
Yeah, okay, well, that threw me off because I thought I knew who the guy was, and it turned out to be another guy.
Pois, eu sei, nesse não correu bem porque eu pensava que sabia quem ele era, e acontece que era outra pessoa.
And I knew, I just knew it was something bad.
E eu sabia, simplesmente sabia que se passava algo grave.
I knew right then and there, I had to have it.
Soube, naquele preciso momento, que tinha de ser meu.
I never knew it was possible to miss someone so much.
Não sabia que era possível sentir tanto a falta de alguém.
You know, actually, I wasn't sure it was Neil when he walked in. But then he tipped the valet a gram of coke, and then I knew.
Não tinha a certeza de que era ele quando entrou, mas deixou um grama de coca como gorjeta e percebi logo.
I just knew this was a barn with no one in it.
Eu só sabia que havia um celeiro abandonado.
- Right now. - I thought you knew the owner. - You said it would be fine.
- Disseste que falaste com o dono.
Arthur, I knew you had it in you.
Arthur, sabia que irias conseguir.
I knew he had it in him.
Sabia que ias conseguir.
I knew it!
I knew in my heart that it wasn't, but I let you lie to me.
No meu coração sabia que não, mas deixei-te mentir-me.
I knew that whatever Sonny did to me I could take it.
Sabia que o que quer que o Sonny me fizesse eu aguentava.
I knew it.
- Eu sabia!
Argh! I knew it!
Eu sabia!
If people knew how smart I was, it would have been harder to control them.
Se soubessem como era esperta teria sido mais difícil controlá-los.
Face was gone, it could have been a lad for all I knew.
Já não tinha cara, até podia ser um homem.
I knew we'd gone about it the wrong way.
Eu sei que procedemos de forma errada.
There were times that I was persuaded to sue for peace since then, but that was the day that on some level I knew... that England was broken... and that sooner or later a good man must resist it.
Desde essa altura que houve momentos em que pensei procurar a paz. Mas foi nesse dia que eu descobri que Inglaterra estava podre. E que, mais tarde ou mais cedo, um bom homem teria de combatê-la.
I knew it.
Em que é que eu a vi?
Father's father wore it all through the wars. And it'll help me not to worry too much if I knew you were wearing it.
O pai do meu pai usou em todas as guerras e ajudará a preocupar-me menos se eu souber que está a usar.
I fucking knew it!
Eu sabia, porra!
I knew I had to go, but, Hank, it was so hard to walk away from what we had, but what we had it just... kept getting interrupted by our jobs, our exes, our families...
Eu sabia que tinha que ir, mas, Hank, que foi tão difícil a andar longe do que nós tivemos, mas o que tínhamos apenas... manteve ficar interrompido pelos nossos postos de trabalho, nossos exes, nossas famílias...
No matter how surreal it got, no matter how the rules broke down... I knew how to handle it.
Não interessa quão irreal ficava, não interessa como as regras despareciam... sempre soube como lidar com isso.
I asked him. You're the only one who knew exactly where to find it.
Você é o único que sabia exactamente onde a encontrar.
- I knew you could do it! - It was just...
Eu sabia que eras capaz!
I knew what it was.
Eu sabia o que era :
I thought he knew he wasn't gonna use it.
Pensei que ele sabia que não o ia usar.

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