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I looked up to you traducir portugués

132 traducción paralela
You were my friend.I looked up to you.
- Era meu amigo. - Admirava-o.
I looked up to you.
Eu procurei-te.
There was a time when I looked up to you... - when I called you my brother.
Houve uma altura em que te admirava, quando te considerava um irmão.
And I looked up to you, man.
E eu gostei disso, mano.
And when I was no longer human, I looked up to you.
Quando abandonei a humanidade, passei a admirá-lo.
I can't believe I looked up to you.
Não acredito que me inspirei em ti.
Ethan, I wanted people to think I was smart. But I, m an idiot. I looked up to you.
Queria que as pessoas pensassem que era inteligente, mas sou um idiota.
I looked up to you until Keira told me about what you made her do.
Admirava-te, até a Keira me contar o que a obrigaste a fazer.
I was three years ahead of you and I looked up to you.
Estava três anos à tua frente e admirava-te.
I looked up to you like a father.
Você era como um pai para mim.
But let me tell you this. I've always looked up to you, worshipped you as a kind of god.
Sempre te admirei e venerei como se fosses um Deus.
Do you think it would be a bad idea, just to be safe, if I looked up this girl and, uh —
Achas que seria uma má ideia, se para ficar seguro, eu encontrasse essa rapariga, e...
And I've always looked up to you, tried to ape you... but today I'm ashamed for you.
Sempre te admirei. e tentei imitar mas hoje envergonhas-me.
It's not Africa. But I believe you were covering up for once, years earlier, when you were in America, having looked after a little white baby called Daisy, whose death, though you could do nothing to prevent it,
Mas creio que escondia seu passado nos EUA quando cuidou de uma bebê branca, chamada Daisy
Must seem odd to you that I've looked you up after all these years.
Deve parecer estranho ter-te procurado, após todos estes anos.
I just asked you to do one thing... Just stay awake and watch me... Just wake me up if it looked like I was having a bad dream...
Pedi-te para fazer uma coisa... apenas ficares acordado e olhares por mim... e acordares-me se parece-se que estava a ter um pesadelo...
Uh... well, darn it, you know he looked kind of sick to me so I thought... I'd just take him down to the vet and fix him up a bit.
Ele parecia um pouco doente... então, pensei em levá-lo ao veterinário e ver o que era.
I was one of those kids that looked up to you, man.
Eu era uma daquelas crianças que se espelhavam em ti, meu.
All the years I've looked up to you.
Dos anos que passei admirando-te.
And I'll tell you, people really looked up to him.
E ele pega.
And then one night, when I was 16 - we were at the Cannes Film Festival, of all places - I looked up and said to him : "Wow, Dad, this is all so easy for you."
Uma noite, tinha eu 16 anos - estávamos no Festival de Cinema de Cannes - olhei para cima e disse-lhe "Pai, isto ê tudo tão fácil para ti."
I'm sorry. I know you looked up to him.
- Lamento, sei que o admiras.
And he looked up at me, and... and all I can think was... "What a small world," you know? I used to see him with his daughter and his wife at Mass... and I think he recognized me too.
Ele olhou para mim e penso como o mundo é pequeno costumava vê-lo com a filha e a esposa e acho que ele também me reconheceu.
It's not as if I needed it to hold my pants up. I just thought it looked good on you.
Não precisava dele para segurar as calças.
Gobei, I've always looked up to you, and you've always looked out for me.
Gobei, sempre te admirei e tu sempre olhaste por mim.
I woke up one morning, and I looked at you over breakfast... and I thought to myself... God, this is what they mean.
Uma manhã acordei e olhei para ti através do pequeno-almoço, e disse a mim mesmo : é disto que se trata.
You looked so beautiful, I didn't, uh..... want to wake you up.
Estavas tão bonita, não te quis acordar.
I know that Dennis greatly respected your work and looked up to you.
Sei que o Dennis respeitava muito o seu trabalho e o admirava.
yeah, we were closer than brothers, man. I mean... you know, all my life, I looked up to him and I wanted to be like him and and then just one day, just... bam!
Quero dizer... toda a minha vida, eu olhei para ele e sempre quis ser como ele e depois num certo dia,... bam!
I've been talking to you for five minutes now about killing myself and no one's even looked up from their desk.
Há cinco minutos que estou a dizer-lhe que vou matar-me... e ninguém sequer levantou a cabeça.
We laugh about it now, but the fact is, I've always looked up to you.
Agora rimo-nos daquilo, mas a verdade é que eu sempre te admirei.
I hate to bring this up, but have you two looked at that will I left for you?
Detesto falar nisto, mas estudaram o testamento que vos deixei?
Sorry to call so late, but I looked up your number and I saw you were still awake.
É o Lorenzo. Desculpe ligar tão tarde, vi o seu número na lista e percebi que ainda estava acordada.
I found out what I needed to know when I looked in that cocksucker Bullock's eyes while Dority was spilling blood that you have failed to adequately clean up.
Descobri o que queria saber, quando olhei para os olhos do Bullock, enquanto a Dority sangrava o sangue que tu... não conseguiste limpar.
You know I've always looked up to you. I'm thinking of coming out and I wanted your advice. Oh, right.
Sempre te admirei por seres mais velho e estou a pensar assumir-me aos pais e queria o teu conselho.
All my life I've looked up to you, frank.
Olhei-te com orgulho durante toda a vida, Frank. Toda a vida.
You looked so sweet sleeping that I didn't want to wake you up.
Parecias um anjinho a dormir que não quis acordar-te.
I've looked up to the league. You were my heroes, every one of you. And you...
Toda minha vida quis entrar na Liga, são meus heróis, todos vocês... e você, era mais que um herói.
I was supposed to go to a Jay Mcinerney book signing, But I some how when I got it he car I drove over here and looked you up in the directory.
Era para ir a uma sessão de autógrafos de Jay McInerney, mas meti-me no carro, vim até aqui, procurei o seu gabinete, e cá estou eu.
Folks say papa never was much on thinkin spent most of his time chasin'women and drinkin mama, I'm depending'on you to tell me the truth mama looked up with a tear in her eye and said, "son..."
Dizem que o meu pai Não servia para grande coisa Passava os dias a beber E atrás de mulheres Mãe conto contigo Para me dizeres a verdade
I wanted to tell you that I looked up some of your paintings on the Internet.
Queria-lhe dizer que procurei algumas pinturas suas na Internet.
And I know that he really looked up to you, so I'd like you to have it.
E eu sei que ele te admirava por isso gostava que ficasses com ela.
But I looked up to you! Hey!
Mas tu eras o meu exemplo!
You know, the next morning, I wake up, I'm looking at her, and she looked so great wearing this cute little white t-shirt thing she wears to bed, and I don't know. I'm thinking to myself,
Na manhã seguinte, eu acordo, olho para ela, e ela parece tão linda usando aquela camiseta branca algo que ela usa para dormir, e eu não sei.
And then I got out and I looked up and I saw the sky and I realized that in everything there has to be meaning, you know.
Depois saí, olhei para cima... e vi o céu. Então, compreendi que tudo tem um significado.
I left work early to pick up the kids, I looked like an idiot because I didn't know where you were.
Saí do emprego mais cedo para apanhar as crianças, parecia uma idiota porque não sabia onde estavas.
Barb, I looked up your records to find where you live now.
Barb, estive a ver os registos para descobrir a tua morada actual.
What I'm trying to say is, the way I behaved, I wouldn't have been surprised if you would have, you know, looked the other way on this thing, blocked it up.
É que, depois da forma como me portei, não me admiraria se fizesse vista grossa a isto, ou se se opusesse.
Now you're on the path to being the brother that I always looked up to.
Agora estás no caminho de ser o irmão que sempre tive como exemplo.
I guess I had just started to believe that you valued me and you looked up to me.
Acho que começara a acreditar que me davas valor e que me admiravas.
I mean, it seemed like you really looked up to him.
Parece que o admiravas de verdade.

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