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If he was traducir portugués

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- What if he was released?
- E se ele teve alta?
If he was really that angry, why would he wait until now to do something about it?
Porque é que ele esperaria até agora para fazer alguma coisa?
I said if he was coming from Durham, - he'd be driving quite close.
Talvez tenha dito que se ele vinha de Durham, que passaria aqui muito perto.
If he was, they more than fit the bill of an organization with the means to orchestrate three murders.
Se estava, parecem o tipo de organização com meios para orquestrar três assassinatos.
If he was having any problems, he didn't share them with me.
Se estava com problemas, não os partilhou comigo.
If he was stabbed multiple times, where's the rest of the blood?
Se ele foi esfaqueado varias vezes, onde está o resto do sangue?
If he was gonna kill him, why not just do it here?
Se ele ia matá-lo, porquê não fazê-lo aqui?
All right, believe me, if he was up to something, I'd know about it.
Acreditem, se estivesse a tramar alguma coisa, eu saberia.
If he was exposed to the Mother Cell, - his pupil should be... - All big and scary.
Se ele foi exposto à "Célula-Mãe", a pupila dele estaria... enorme e assustadora.
He... was determined... wanted to be important, but he understood that that... wasn't gonna happen if... if he was gay.
ele... era determinado... queria ser importante, mas sabia que... isso não ia acontecer... se fosse gay.
If he was calling her on her second phone... We have to share this.
Se ele lhe ligou para o segundo telefone... temos de partilhar isto.
But if he was having problems...
- Tinha problemas no trabalho?
If he was to meet the son of Wächter, what would he say to the son of Wächter?
Se ele conhecesse o filho de Wächter, o que lhe dizia?
No W-2s. No tax returns. If he was working, it was off the books.
Se trabalhava, era escondido.
Callen wanted to know if the agency knew if he was still alive, and if so, where he was being held.
O Callen queria saber se a agência sabia se estava vivo, e se sim, onde estava a ser mantido.
That man... if he wasn't who I knew, who was he?
Aquele homem Se ele não era quem eu conhecia quem era ele?
Okay, if he was, I'd be having way more fun.
Bem, se fosse, eu estava a ter muito mais diverção.
- What if he was one before he changed?
E se ele fosse informático, antes de mudar?
If he was sent out to keep an eye on your daughter - he must have had someone to report to.
Se ele foi enviado para vigiar as filiais dele, é porque deve ter tido alguém que o deve ter informado antes.
See if he was telling the truth.
Ver se ele estava a dizer a verdade.
So we need to figure out if he was among the ones we killed.
Precisamos de descobrir se ele estava entre os que matámos.
He acted as if he was cooperating when all along he was looking to blow up the deal.
Fingiu colaborar quando queria destruir o negócio.
I wonder if that was because he was allowed to rest here.
Questiono-me se foi porque ele se escondeu aqui.
-'A blessing.' If Charles, A, whatever he calls himself was bold enough to pull that stunt with the photos he's not gonna be scared to crash a school party.
Se o Charles, "A", ou lá como se autodenomine, teve a audácia de fazer aquela proeza com as fotografias, não terá medo de invadir uma festa na escola.
If his case was dismissed, he is untouchable.
Se o caso dele foi arquivado, ele é intocável.
If I didn't kill Karposev, he was going to keep me, like a pet.
Se não matasse o Karposev, ele ia manter-me como um bichinho de estimação.
Not as hurt as he would be if he knew why I was going.
Não tão magoado quanto ficaria se soubesse porque vou.
If Frank was there, he would have seen him.
Se o Frank estava lá, tê-lo-ia visto.
If you could visualize a trombone player holds the mouthpiece, he was breathing in the corner of his mouth.
Ele cantou cerca de oito excertos e todo o teatro ficou tão silencioso que se podia ouvir um alfinete a cair.
Jesus, he was like a God in those days, if Gods can be sexy.
Ou é demasiado difícil? Sim, é uma questão difícil.
'Cause if our killer was after information, he may think Castle has it.
Porque, se o assassino queria informações, ele pode pensar que o Castle as tem.
If that was the case, he could have taken us much further.
Se esse fosse o caso, podia ter-nos levado para muito mais longe.
I was wondering if he phoned in sick today.
Já me questionava se ele não ligaria a dizer que estava doente?
If you saw Darwin's cupboard, you'd think he was a mass murderer.
Se visses o armário do Darwin, pensarias que ele era um assassino em série.
If I was you, I wouldn't believe anything he says.
Se fosse a ti, não acreditaria em nada daquilo que ele diz.
And if Sid really was in danger, why didn't he call security?
E, se o Sid estava realmente em perigo, porque não chamou a segurança?
He thought if people could see how easy it was to, steal something as deadly pol 210, they'd demand accountability for what happened.
Ele pensou que se as pessoas pudessem ver como era fácil roubar algo tão mortal como o polónio 210, elas iam exigir responsabilidade pelo que aconteceu.
But if going public was his intention he would have done it by now.
Mas se ir a público era a intenção dele, ele já teria feito isso.
I don't think that Horst is a Nazi, but he's completely wrong about his father who was a senior Nazi leader. And if he'd been apprehended and tried, he would certainly have suffered the same fate as Hans Frank.
Acho que o Horst não é nazi, mas está errado quanto ao seu pai, que era um líder superior nazi e se tivesse sido detido e julgado, teria tido o mesmo destino que o Hans Frank.
So if it was Jared calling him, what did he need so many burners for?
Então, se era o Jared a ligar-lhe, porque é que precisava de tantos telefones?
So if Barack Obama was here and he wanted to get on the plane, there's no way you could let him on?
Se o Barack Obama estivesse aqui e quisesse entrar no avião, não o podia deixar entrar?
He was dead, but I don't know if I shot him, Claire. I don't know.
Ele estava morto, mas não sei se fui eu, Claire.
Whereas, I would want to know if he got fat because he was still in love with me.
Mas eu quereria saber se ele engordou por ainda estar apaixonado por mim.
If he made that dramatic a shift, it was a mistake.
Se ele mudou tão dramaticamente, foi um erro.
Part of you wonders if it was Ward going after the people you care about. We both know he's capable of it.
Parte de ti imagina se não terá sido o Ward que foi atrás das pessoas que gostas.
If it's any consolation, that's exactly how your partner felt when he was dying.
Se te serve de consolo, foi assim que o teu colega se sentiu quando ele estava a morrer.
If they slip something into the marshal's food or drinks, it would only be matter of time before he was out cold.
Coloca alguma coisa na comida ou bebida do oficial, seria uma questão de tempo até ele adormecer.
No identification on this kit, but if it was in the shopping bags, obviously he got it at the same time.
Não há identificação no kit, mas se estava nos sacos, é óbvio que comprou tudo junto.
If all you did was track down the victims, - how did he know their names?
Se só procurava as vítimas, como sabia os nomes delas?
Perhaps you would feel differently if it was your wife he murdered.
Talvez te sentisses de outra forma se ele tivesse assassinado a tua esposa.
I think that he wanted us to know that there was a big world outside of Sleepy Hollow for us to explore and that we could leave if we wanted.
Acho que ele queria que soubéssemos que existia um mundo enorme fora de Sleepy Hollow para explorar e ir embora se quiséssemos.

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