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If i was traducir portugués

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If I was a scientist I would be absolutely pissed every single day of my life.
Se eu fosse cientista, havia de estar sempre zangado.
Actually if I was with her, she couldn't have done this
Na verdade se eu estivesse com ela ela não poderia ter feito isso.
If I was in the forest, my name would be'Lost.'
Se tivesse de inventar, diria que é um primo perdido.
Look, I'm sorry if I was too forward the other day.
Desculpa se fui demasiado directa no outro dia.
If I was missing out on something better.
Se estava a perder algo melhor.
Look... I know this is a hot button for you and it would make your life a lot easier if I was the one that screwed up but, I didn't.
Eu sei que é difícil de acreditar e seria mais fácil se eu fosse o culpado, mas desta vez não sou.
I'm not an American yet and if I was, my IQ makes me well above average.
Ainda não sou americano. E, mesmo que fosse, o meu QI põe-me muito acima do cidadão comum.
It was asking me if I wanted a second chance, did I want to punish those who hurt my brother, did I want to avenge my own death.
Estava-me a perguntar se queria uma segunda oportunidade. Se queria punir aqueles que magoaram o meu irmão. Se queria vingar a minha própria morte.
If you had told me when I was a 20-year-old lieutenant that all these years later, this is where I'd be,
Se me tivesse dito quando eu era um tenente com 20 anos que todos estes anos depois, iria estar aqui,
He was, like, turning away from me if I made the wrong joke.
Ele estava, tipo... Afastava-se de mim se dissesse a piada errada.
* As if I was just another one of your deals?
♪ como você pode olhar para mim ♪ bom trabalho. ♪ Como se eu fosse apenas mais um dos seus negócios?
I was wondering if I could be so forward as to ask you for a few dollars for the bus.
Estava a pensar se poderia ser tão direto para lhe pedir uns dólares para o bus.
And I'm like, wow! You know, I mean, if it was that easy I would have really liked the U.S. to move towards solar, but you haven't.
E, se fosse assim tão fácil, gostava de ver os EUA a adoptar a energia solar.
I wanted to see if he was okay.
Queria ver se ele estava bem.
If she was encased in concrete, how'd they I.D. her?
Se estava envolta em betão, como a identificaram?
I came here because I was wondering if you could tell me anything about that night, anything you can remember, something that looked out of place or didn't add up.
Qualquer coisa de que se lembre. Algo que não batia certo ou que parecesse estranho.
I remember asking my mom if she got my last letter she said that it was so beautiful that she put it up on the refrigerator... so that she could see it every day
Lembro-me de perguntar à minha mãe se ela recebeu a minha última carta. Ela disse que era tão bonita que ela colocou no frigorífico.
I don't know if you were hesitating or if that was your Chinese name.
Não sei se estavas a hesitar ou se esse é o teu nome chinês.
I don't know if it's what I wanted to see or... what Maul was trying to see.
Não sei se era o que eu queria ver... ou o que Maul tentava ver.
I-in fact, I was just about to melt some cheese on chips if you want to stay for a sad, single guy dinner.
Na verdade, estava prestes a derreter queijo em batatas fritas se quiseres ficar para um jantar triste e de solteiro.
I was wondering, um, if you'd like to go to the homecoming dance with me?
Estava a pensar... se gostarias de ir ao baile de homenagem comigo?
And I felt like it was very important for me to get out of my comfort zone and see if that made me turn into an adult.
E achava que era muito importante sair da minha zona de conforto e ver se isso me fazia transformar numa adulta.
I was so shy that even if she looked at me, she smiled at me, I was turning back and said,
Eu era tão tímido que, embora ela olhasse e sorrisse para mim, dei meia volta e disse :
'Cause if you thought today was intense, I'm gonna need you tomorrow.
Se achaste o dia de hoje intenso, amanhã irei precisar de ti.
Well, actually, I was wondering if you were still good for that drink you promised me.
Na verdade, estava a pensar se aindas estás interessada naquela bebida que me prometeste.
Well, if I don't make it and you do, you're welcome to tell everyone I was scared out of my mind.
Bem... se eu não sair daqui mas tu saíres, podes dizer a todos que eu estava a morrer de medo.
So I set a program to alert us if it was ever moved from the stockpile at L-Corp, and...
Criei um programa para nos alertar se ele alguma vez fosse retirado das instalações da "L-Corp" e...
But even if he wanted to, I suppose I was a bit
Mas mesmo que ele quisesse, penso que eu já tinha...
Aladdin was also a Savior, so I thought if I found him, if I found him alive... that he could help me avoid my fate.
O Aladino também foi um salvador. Achei que, se o encontrasse vivo... Ele me poderia ajudar a fugir ao meu destino.
Now, don't forget I spent 10 years lying to Henry about who I really was because I thought, well, if he ever saw the real me,
Não te esqueças, passei 10 anos a mentir ao Henry sobre quem era. Porque pensei, que se algum dia ele visse o meu verdadeiro eu, me iria rejeitar.
I was just wondering if you'd had a chance to think it over.
Eu queria saber se pensou sobre aquilo.
I know that's why you don't want to open your heart again, but what if I told you that the Mysterious Island was a place where you never have to lose anyone again?
Perdeste pessoas que amavas. É por isso que não queres abrir o coração novamente. Mas e se eu te disser que a Ilha Misteriosa é um sítio onde nunca terás de perder ninguém?
I may not be the Savior anymore, but if we go back to Agrabah, I might be able to help you restore it to what it was meant to be.
Posso já não ser o Salvador, mas se voltarmos a Agrabah, posso ajudar-te a fazer com que seja de novo como deveria ser.
How are they gonna know I was here if I can't carve my initials in the desk?
Como vou saber que estive aqui se não deixar as minhas iniciais na mesa?
Now, if you'll excuse me, one of my hotels came loose while I was giving someone the finger.
Se me dás licença, parti uma unha quando mostrei o dedo do meio.
Dr. Stanfield, hi, my name is Spencer Reid, and I was wondering if you were available tomorrow to talk about my mother.
Dr. Stanfield, olá, o meu nome é Spencer Reid, e queria saber se o senhor está disponível amanhã para conversarmos sobre a minha mãe.
- If I told the police where I saw him, then my dad would find out that my mother was having an affair.
Se contasse à polícia onde o vi, o meu pai descobria que a minha mãe tinha um caso.
I was actually thinking if I put enough aside, I could move to France for a year, learn a new language, maybe study to become a chef.
Acho que se juntar o suficiente, posso mudar-me para França durante um ano, aprender uma nova língua, estudar para ser chef.
And when I was walking out, she asked me if I would call in sick for her.
E enquanto saia, ela pediu para faltar ao trabalho e cuidar dela.
- I was just wondering if I could gas up.
- Estava aqui a pensar se poderia abastecer.
But? But if I explain that Walt is a government contractor working on high-clearance international cases, I could argue that he could get in and out of the country faster if he was a citizen carrying a U.S. passport.
- Se lhes explicar que o Walt é um agente do governo com casos internacionais, posso argumentar que ele pode entrar e sair do país mais depressa se tivesse a cidadania.
I was just wondering if there's perhaps an overnight veterinary service...
Estava a pensar se não há um serviço de veterinário 24 horas...
Yeah, well, if I can get to the chromic acid that Toby was gonna use to clean the pillar, then it might be able eat through the rope.
- Se puder chegar até ao ácido que o Toby ia usar para limpar o pilar, posso usá-lo para romper a corda.
I wonder if there's anyone in here whose dad was a bigger dick.
Pergunto-me se há aqui alguém cujo pai foi um imbecil ainda maior.
Well, if you're Santa, then what did I ask for - for Christmas when I was 12?
Bem, se és o Pai Natal, então que pedi eu para o Natal quando tinha 12 anos?
Actually, I was wondering if you talked to Steve recently.
Queria saber se falaste com o Steve recentemente.
But if you ever want to know more about me, about who I was before, the answers are... waiting for you at home.
Mas... se algum dia quiseres saber mais sobre mim, sobre quem eu era antes, irás encontrar as respostas à tua espera em casa.
She was the getaway driver, but like I said, she wanted out, she threatened to come clean if they didn't let her go.
Ela era a motorista de fuga, mas como disse, ela queria sair, ameaçou abrir o jogo se não a deixassem sair.
If you ask me, I think there was a little something-something going on between you two just now.
Se me perguntares, penso que houve uma "quimicazita" a passar-se entre eles ainda agora.
I was in and out of consciousness, so if he left for a few days, I would not have noticed.
Eu perdia a consciência, se ele tivesse saído alguns dias, eu não teria dado por isso.
Um, anyway, I was... I was just wondering if you... wanted to grab a drink and talk about water, or other things, or...
Só queria saber se quer sair para beber, e falar sobre água, ou outras coisas.

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