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In room traducir portugués

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I need you to clean up in room six.
Preciso que limpes o quarto seis.
In the room. We'll get changed in the room.
Trocamo-nos no quarto.
We have a perfectly fine room upstairs for your father and your daughter and you can sleep in the living room on the convertible.
Temos um bom quarto lá em cima para o seu pai e a sua filha e você pode dormir no sofá-cama da sala.
I was starting to think I was gonna have to tell... that nice little girl out in the waiting room... her daddy's gone.
Já pensava que ia ter de dizer àquela simpática menina na sala de espera que o papá dela tinha falecido.
James Baldwin wrote this in 1956 in his novel Giovanni's room.
James Baldwin escreveu isto em 1956, no seu romance O Quarto de Giovanni.
I mean, it's very dry in the room.
O ar está muito seco nesta sala.
A kid in every room.
Um bébé em cada quarto.
Well, why don't you just paint a mural in Cora's room?
Preciso de dinheiro. Bom, porque não pintas um mural no quarto da Cora?
That was her in the guest room that time, wasn't it?
Era ela contigo na cama, certo?
But first, tell me, the night of the break-in, this room was in darkness? Well, yes.
- Esta luz estava apagada nessa noite?
It can't have been easy all those years, sitting in the back, keeping your mouth shut when you knew you were cleverer than most of the people in the room.
- O quê? Não deve ser fácil ficar ao fundo da sala de boca calada sabendo que era mais esperta que eles todos.
That Shaq is in that room.
Esse Shaq está ali.
Whatever you tell us, stays in this room.
O que nos contares, não sai daqui.
You're keen, and kitchen is the most public room in any house.
Gosta de cozinhar, pois a cozinha é a divisão mais frequentada das casas.
If the sunlight was able to penetrate the room when the sun was lower in the sky, then the paper would be equally faded. Top to bottom, but no.
Se a luz conseguisse penetrar na divisão quando o sol estivesse mais baixo no céu, então o papel estaria igualmente esbatido de cima a baixo.
Now, I will share with you the facts and evidence, as they were available to me. And in this very room, you will all attempt to solve the case of Blessington, the poisoner.
Vou partilhar convosco factos e provas, tais como me foram dados a conhecer, e vocês vão tentar resolver o caso d'"O Envenenador de Blessington".
Wait, you've met Sherlock exactly once, in this room. He was off his head.
Esteve com o Sherlock uma vez nesta sala e ele estava completamente passado.
- Governor to the control room. Lockdown in progress.
- Comandante para sala de controlo.
How did the skunk get in her room?
Como é que a doninha entrou no quarto dela?
There's room in this Federal Bureau of Investigation for more than one beautiful woman.
Há espaço neste Departamento Federal de Investigação para mais do que uma mulher bonita.
He's in the conference room.
Na sala de conferências.
Meet you in the conference room.
Vemo-nos na sala de conferências.
No lunch in the conference room, Chad.
Não se almoça na sala de conferência, Chad.
They put you in the copy room.
Enfiaram-te na reprografia.
In 30 minutes... Kevin's family will enter this room with a priest who will say last rites before the doctor takes him off life support and he dies.
Daqui a meia hora, a família do Kevin entrará no quarto com um padre que lhe dará a extrema-unção antes de o médico lhe desligar as máquinas e o deixar morrer.
I hear you crying at night in your room.
Ouço-te chorar à noite no teu quarto.
You weren't banging the assistant in the copy room again, were you?
Voltaste a papar a assistente na reprografia?
The extra money from the room comes in very handy for daily things.
O dinheiro que entra da renda do quarto vai chegando para o dia-a-dia.
Imagine you're in your room, having a wank and your mum has just called you for dinner but you're right in the middle of the act.
Imagina que estás no teu quarto, a tocar ao bicho, e a tua mãe chamou-te para jantar mas ainda vais a meio do serviço.
Where else would you keep a hidden treasure but in a secret room?
Tudo faz sentido. Onde guardar um tesouro, senão numa sala secreta?
Oh, he probably left it in his room.
Talvez no quarto dele. Vou ver.
Well, the room was paid for in cash.
O quarto foi pago em dinheiro.
They just found enough C-4 in that motel room to level a city block.
Encontraram explosivos suficientes naquele motel para arrasar um bairro.
A reminder that everyone in this room is expendable.
Um lembrete de que todos os presentes são dispensáveis.
As if we haven't all survived assassination attempts by those across from us in this very room.
Como se não tivéssemos sobrevivido a tentativas de homicídio perpetradas pelos presentes nesta sala.
Otherwise, and I warn you, I'm putting you in a room with two super-powered people.
Caso contrário, aviso-o, meto-o numa sala com duas pessoas com superpoderes.
Well, your assistant found them in the laundry room.
Mas a tua assistente encontrou-as na lavandaria.
What were you doing in your room?
O que estavas a fazer?
Uh, yeah, I was just back in my room listening to, uh... um, a TED Talk.
Sim, estava no meu quarto a ouvir... uma TED Talk.
We got some new speakers, and I'm serious, you put on Houses of the Holy, right, and it sounds like Zep's playing in your living room.
Temos altifalantes novos. Pões Houses of the Holy e parece que os Zep estão a tocar na nossa sala.
- I may have left it in Mickey's room.
- Posso tê-lo deixado no quarto da Mickey.
Now, I sense some nervousness in this room.
Estou a sentir alguns nervos na sala.
In this room, I see a lot of different people from very different backgrounds. But we're all here today because we agree on one simple thing.
Nesta sala vejo pessoas com histórias muito diferentes, mas estamos aqui porque concordamos numa coisa.
Boy, we have some ski lovers in the room tonight. $ 17,000!
- Parece que temos esquiadores entre nós.
I... I threw'em in the corner of my room.
Deitei-as no canto do meu quarto.
Thanks to this young woman... the room was finally quiet enough for me to get a few words in.
Graças a esta jovem... o quarto estava finalmente silencioso para eu dizer algumas palavras.
Surely someone else in this room knew that.
Certamente que mais alguém nesta divisão sabia disso.
Any room I walked into, I could tell you where the money was in five minutes flat.
Qualquer sala em que entrava, podia dizer onde estava o dinheiro em cinco exactos minutos.
Mr. Nobody, you wanna tell me why you just put me in a room with this tea-and-crumpets eating, criminal sumbitch?
Sr. Ninguém, quer explicar-me porque me puseram numa sala com este sacana criminoso devorador de chá e bolinhos?
I just let the guards go, so there's only two opponents in the room.
Dispensei os guardas, portanto, só há dois adversários na sala.
We walk in the room and we're oozing'sex appeal.
Entramos numa sala e espalhamos sensualidade.

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