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Isham traducir portugués

49 traducción paralela
You'll have to hurry, Mr. Isham, or you'll be late for your own wedding.
Tem de se apressar, Sr. Isham, ou chega atrasado ao seu casamento.
Will Isham sent all the way to Texas for him to ramrod our outfit.
O Will Isham mandou-o vir do Texas para ele nos supervisionar.
- To a man like Will Isham.
- Para um homem como o Will Isham.
Good neighbours, never paid like Isham... but that's no reason we should always let him have his own way.
Bons vizinhos, nunca pagámos como o Isham, mas isso nao é motivo para o deixarmos fazer o que quer.
Will Isham didn't have to send clean to Texas for just a ranch foreman.
O Will Isham nao precisava de mandar vir um capataz lá do Texas.
To the future Mrs. Isham.
A futura Sra. Isham.
This is Will Isham's night, so drink up, folks.
Esta é a noite do Will Isham, por isso, bebam.
Will Isham had a reason for buying you a drink... in front of that crowd.
O Will Isham tinha razoes para te pagar um copo... a frente de toda a gente.
How long are you gonna let Isham crowd you?
Quanto tempo vais ser pressionado por ele?
Mr. Isham had it shipped all the way from San Francisco.
O Sr. Isham mandou-o vir de Sao Francisco.
We Ishams are going to show you all just what luxury really is.
Nos, os Isham, vamos mostrar a todos o que é o luxo.
I'm now Will Isham's wife.
Agora, sou mulher do Will Isham.
You won't starve. I'll send you money, but you've got to stay away from Skull... and from Will Isham.
Mando-lhe dinheiro, mas tem de ficar longe do Skull... e do Will Isham.
Pay sold out to Will Isham.
O Pay vendeu ao Will Isham.
You know just as well as I do that Will Isham... can't bear to have anything stand in his way.
Sabes tao bem como eu que o Will Isham... nao suporta obstáculos.
Charley, get word to Mrs. Isham that I won't be around for a few days.
Charley, avisa a Sra. Isham que estarei fora alguns dias.
You stay here and make sure Mrs. Isham doesn't leave the house.
Fica aqui e certifica-te de que a Sra. Isham nao sai de casa.
We're ready to start after Merritt, Mr. Isham.
Estamos prontos para ir atrás do Merritt, Sr. Isham.
Mrs. Isham.
Sra. Isham.
You got to stay here, Mrs. Isham.
Tem de ficar aqui, Sra. Isham.
You know, Owen, with the Skull outfit hunting the hills... this would be a good time to go to Isham's ranch and take it apart.
Sabes, Owen, com os Skull a percorrerem as colinas, seria uma boa altura para ir ao rancho do Isham e destruí-Io.
It'd serve Isham right if you walked in... and took her away from him while he's gone.
Seria bem feito para o Isham se fosses lá... e a levasses enquanto ele está fora.
The only peace you'll ever get from Isham is rest in peace.
A única paz que terás com o Isham é a paz eterna.
I don't care what you want, Mr. Isham.
Nao me interessa o que quer, Sr. Isham.
You know, Mr. Isham, when you're hunting a man that can shoot like Owen Merritt... go losing your head, and you might lose your head.
Sabe, Sr. Isham, quando se persegue um homem com a pontaria do Owen Merritt, se nao mantiver a calma, pode perder a cabeça.
Will Isham gave orders for both killings, didn't he?
O Will Isham ordenou que matassem os dois, nao foi?
You'll never tie Isham into this.
Nunca ligarás o Isham a isto.
You may rope Dutcher, but Isham can always hire a new gunslinger.
Podes enforcar o Dutcher, mas o Isham pode sempre contratar outro.
I know, you're after Will Isham's hide.
Querem apanhar o Will Isham.
- Isham shot Clagg, ain't that right?
- O Isham matou o Clagg, nao foi?
I must talk to Señor Isham.
Tenho de falar com o Senor Isham.
How did you expect to do that when Isham can't?
Como esperavas encontrá-Io quando o Isham nao consegue?
- Put your mind at ease, Mr. Isham.
- Descanse, Sr. Isham.
Will Isham and that whole Skull crew is in town.
O Will Isham e todo o bando do Skull estao na cidade.
- Where's Isham?
- Onde está o Isham?
Owen, if there's gonna be gunplay between you and Isham... there's one thing you've got to get clear in your head.
Owen, se vai haver tiroteio entre ti e o Isham, há uma coisa que tens de ter clara na tua cabeça.
When Merritt gets hold of Isham at the hotel...
Quando o Merritt apanhar o Isham no hotel...
"Isham at the hotel"?
"O Isham no hotel"?
By the way, Merritt, I just quit working for Isham.
A proposito, Merritt, acabei de deixar de trabalhar para o Isham.
But you don't have to stay, Isham.
Não imponho que fique, Isham.
Isham... can't you hear?
Isham... Isham... não consegues ouvir?
No, Isham...
Não, Isham...
Wayne Isham shot the video, I remember that, and Andy Johns produced it.
Lembro que Wayne Isham foi quem fez o vídeo, e Andy Johns produziu.
Thrughain adhar, thruagort isham.
Thrughain adhar. Thruagort isham.
Thrughain, adhar, thruagort isham.
Thrughain, adhar, thruagort isham.
Going on their terror watch list, went to a memorial service a couple of months back for a 41-year-old male, Isham Bivas.
Um tipo na lista de terroristas foi a um serviço fúnebre há dois meses, de um homem de 41 anos, Hisham Bivas.

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