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It was yours traducir portugués

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Still, one would think it was yours.
Mas até parece que foi seu casamento.
Sorry, Saint-Aubin. I shouldn't have shot that pheasant. I thought it was in my range, but it was yours.
Desculpe, achei que o faisão vinha na minha direcção, mas era seu!
- It was yours, my dear fellow.
- Garanto-lhe que era seu.
You could use the house as if it was yours.
Podia usar a casa como se fosse sua.
Mr. Mullen said it was yours.
O Sr. Mullen disse que era seu.
Seems it was yours that ran off.
Parece que as suas tresmalharam.
It was his project as much as it was yours.
Era o projecto dele, tanto como seu.
It was yours, asshole.
- Foi tua, bandido!
Assim como foi o seu alguma vez. Não o faça dividí-lo.
Well, if I had one now, I wouldn't know if it was yours. You understand?
Se me desses um agora, eu não saberia se ele era teu, percebes, Jim?
And it was yours that did the burning... and don't be forgetting that!
E foi o seu antepassado que o queimou, não esqueça disso!
It was yours all the way.
Foi seu toda a competição.
It was yours!
Foi tua!
If it was yours, you would already be naked.
Se fosse a tua, já estarias nú..
- I thought it was yours too.
- Creio que também era a tua.
And the money which I had it was yours - lt became as drink and went into my stomach
Sim é possível. Vocês são muito inocentes, só com 5 rúpias, é preciso muita sorte.
I thought of you at our wedding yesterday... and I hoped yours would be as beautiful. - And it was!
Scarlett, pensei em ti ontem, no nosso casamento e esperei que o vosso fosse tão bonito como o nosso, e foi.
No, it was clearly yours.
Nada disso, não há dúvida, era seu!
The way you talk about that money, you'd think it was really yours.
Pela forma como falas sobre esse dinheiro, até parece que é mesmo teu.
- It was a life of an ancestor of yours.
- Era a vida de um seu antepassado.
When I asked her whose son it was, she said, "Why, it's yours, María."
E quando lhe perguntei de quem era o filho, ela disse : "É teu, Maria".
You tell him it was no fault of yours?
Você disse não foi por vontade sua?
You said it was yours.
Disseste que era teu.
That razor's not as sharp as it was, but it's yours.
A lâmina não está tão afiada como antes, mas é tua.
Still, I put up with it for a year and a half, but the only novel thing that happened was you taking a few days off, and now this new hat of yours.
Eu ainda fiquei nisto por um ano e meio... mas a única coisa nova que aconteceu, foi você ter tirado dias de folga... e agora este seu novo chapéu.
It was not yours, and won't be for another three months yet.
Não era teu. Só o será daqui a três meses. E então?
I might look into a mirror and perceive my soul... and supposing it was as hideous as yours?
Posso olhar num espelho e ver a minha alma. E se for tão feia quanto a sua...
It's not yours, and you did not borrow it. And yet it was found in your trunk.
Não é sua e não a pediu emprestada, mas ela foi encontrada no seu baú.
Or maybe it's because I remember how relieved I was... when I found out it was your sister's wedding day and not yours.
Ou talvez seja porque lembro do alívio que senti... quando soube que era a boda da sua irmã, não a sua.
The rest of the whole truth is that it was as much my fault as yours.
O resto da verdade toda é que a culpa é tanto minha como tua.
I'd say it was more yours. It all came out of that book about them "sobbing women."
Diria que foi mais tua, saiu daquele livro sobre as mulheres que soluçam.
Do you think it was easy talkin'fellas'like Williams and Markette up to a two-bit game like yours, huh?
Pensas que foi fácil convencer Williams e Markette a jogarem numa espelunca como a tua? Louie.
My lord, I hold my life as dear as yours... and never in my days, I do protest... was it so precious to me as'tis now.
Meu senhor, tanto prezo minha vida como vós a vossa, e nunca foi ela, tão preciosa como para mim agora é.
It was just as much yours, Dr. Patek's and a dozen scientists worldwide.
Foi muito mais sua, do Dr. Patek e de muitos outros cientistas mundiais.
Well, I'll be driving one, but I didn't know it was going to be yours.
Bem, vou dirigir uma, mas não sabia que era a sua.
It was a nice joke of yours
Foi uma boa brincadeira da sua parte.
It was Eben's son, not yours.
O filho era do Eben, e não teu.
Would you rest, doctor, if there were a plague afoot and somewhere in that little black bag of yours, there was a pill you knew could cure it?
O doutor descansaria se houvesse uma praga e que algures no seu saco preto houvesse um comprimido que a curasse?
The housekeeper had me pinned down for five minutes before I realized it was that silly gun of yours.
A governanta reteve-me por cinco minutos antes de me aperceber que era a tua pistola falsa.
But it was our destiny... yours and mine... and Simone's.
Significa que era este o nosso destino. O teu, o meu e também o do Simone.
I'm sure it was the fault of the electorate, not yours.
Tenho certeza que foi culpa do eleitorado, não sua.
This was Corbitt's, now it's yours.
Isto era do Corbitt, agora é sua.
This truly remarkable apparatus of yours was surely set to detect, was it not, hallucinations?
Este extraordinário equipamento vosso... foi programado para detectar alucinações.
You seem to think this Companion of yours can do almost anything. I said it was very powerful.
Acha que esse Companhia pode fazer quase tudo.
It was all yours. Couldn't you believe that?
Não podias ter acreditado em mim?
Yours was the only one left with a palm tree on it.
A sua era a última com palmeiras.
It was a gift from that no-neck cousin of yours works for w.T. Grant.
Foi uma oferta daquele teu primo sem pescoço que trabalhava para o w.T. Grant.
Not to your dressing room in the theater. It was to yours.
Não foi ao seu camarim, mas foi ao seu.
It was no concern of yours.
Não era da sua conta.
Yours was you just couldn't cut it alone.
O seu era que já não suportava estar sozinho.
The last time we talked it was Shaft's life or yours.
Da ultima vez que falamos, era a vida do Shaft ou a sua.

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