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Joséphine traducir portugués

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- Joséphine?
- You've no monopoly!
A Joséphine. - Não és o único.
- Josephine again?
A Joséphine?
Well, we can put the piano there, in that corner. And Josephine's bed here. With the little nice curtains.
Bem... podemos colocar o piano naquele canto... e a cama... de Joséphine aqui, com umas belas cortinas.
Josephine, you haven't forgotten my red wine?
Joséphine, esqueceu o meu vinho?
I think Josephine needs a brandy!
Acho que a Josephine precisa de um conhaque!
"Josephine Joseph, half-woman, half-man."
"Josephine Joseph, metade mulher, metade homem."
You dropped your lipstick, Josephine.
Deixaste cair o batom, Josephine.
Josephine, come over here!
Josephine, venha até aqui!
It's short for Josephine.
- É a abreviatura de Josephine.
We call ourselves Josephine and Geraldine.
Passamos a ser a Josephine e a Geraldine.
Josephine and Geraldine... Come on.
Josephine e Geraldine... ora agora!
My name is Josephine, and this was your idea in the first place.
Chamo-me Josephine e a ideia foi tua.
My name is Josephine.
Sou a Josephine.
My name is Josephine.
Eu sou a Josephine. Saxofone.
- Good night, Josephine.
- Boa noite, Josephine.
Not even Josephine.
Nem à Josephine.
You heard Josephine.
Estão a ouvir a Josephine.
- Josephine, over here before it melts.
- Josephine, vem, antes que derreta.
- Maybe you'll meet one too, Josephine.
- Talvez encontres um também.
Josephine and Daphne are in 413.
A Josephine e a Daphne no 413.
- How about you, Josephine?
- E tu, Josephine?
- I can't wait to tell Josephine.
- Estou ansiosa para contar à Josephine.
- Yeah, Josephine...
- Pois, a Josephine...
- Believe it or not, Josephine predicted it.
- Podes não acreditar, mas ela previu.
- Josephine.
- Josephine.
What do you think, Josephine?
Que achas, Josephine?
Oh, no. Not tonight, Josephine.
Hoje não, Josephine.
Josephine, just imagine.
Josephine, imagina só.
- Poor Josephine.
- Coitada da Josephine.
My friend Josephine, gonna be a bridesmaid.
A minha amiga Josephine, vai ser dama-de-honor.
- Oh, Mr Alfred!
Olá, Josephine.
- Hello, Josephine.
Olá, Nellie.
Come on, now.
Volta-te, Josephine.
Turn around, Josephine.
Não me volto.
Vamos, Josephine.
Come on, Josephine. Help me with these bags.
Ajuda-me com as malas.
- Just write, "To my dearest Josephine."
- Escreva : " "Para a querida Josephine." "
And this is for the gentle Miss Josephine.
E isto é para a menina Josephine.
I think Miss Josephine could fit you right into it.
A senhora Josephine pode ajustá-lo à tua medida.
And Josephine's gonna be maid of honor.
E a Josephine é dama de honra.
Stop and think what your life could be like right now... if you'd had the common sense not to marry Josephine... or Hilda or Mary or Peggy or Rochelle.
Pensem como seria a vossa vida se tivessem tido o bom senso de não terem casado com... a Josephine, ou a Hilda, ou a Mary, ou a Peggy, ou a Rochelle.
Fr Æulein Josephine. Four governesses ago.
A Fräulein Josephine, quatro precetoras atrás.
I haven't had so much fun since we put glue on Fr Æulein Josephine's toothbrush.
Só me diverti assim com a cola na escova de dentes da Frau Josephine
Josephine MacDonald.
Josephine MacDonald.
As antony has his cleopatra... As napoleon has his josephine... So mystico has his janet.
Tal como Antônio tinha a sua Cleópatra, tal como Napoleão tinha a sua Josefina, também Mystico tem a sua Janet.
Grandma Josephine.
Avó Josephine.
We each knitted, Grandmas Georgina, Josephine and me.
Fomos nós a fazê-lo, as avós e eu.

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