Look at her traducir portugués
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Look at her.
Olhe para ela.
Look at her.
Olhem para ela!
Look at her, it's important.
Observa-a bem, é importante.
Look at her, she's going to take care of you, ok?
Olha para ela. Ela vai cuidar de ti. Eu já venho.
I think she's a bit crazy, look at her.
Acho que ela é um pouco louca, olha para ela.
I think we should just look at her phone and if it's not there, I owe you a huge apology and she should be allowed to go to prom.
Penso que devíamos espreitar no telefone dela e se não estiver lá, devo-lhe um enorme pedido de desculpas e ela deve ter permissão de ir ao baile.
Go fucking look at her.
Vá vem vê-la.
We're in't rad, she looks at me, I look at her, and so.
Estamos em viagem, e ela olha para mim, E eu olho para ela.
I used to look at Joanne and just want to jump her, but now I look at her, and sometimes...
Eu costumava olhar para a Joanne e e só queria agarrá-la, mas agora eu olho para ela, e às vezes...
Don't look at her!
Não olhes para ela.
Look at her wiggling.
- Olha para a onda dela. - Eu sei.
Look at her.
Olha para ela.
Can you come and have a look at her costume? I was going to be stabbed.
Pode vir dar uma olhadela no traje?
Every time I look at her, there's Michael bloody Weyman hovering nearby.
Sempre que olho para ela, vejo o maldito Michael Weyman por perto.
Look at her sunglasses.
Olha os óculos de sol dela.
- Look at her go.
- Olha para ela.
Look at her with Lorenzo.
Olha para ela com o Lorenzo.
I've seen the way you look at her.
Eu já vi como olhas para ela.
Look at her hair.
Olha pro cabelo dela.
I mean, look at her.
Quero dizer, olha para ela.
Look at her. Her own room, meals delivered to her bed?
No seu próprio quarto, com refeições levadas à cama?
And I would only look at her straight on because I had seen my nose in a three-way mirror.
E eu só a olhava de frente, porque tinha visto o meu nariz de lado, num espelho.
Look at her right index finger.
Dá uma vista de olhos ao dedo indicador direito.
Look at her having so much fun with her family and her friends while I sit at the table with my partner, loneliness.
Olha só para ela, a divertir-se tanto com a família e os amigos enquanto eu estou sentada à mesa com a minha companheira : a solidão.
- as one look at her will plainly tell you.
- como um olhar para ela indicará.
At first glance, you look at her, I thought her face was kind of rough.
À primeira vista, a cara dela pareceu-me dura.
I've seen you with her and the way you look at her photograph.
Vi-o com ela, e como olhava a sua foto.
Alright look at her man.
Olha para ela.
Look at her face.
Olha para a cara dela.
I look at her side of the bed and I think, "Is she gonna die there?"
Olho para o lado dela na cama e penso : "Vai morrer ali?"
You must look at her. No! - You have to say good bye!
Tens que te despedir dela.
I look at her and I reach out to her.
Olho para ela e estico o braço para ela.
Well, look at her.
Olhem para ela.
I was hoping to get a look at her computer.
Esperava dar uma olhadela no computador dela.
Look at her breasts at the table!
- Olha para o peito dela na mesa!
Look at her!
- Olhe para ela!
Look at her tracks.
Repara nas pegadas dela.
I would have to look at them day after day... each with his and her sacred selfish thought.
Tinha que olhar para eles dia após dia cada um com o seu pensamento sagrado e egoísta.
Mother told me how you once carried her out onto a balcony to look at the stars.
A mãe contou-me que uma vez levou-a para a varanda para ver as estrelas.
Look at all her Louboutins.
Olha os Louboutins dela.
Please don't look at my sister like you wanna lick her face.
Por favor, não olhes para a minha irmã como se quisesses lamber-lhe a cara.
- Just look at her.
Olhai para ela.
I just look right back at her, and pretty soon I'm hard as a fucking rock.
Olho directamente para ela, e num instante... Fico com uma tusa do caralho.
Look at her neck.
É a única coisa em que estamos de acordo.
I remind you of her. That's why you can't stand to look at me.
Por isso é que não suportais olhar para mim.
- Well, look at her.
- Olhe.
Oh, God, Lucas, look at her mouth!
Meu Deus, Lucas, olha para a boca dela!
David, did you not see the blood on the mirrors? You're the one who said the only thing that can save her is. Just go back and look at the tape.
David, não viste o sangue nos espelhos? Quero dizer, volta atrás, e vê a gravação.
- Look for her at this hotel.
- Procura-a neste hotel.
I mean, I don't know what picture of Dorian Gray you have to hide away for your butt to look as good as Olivia's at her age.
Bem, não sei que retrato de Dorian Gray tem de se esconder para ter o rabo da Olivia com a idade dela.
Look at her.
Olhem para ela.
look at her eyes 29
look at her face 33
look at her go 21
look at me 7366
look at this 4731
look at him 1555
look at me now 78
look at you 3730
look at that 4253
look at your face 75
look at her face 33
look at her go 21
look at me 7366
look at this 4731
look at him 1555
look at me now 78
look at you 3730
look at that 4253
look at your face 75
look at yourself 268
look at us 558
look at them 596
look at it 733
look at my face 104
look at this guy 173
look at you go 18
look at this picture 28
look at this view 22
look at the bright side 75
look at us 558
look at them 596
look at it 733
look at my face 104
look at this guy 173
look at you go 18
look at this picture 28
look at this view 22
look at the bright side 75