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Major carter traducir portugués

310 traducción paralela
Major Carter, shield her eyes.
Major Carter, tape-lhe os olhos.
In closing, Major Carter's supervisor, Colonel Jack O'Neill, would like to say a few words.
Para finalizar, o supervisor da Major Carter, o Coronel Jack O'Neill gostaria de dizer algumas palavras.
Major Carter, there is little time.
Major Carter, temos pouco tempo.
Major Carter?
Major Carter?
We're hoping you can tell us where Major Carter is.
Esperamos que nos digas onde está a Major Carter.
This is very touching, but this conversation in this public place is evidence that Major Carter is something of a security risk.
Isto é muito tocante, mas esta conversa neste lugar tão público prova que a Carter, como está, é um risco para a segurança.
Major Carter's on her way back.
A Carter vem aí.
Major Carter.
Major Carter!
Credit Major Carter.
O mérito foi da Major Carter.
I need to speak to Major Carter.
Preciso de falar com a Major Carter.
Major Carter is eager as well.
A Major Carter está igualmente ansiosa.
Major Carter, please allow Merrin to present you with this naqahdah reactor.
Major Carter, deixe, por favor, que a Merrin lhe apresente o reactor naquadah.
Major Carter will show you the lab.
A Major Carter mostrar-te-á o laboratório.
Then you are not as smart as Major Carter and Dr. Fraiser?
Então, não é tão esperto quanto a Major Carter e a Dra. Fraiser?
I'm here to teach Major Carter about the reactor.
Estou aqui para ensinar a Major Carter sobre o reactor.
Do you, General? If you think it's safe, Major Carter, you can continue to work.
Se achar seguro, Major Carter, pode continuar a trabalhar.
Major Carter?
- Major Carter?
- Major Carter...
- Major Carter...
Remember the flowers in Major Carter's lab?
Lembras-te das flores da Major Carter?
Major Carter, please take Merrin to the gate room.
Major Carter, por favor leve a Merrin à sala do Portal.
- As with Major Carter, the Goa'uld symbiotes died and were absorbed by the host.
- Como com a Major Carter os simbiotes Goa'uid morreram e foram absorvidos pelo hospedeiro.
I'm Daniel. This is Major Carter and Jack O'Neill and Teal'c.
Sou o Daniel, esta é a Major Carter, o Jack O'Neill e o Teal'c.
No, Major Carter agreed with Dr Carter.
Não, a Major Carter acabou de concordar com a Dra. Carter.
Assuming Major Carter succeeds, it will be hard to get Dr Carter to the Stargate..... without the Goa'uld stopping her.
Assumindo que a Major Carter consegue fazê-lo, vai ser difícil levar a Dra. Carter para o Stargate, sem os goa'uid darem por ela.
The Goa'uld wish only the strong to prevail, Major Carter.
Os goa'uid querem que apenas os fortes se mantenham.
Major Carter was most forthcoming.
A Major Carter foi muito acessível.
- Major Carter, it is I.
- Major Carter, sou eu.
Major Carter's right.
A Major Carter tem razão.
The gate is horizontal as you thought, Major Carter.
O Portal está horizontal como julgou, Major.
When Major Carter talked of exploring the glacier, I explained the danger,..... but Colonel O'Neill was overly confident that they could handle the conditions.
Quando a Major Carter mostrou interesse em explorar os glaciares, eu tentei explicar o perigo que corriam, mas o Coronel O'Neill estava confiante demais nas suas capacidades.
The personality we stamped Major Carter with.
A personalidade que selámos na Major Carter.
I can't imagine what scientific reason Major Carter or Dr. Jackson might've had to want to check out those ice fields, but even if they wanted to go there, there's no way Colonel O'Neill would've let them.
Não entendo que razão teriam a Major Carter e o Dr. Daniel Jackson para irem ver os glaciares, mas mesmo que eles quisesse sair, não é possível que o Coronel O'Neill os deixasse.
Daniel Jackson, Major Carter.
Daniel Jackson. Major Carter.
That will not be necessary, Major Carter.
Não será necessário, major Carter.
- Major Carter will also want to study it.
- A Major Carter vai querer estuda-la.
Major Carter?
Major Carter.
Both Colonel O'Neill and Major Carter.
O coronel O'Neill e a major Carter.
I do not believe Colonel O'Neill and Major Carter are Zatarcs.
Não acredito que o coronel O'Neill e a major Carter sejam Zatarcs.
I want good news regarding Colonel O'Neill and Major Carter.
Quero boas notícias sobre o coronel O'Neill e a major Carter.
I am still quite hopeful we will find a way to help both you and Major Carter.
Tenho esperanças de encontrarmos ajuda para ti e para a major Carter.
We are endangering Major Carter and Colonel O'Neill... -... by keeping them confined. - Why?
Acho que podemos estar a pôr a major Carter e o coronel O'Neill em risco, mantendo-os presos.
Major Carter was trapped behind the force shield.
A major Carter estava presa atrás do escudo.
This is Major Carter, Colonel Jack O'Neill and Teal'c.
Esta é a Major Carter, o Coronel Jack O'Neill e o Teal'c.
Uh, Major Denton to identify Carter.
- Major Denton, para a identificação.
From the Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force, in recognition of Captain Samantha Carter's outstanding work, I hereby authorise her immediate promotion to the rank of major.
O Vice-chefe de Pessoal da Força Aérea em reconhecimento do espantoso trabalho da Capitã Samantha Carter eu por este meio autorizo a imediata promoção do seu escalão para Major.
Major Samantha Carter.
Major Samantha Carter.
This is Major Samantha Carter.
- Fala a Major Samantha Carter.
Major... Carter!
- It's a representation of Major Carter.
É uma representação da Major Carter.
You are Major Samantha Carter.
Você é a Major Samantha Carter.
I'm Dr Daniel Jackson. This is Major Samantha Carter.
Sou o Dr. Daniel Jackson e esta é a Major Samantha Carter.

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