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Maybe i didn't traducir portugués

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Well, I thought maybe if I didn't look too good, it would help things along when you ask Mr. Littlefield for that raise tonight.
Bem, pensei que talvez se eu não estiver muito bem, ajudaria as coisas quando você pedir ao Sr. Littlefield para o aumentar esta noite.
Maybe I didn't.
Talvez não.
- Maybe I didn't think of that.
- Talvez não pensasse nisso.
I don't know, but maybe Bednar could figure it out if he didn't think it was Frankie.
Quem? - Não sei. Mas Bednar não investigaria se pensasse que não foi o Frankie.
Maybe it was only your vest I didn't like.
Talvez foi só a sua roupa de que não gostei.
Maybe I have and I didn't know it.
Talvez tenha estado sem saber.
Listen, maybe I'm indiscreet, rude, but if you didn't want to see me, all you had to do was say so.
Ouça, posso ser indiscreto, descarado... mas se não queria me ver, era só dizer. É tão simples!
Well, maybe I should've known because it was outside her cabin, but... Well, I didn't.
Talvez devesse saber, porque estava mesmo à porta da cabana, mas não sabia.
Maybe I didn't find the right way.
Talvez não tenha sido da maneira certa.
Maybe I didn't say it well.
Talvez não tenha dito correctamente.
Maybe I didn't make myself clear, Mr. Deneen.
Talvez eu não me fiz claro, Sr. Deneen.
- Then maybe I didn't hear you right.
- Então talvez não o tenha ouvido bem.
I thought maybe they didn't bring it.
Pensei que não o tinham trazido.
( sighs ) Maybe I just didn't make my play strong enough.
Talvez a minha jogada não tenha sido suficientemente forte.
Maybe a tourist can appreciate them, but I didn't like them.
Quando alguém os visita como turista, pode ser, mas asseguro-lhes que não estava nada orgulhoso por estar ali.
The keys are there, but I didn't want to move it. I thought maybe...
A chave está no carro, mas não a quis tirar.
Maybe I should believe him. So I didn't buy a ticket.
Talvez deva acreditar nele. " Por isso, não comprei bilhete.
Maybe some time when I didn't drink for ten hours.
Talvez quando eu não beber durante 10 horas.
Maybe, but I didn't lead you into politics.
- Talvez... Mas não fui eu que te meti na política.
- Maybe I didn't want to.
- Talvez eu não quisesse.
I didn't know Brenda. It's possible. Maybe you just wanted to get rid of her.
- Talvez quisesses ver-te livre dela.
I always figured he would make it. I always figured that, well... maybe he'd be playing around cabarets here and there. But I didn't know he was gonna make it... so worldwide like he did.
Sempre achei que ele conseguiria, sempre achei... que tocaria em cabarés, pensei que o faria, mas nunca a nível mundial.
Maybe I didn't do the right thing.
Talvez não esteja a fazer a coisa certa.
Maybe I did, and maybe I didn't.
Talvez sim, talvez não.
I know, but do you think we might ease it down a little bit, so maybe the boys didn't have to shout?
Eu sei, mas acha que poderia baixar um bocadinho para os rapazes não terem de gritar?
Or maybe I didn't make myself clear.
Ou talvez eu não me tenha explicado bem.
Or maybe i didn't say that.
Talvez não o tenha dito.
Maybe she saw yοu cοme uρ. I didn't tell her.
Talvez o tenha visto subir, não fui eu que lhe disse...
But maybe i didn't ρlay my ρart tοο well.
Provavelmente representava mal a minha parte.
Maybe that's better that telling them I really didn't do it.
talvez seja melhor do que dizer-Ihes que nâo fiz.
Just go in there and get me at least $ 50... and maybe you'll prove to me that you didn't do what I know you did.
Traz-me 50 dólares e prova que não fizeste o que sei que fizeste.
I thought maybe you didn't believe me.
Pensei que não acreditava em mim.
I thought maybe it was for some other reasons I didn't understand.
Achava que era por um motivo que eu não entendia.
Maybe I didn't say it right, but you been down hard on me since day one.
Talvez não me tenha entendido, mas é dura desde o início!
I didn't know what I could do to help. Maybe just hold her hand.
Eu não sabia o que eu poderia fazer para ajudar, talvez segurar-lhe a mão.
Maybe I didn't have a fluorescent suntan, but I'd spent my share of time in pool halls as a kid.
Talvez o meu bronzeado não fosse fluorescente, mas passei bastante tempo em salões de bilhar na infância.
'Maybe I just didn't trust Higgins with her. 'Anyway, I'd feel better the sooner I got back to the estate.
Mas tínhamos as armas em terra firme, bem debaixo do nariz da força policial, todos eles aconchegados e aquecidos em frente ao fogo, com um grogue quente nas malditas mãos, enquanto lan congelava nos remos e Sean se chocava contra o rochedo.
Yeah, maybe I just didn't wanna.
Talvez eu não quisesse entender.
I just thought if I got outta here and you didn't maybe I'd look her up.
Porque se eu sair daqui e tu não, pensei em procurá-la.
No, I didn't, but maybe KITT did.
- Não, não vi. Talvez o KITT tenha visto.
Maybe I didn't know him at all.
Talvez nem sequer o conhecesse.
I thought maybe you didn't want this job.
Pensei que não quisessem o serviço.
Hey, man, if they decided this yesterday, maybe I didn " t have to fly.
Se tivessem decidido isso ontem, talvez não precisasse de ter vindo.
They'll know that if he didn't take the money from out of our safe... that maybe I whacked my partner, jules, took the dough and blamed it on him.
Vão perceber que ele não levou o dinheiro do nosso cofre, que talvez eu tenha matado o meu sócio, Jules, levei a massa e culpei-o a ele.
I appreciate your concern, but maybe I didn't make myself clear.
Aprecio a sua preocupação, mas talvez eu não tenha me esclarecido bem.
Oh, maybe I didn't mention it to you.
Oh, se calhar não o mencionei.
And maybe, I didn't know from the beginning where I am going.
e talvez, eu não saiba, desde o principio, para onde vou.
Maybe I didn't want to tell you about it...'cause I was a little bit embarrassed about it, all right?
Não quis contar-te porque tive vergonha.
Maybe I didn't get my wedding bouquet in my collection.
Não juntei um ramo de noiva à minha colecção. Mas obtive o que queria.
I didn't want to have to tell you this... but maybe you should know.
Eu não queria, ter que lhe dizer isto... mas, talvez devesse saber.
Maybe, I didn't ask all the questions I should have.
Talvez não tenha feito todas as perguntas que devia ter feito.

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