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Miss carter traducir portugués

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Why didn't you tell me Miss Carter was here?
Porque não me disse que a Senhora Carter estava aquí?
But from where I stand a man would have to go a long ways to find a finer girl than Miss Carter.
Mas no meu ponto de vista... um homem tinha que ir muito longe para encontrar uma mulher assim... como a menina Carter.
- Morning, Miss Carter.
- Bons dias, menina.
Miss Carter or any other decent citizen can stay here as long as they want to.
A menina Carter ou alguem decente... podem ficar aqui o tempo que quiserem.
Keep your door locked, Miss Carter.
Mantenha a sua porta fechada, menina Carter.
Morg, go get Miss Carter. She's a nurse.
Morg, vai ao Hotel e chama a menina Carter ela é enfermeira.
Look out, Miss Carter Oil!
Cuidado, Miss Garter Oil! O que foi?
We're jumping the gun there, Miss Carter.
Estamos a pôr a carroça à frente dos bois, Mna. Carter.
Miss Carter, you brought your own.
Menina Carter, trouxe o seu.
Miss Carter... you seem to know a lot about what's going on around here ; -
Menina Carter... parece saber muito do que se passa aqui ;
Now, Miss Carter, this story about Mr Gallagher, the first one...
Menina Carter, esta história sobre o Sr. Gallagher, a primeira...
- Why would that be, Miss Carter?
- E porquê, menina Carter?
- Go ahead, Miss Carter.
- Continue, menina Carter.
It's more than possible, Miss Carter.
É mais do que possível.
Miss Carter, you can go too.
Menina Carter, pode ir também.
It's right over here, Miss Carter.
Está aqui, Sra. Carter.
I'd like to introduce our guest. This is Miss Carter.
Quero apresentar-vos a nossa convidada, a Sra. Carter.
OK. You'll miss Carter and Teal'c.
Pronto, terá saudades da Carter e do Teal'c.
I'll miss Carter.
Vou ter saudades da Carter.
Yeah, I learned those in Miss Carter's class...'cause I knew if I got one right that'd she'd give me a hug.
Sim, aprendi isso na aula da Miss Carter... porque eu sabia se acertasse uma, ela dava-me um abraço.
- Miss Carter.
- Miss Carter.
Would someone please hand Miss Carter the paper towels?
Importam-se de dar os toalhetes à Sra. Carter?
Miss Carter, do you swim, by chance?
Miss Carter, você por acaso nada?
Well, Miss Carter, do you mind if I have a word with him then?
Bem, Miss Carter, você se importa que eu fale com ele?
That's looks like a real nutritious dinner right there, Miss Carter.
Isso realmente parece ser um jantar nutritivo esse daí, Miss Carter.
- Miss Carter, I think that... - Alicia!
- Sra. Carter, acho que...
- Miss Lee, Mr. Carter.
- Menina Lee, o Sr. Carter.
"Miss Milligan, I have moved out, " but I wish to exonerate Joseph Carter,
" Miss Milligan, mudei-me, mas quero ilibar o Joseph Carter,
Miss Allen, Miss Bilby, Mr. Carter.
- Miss Allen, Miss Bilby, o Sr. Carter.
Uh, Miss Milligan, Mr. Carter, Miss Hopper...
Miss Milligan, o Sr. Carter. - Miss Hopper. - Como está?
This is Miss finch, Miss Dalton, Miss Goesekin, Miss Harper, Mr. Carter.
Estas são Miss Finch, Dalton, Goesekin, Harper, o Sr. Carter.
Miss Allen, Miss Goesekin, Miss Finch, Mr. Carter.
Miss Allen, Goesekin e Finch.
I'm not Mrs. Carter, I'm Miss Milligan.
Não sou Mrs. Carter, sou Miss Milligan.
Carter was in Miss Milligan's apartment when we arrived, and he was in possession of these binoculars.
O Carter estava em casa de Miss Milligan quando chegámos e tinha estes binóculos.
Wyatt Earp, Miss Clementine Carter.
A Senhora. Clementine Carter.
It's awfully kind of Miss Carter to escort us out. HANNIBAL : Tell them.
You did work for him, Miss Can'ter.
Trabalhou para ele, menina Carter.
Go on, Miss Can'ter.
Continue, menina Carter.
Trying to take care of Carter and trying to pay bills... and time to miss Kent, to grieve him... that time's a luxury.
A tentar tomar conta do Carter e pagar as contas... e tempo para perder Kent, para afligi-lo... esse tempo é um luxo.
And Dominic doesn't miss a beat. He puts his finger in Jimmy Carter's face... and says, " So where's that money you promised me three years ago...
E o Dominic põe o dedo na cara de Jimmy Carter e diz :
Ladies and gentlemen, Miss June Carter.
Senhoras e senhores, Miss June Carter.
I don't know if y'all know who wrote that song but it's this long-legged gal standing right here, Miss June Carter.
Não sei se vocês sabem quem escreveu esta música mas foi a miúda de perna comprida, ao meu lado, Miss June Carter.
Mccallister and miss walker both have gay brothers- - and hold on to your airsick bags, folks- - they're dating.
- O McCallister e a Sra. Walker têm ambos irmãos homossexuais e, agarrem bem os sacos de enjoo, eles namoram! Até nos faz ter saudades do Billy Carter...
Sheriff Carter and Zoe will miss you.
O Xerife Carter e a Zoe vão sentir a sua falta.
Carter, this is Miss Littleton of the Tribune.
Carter, esta é a menina Littleton do Tribune.
- Carter, Miss Littleton.
- Carter, menina Littleton.
You see, Miss Littleton, Carter is very important to me.
Como vê, menina Littleton, o Carter é muito importante para mim.
The only other corroborating story came from Miss Lexie Littleton, who claimed that Carter confessed to her that his war story was a lie.
A única outra história corroboradora veio da menina Littleton, que afirma que o próprio Carter lhe confessou que a história de guerra dele era mentira.
I'm going to miss you, Carter.
Vou ter saudades tuas, Carter.
- He won't miss it.
O Carter é um homem diferente com a Serena e é o casamento da mãe dela, ele não faltará.
Third, a neighbor of yours, a Miss Beulah Carter just died leaving an unpaid mortgage.
Terceiro, uma vizinha sua, Miss Beulah Carter, morreu, deixando a hipoteca por pagar.

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