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Must have traducir portugués

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They must have been working with Piper from the very beginning.
Deviam trabalhar com a Piper desde o inicio.
No, I must have left the light on.
Acho que deixei a luz acesa.
Haven't seen her since... must have been sports day.
Já não a vejo desde o Dia do Desporto.
- It must have been roaches.
Devem ter sido Baratas.
It must have been them.
Só podem ter sido elas.
Oh, that must have been really...
- Deve ter sido muito difícil.
The incoming signal must have interfered with the upload sequence.
O sinal recebido deve ter interferido com a sequência de carregamento.
Surely then, some great soul must have built it.
Seguramente, alguma grande alma a construiu.
A lot of thought must have gone into it's name.
Deve ter pensado muito no nome.
You must have run a polygraph test on my voice.
Deve ter testado a minha voz com um polígrafo.
Technical department must have told you why.
Os técnicos já lhe devem ter dito o motivo.
So many people must have lost their sons recently, the list must be long.
Muita gente deve ter perdido os filhos recentemente, a lista deve ser longa.
"Technical department must have told you why."
"Os técnicos já lhe devem ter dito o motivo."
I must have Stockholm Syndrome.
Acho que tenho o Síndrome de Estocolmo.
The Holy Virgin... must have this face.
A Virgem Maria tem de ter esta cara.
He must have escaped before the planet exploded, like Clark and I did.
Deve ter escapado antes do planeta explodir, como eu e o Clark.
Your ears must have been burning and shit.
Devias ter as orelhas a arder.
I mean, you must have roped in a couple of heavy hitters here, huh?
E agora, tão rapidamente... Devem ter arranjado alguns investidores importantes.
Man, that must have just happened.
Deve ter-se partido agora.
He must have had a reason.
- Ele deve ter tido uma razão.
He must have been calling for his pride.
Deve estar a chamar o resto do grupo.
My father must have given her the ghost gene like he did to me.
O meu pai deve-lhe ter administrado o "gene fantasma", como me fez a mim.
Those must have been Flynn's guys.
Devem ter sido os homens do Flynn.
- Miranda. I must have, uh, misheard.
Eu devo ter ouvido mal.
They must have people on the inside!
Eles devem ter membros infiltrados.
Well, you do, uh, whatever you want, you know, because I kidnapped you and... and it... it must have been really bad for you.
Podes fazer o que quiseres, porque eu raptei-te e... E deve ter sido muito mau para ti.
You must have eaten it in a restaurant.
Mas já a deves ter comido num restaurante.
You must have a pretty good job.
Deves ter um emprego muito bom.
Must have dosed him to make him lose his memory so we couldn't get any answers out of him.
Deve tê-lo drogado para fazê-lo perder a memória para não poder dar-nos respostas.
See, I must have made a mistake somewhere. And it led to all this chaos, and now I'm just... I'm just terrified that it's gonna happen again.
Devo ter cometido algum erro que causou todo este caos e agora estou com medo que aconteça de novo.
She must have hidden it.
Ela deve tê-lo escondido.
He must have slipped out before I got into the safe.
Deve ter saído antes de eu chegar no cofre.
No. No, the director must have some sort of plan for it.
Não, o Diretor deve ter um plano para ela.
I'm sure the team we were supposed to hand this off to must have had other plans.
Decerto que a equipa que ia tratar disto tinha outros planos.
I know how hard that must have been for you to confess. And on that level, I must admit I enjoyed that a little.
Sei que lhe foi difícil confessar e devo admitir que me deu um certo gozo.
The Director must have known you'd try and save everyone on the plane.
O Diretor sabia que ias tentar salvar todos.
You've known the whole time. It must have been brutal.
Soube desde o início, deve ter sido horrível.
Hurricane must have picked them up and brought them inland.
O furacão deve tê-los apanhados e trazido para terra.
Humans and Inhumans must have lived together in the past.
Humanos e Inumanos devem ter vivido juntos no passado.
I mean, it must have... a very powerful electro-transmitting organ.
Ele deve possuir um órgão transmissor de energia muito potente.
It's where Dr. Rawlins must have brought the tetracycline.
É para onde o Dr. Rawlins deve ter trazido a Tetraciclina.
It must have been him. Mr. Robot.
Deve ter sido ele, o Sr. ROBOT.
It must have been incredibly distressing and frustrating for Hannibal to see that Scipio had been able to use his own tactics against him in this final conflict.
Deve ter sido incrivelmente perturbante e frustrante para Aníbal ver que Cipião conseguira usar as suas próprias tácticas contra ele neste derradeiro conflito.
I mean, you must have come straight here after the hospital.
Deves ter vindo directamente para aqui do hospital.
Does that mean somebody must have...
Isso significa que alguém deve ter...
But someone must have taken him away, because when they looked where I buried him, there was nothing there...
Mas alguém deve tê-lo levado, porque quando olharam onde o enterrei,
He must always have his kill.
Ele consegue sempre a sua presa.
But the Reaper must still have his kill, and, well, look at that, you're all dried off.
Mas o Ceifador tem que ter a sua presa, e olhe para si, está seca.
We must realize this, that no other country in the world have been so fat and so sleek, and so safe, and so happy, and so irresponsible,
Temos de perceber isto : nenhum outro país do mundo tem sido tão abundante e tão elegante, tão seguro e tão feliz, e tão irresponsável e tão morto.
He must already have the weapons!
- Ele está com as armas
For Boudica to stand any chance of survival, she must get her troops through the defile as quickly as possible so that they can then spread out and use their tactics, that have worked so well.
Para que Boadiceia tenha alguma hipótese de sobrevivência, tem de fazer passar as suas tropas pela garganta o mais depressa possível para depois poderem espalhar-se e usar as tácticas que tão bem tinham resultado.

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