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No one was hurt traducir portugués

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Bombs fell very close, but no one was hurt.
As bombas caíram perto mas ninguém ficou ferido.
Fortunately, no one was hurt.
Felizmente ninguém se magoou.
Fortunately no one was hurt.
Felizmente ninguém ficou ferido.
Buckingham Palace has been bombed again... but no one was hurt.
O Palácio de Buckingham foi bombardeado novamente... mas ninguém ficou ferido.
The news report said no one was hurt.
As noticias dizeram que ninguém ficou ferido.
It's amazing that no one was hurt in the explosion.
É impressionante como ninguem Ficou ferido na explosão.
I hope no one was hurt.
Espero que ninguém tenha ficado ferido.
I tell you, man, it's just sheer luck that--that no one was hurt in this situation, other than rebecca.
Foi pura sorte ninguém se ter magoado nesta situação, a não ser a Rebecca. Esperem.
Seeing as no one was hurt, I think it would be really silly to dwell on this.
Como ninguém se aleijou, acho que seria muito... estúpido chatear-se com isto.
No, i'm sure no one was hurt.
Não, tenho a certeza de que ninguém se magoou.
The fire's out, no one was hurt.
O incêndio está extinto, ninguém se magoou.
It's a miracle... no one was hurt.
Foi um milagre... ninguém se ter magoado.
No one was hurt. The radiation's contained in the core.
Ninguém se feriu e a radiação está contida.
No one was hurt?
Ninguém se aleijou?
Seeing as no one was hurt, I think it would be really silly to dwell on this.
Como ninguém se aleijou, é estúpido preocupar-se com isto.
I trust no one was hurt but what choice did I have?
Espero que ninguém tenha sido ferido, mas que escolha tinha?
At least no one was hurt.
Pelo menos ninguém foi ferido.
No one was hurt, dear Queen.
Ninguém se magoou, querida rainha.
It may be important. I didn't think about it much and no one was hurt, and I was busy trying to sort out the coins.
Na hora não pensei nada, ninguém havia se machucado, e estava ocupada contando as moedas.
Luckily, no one was hurt.
Felizmente, ninguém se magoou.
No one was hurt.
Ninguém foi ferido.
There was shooting by the water truck, but no one was hurt.
- Tinha um tiroteio perto da bica, mas ninguém foi ferido.
At least no one was hurt.
Pelo menos ninguém se magoou.
Look, no one was killed, no one was hurt.
Olhe, não morreu ninguém, ninguém ficou ferido.
Apparently, no one was hurt in the landing.
Parece que ninguém se magoou na aterragem.
Thanks to the warning no one was hurt, but the building was demolished.
Graças ao aviso, ninguém se feriu, mas o prédio foi demolido.
We have the situation under control, no one was hurt
Tudo sob controlo! Sem feridos!
No one was hurt.
Ninguém se feriu.
No one was hurt. There was a second one already lit. I shouted to him to stop, put it down.
Ninguém ficou ferido Mas já havia uma segunda acesa, gritei-lhe que parasse e a pusesse no chão...
But, thankfully, no one was hurt.
Mas felizmente ninguém se feriu.
Damn lucky the place is still here and no one was hurt.
É uma sorte isto estar inteiro e não haver feridos.
No one was hurt though.
Mas não houve feridos.
Police here at the tunnel are saying it's a miracle no one was hurt although three cars were destroyed.
A polícia aqui no túnel diz que é um milagre ninguém se ter magoado, apesar de três carros terem sido destruídos.
Fortunately no one was hurt in this.
Felizmente que ninguém se magoou.
No one was hurt.
Ninguém ficou ferido.
Well, I'm glad no one was hurt.
Fico feliz que não houvesse feridos.
Actually... yet no one was hurt.
nenhum mal lhes aconteceu ainda.
I was patient last night, so no one would get hurt.
Fui paciente a noite passada para que ninguém fosse ferido.
As bad as it was, it was a great relief to learn that no one had been hurt.
Por pior que tenha sido, foi um grande alívio ver que ninguém estava magoado.
So the girl suffered in silence. Until one night when she was tired and hurt by her stepmother's harsh words and she could no longer stand it.
Por isso a rapariga sofreu em silêncio... até que uma noite, quando a rapariga estava cansada de um dia de trabalho... e magoada pelas palavras duras da sua madrasta... ela não pode suportar mais...
Well, no one was really hurt, you know.
Bom, ninguém saiu ferido.
When we started this thing, you told me no one was gonna get hurt.
Quando começaste isto disseste-me que ninguém se ia magoar.
No one was supposed to get hurt.
Ninguém era suposto ficar ferido.
The pilot was killed, but no one on the train was hurt.
O piloto morreu, mas não houve feridos no comboio.
Fortunately, no one was badly hurt and the true cause was not discovered.
Eu sei. Felizmente ninguém se feriu gravemente. E a verdadeira causa não foi descoberta...
Mr. Tillman will recover and no one was seriously hurt.
Mr. Tillman vai recuperar e ninguém se magoou a sério.
No one was badly hurt.
Não houve feridos graves.
I was told no one would get hurt.
Disseram-me que ninguem se magoaria.
But that was a little lie! Come on, no one's was gonna be hurt anyway!
Mas não fez mal a ninguém.
I... You said no one was gonna get hurt.
Disseste que ninguém ia se magoar.
Look, no one was supposed to get hurt.
Olha, não era suposto ninguém se magoar.

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