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Peck traducir portugués

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One pack animal to the rear!
Gwen e Peck, para a retaguarda.
- Everybody can't be Gregory Peck.
- Nem todos podem ser o Gregory Peck.
She can play Peck's Bad Boy all she wants and who's to stop her?
Ela pode interpretar tudo o que quiser, quem a vai impedir?
The day I married Ellie, my position with the law firm of Bartham, Henderson and Peck was as nebulous...
Quando me casei com a Ellie, o meu futuro na firma de advocacia... Bartham, Henderson e Peck era nebuloso...
When my outward action doth demonstrate the native act and figure of my heart in compliment extern,'tis not long after but i will wear my heart upon my sleeve, for daws to peck at.
O céu é testemunha... não me move o dever nem a amizade, mas, sem o revelar... só o interesse. Se as mostras exteriores de meus atos... me traduzissem os motivos próprios do coração... em traços manifestos, carregaria o coração na manga... para atirá-lo às gralhas.
Why, that was just a peck on the cheek, like this.
Foi um beijo fraternal na bochecha. Como este.
He was a peck of fun.
Foi muito engraçado.
Face it, no pretty girl wants me, she wants Gregory Peck.
Repare, nenhuma garota bonita me quer, quer o Gregory Peck.
You must be thinking of Gregory Peck.
- Deves estar a pensar no Gregory Peck.
If I'd wanted Gregory Peck, I'd have married him.
Se tivesses querido o Gregory Peck, teria casado com ele.
Gregory Peck.
- O Gregory Peck.
I can do the hunt-and-peck system. I'll pick it out myself.
Eu próprio escrevo o discurso à máquina.
Yeah, and get yourself into a peck of trouble, too.
E meteres-te numa data de sarilhos também.
Well, if she didn't, little brother, we're in a peck of trouble.
Se não entendeu, maninho, estamos metidos num sarilho.
Case you know it or not, we- - we got a peck of grief on our hands here.
Quer saibas ou não, temos um sarilho entre mãos.
Listen here, Gregory Peck, I'm not getting any of this stuff.
Ouve lá, Gregory Peck, gostava de perceber. Vamos fazer o quê?
When I hear them trombones... It's them peck horns that really does it.
Quando eu ouço os trombones... são as cornetas que que animam tudo.
I'll, I'll peck her eyes out!
Vou arrancar-lhe os olhos à bicada!
Gregory, Rolman Peck.
Gregory, Rolman Peck.
Marlon Peck and Gregory White.
Marlon Peck e Gregory White.
- Who? - Gregory Peck.
- O Gregory Peck.
Like Gregory Peck's.
Como o Gregory Peck.
Destined to live in a cage, though I'm a bird I cannot roost, nor peck, nor fly, nor nest.
Qual é a coisa que nem diante do rei tira o chapéu?
No bib around your Gregory Peck today, eh?
! No bib around your Gregory Peck today, eh?
- Who will peck Boney's bum?
- Quem pica o rabo ao Bony?
Don't let Mrs. Peck hear you say that.
Se a Sra. Peck te ouve...
Good-bye, Mrs. Peck.
- Adeus, Sra. Peck.
I thought you were going to your sister's, Mrs. Peck.
Pensei que ia para casa da sua irmã, Sra. Peck.
Now, Mrs. Peck, you have been the mistress of this house and you always shall be.
Sra. Peck, a senhora é e sempre será a responsável por esta casa.
Mrs. Peck, how nice to see you.
Prazer em vê-la, Sra. Peck!
Why, Mrs. Peck, you're talking like we were a couple of children.
Sra. Peck, fala como se fôssemos duas crianças.
This is Mrs. Peck.
- A Sra. Peck trabalha para o Sr. Paris.
Mrs. Peck.
- Sra. Peck...
And I just took off. I waved good-bye to Mrs. Peck and drove away. Mm-hmm.
Depois, fiz adeus à Sra. Peck e fui-me embora.
Mrs. Peck phoned me and I came over.
A Sra. Peck telefonou-me e eu vim.
Look, uh, Murray, before you go, I don't wanna have to trouble Mrs. Peck anymore.
Murray, não quero incomodar mais a Sra. Peck.
Uh, that way, you could, you know, show me around without Mrs. Peck getting upset again, you know what I mean?
Pode mostrar-me o sítio sem voltarmos a perturbar a Sra. Peck.
But there was a footprint outside Mrs. Peck's window.
Mas havia uma pegada junto à janela da Sra. Peck.
Mrs. Peck, are you absolutely sure that you turned on the burglar alarm system tonight?
Sra. Peck, tem a certeza absoluta de que ligou o alarme hoje?
Lieutenant, I know you're trying to drum up a homicide case feverishly, but certainly, you-you can't believe that Mrs. Peck could do anything like that?
Sei que está a tentar ardentemente formar um caso de homicídio mas não acha mesmo que a Sra. Peck seria capaz de uma coisa dessas.
No, no, no. I was never considering Mrs. Peck.
- Não, nunca desconfiaria da Sra. Peck.
Mrs. Peck informs me you're considering an autopsy?
A Sra. Peck disse-me que pensa fazer uma autópsia.
Mrs. Peck?
Sra. Peck...
Mrs. Peck, I made a very poor introduction of myself to you. I know that.
Sei que não me apresentei da melhor maneira.
But I have feelings too, Mrs. Peck.
Mas eu também tenho sentimentos.
But I've never been... I've never been rude to you, Mrs. Peck.
Mas nunca fui mal-educado consigo, Sra. Peck.
Oh, wait a minute. Now, Mrs. Peck, I want you to remain calm. - Remain calm, Mrs. Peck. just remain calm.
Tenha calma, Sra. Peck, tenha calma.
Mrs. Peck, in front of your eyes, I'll do it.
Vou fazê-lo à frente dos seus olhos, Sra. Peck.
Thank you, Mrs. Peck.
Obrigado, Sra. Peck.
- Sure he's on the peck.
Claro que está.
- Uh, Mrs. Peck.
- Sra. Peck...

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