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Perhaps mr traducir portugués

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- Perhaps Mr. Stewart means that it's like that lantern, sir. - Yes, sir.
- Sim, senhor.
Perhaps Mr Deeds would recite one for us.
Talvez o Sr. Deeds possa recitar-nos um.
Perhaps Mr. Dowd left it here, Sir.
Talvez o Sr. Dowd o tenha deixado aqui.
Oh, Chris, perhaps Mr. Emery could join us for dinner tonight.
Chris, talvez o Sr. Emery nos possa acompanhar hoje ao jantar.
Well, perhaps Mr. Larrue would like to see you.
Talvez o Sr. Larrue queira falar consigo.
Well, perhaps Mr. Manett did say things now and then that may have made me suspicious.
Talvez o S.r Manett tenha dito alguma coisa, de vez em quando, que me levou a suspeitar.
Perhaps Mr Aman is also deprived of the gift of speech?
Talvez o Sr. Aman seja também destituído do dom da fala?
Perhaps Mr Steed would like to come too.
Talvez o Sr. Steed gostasse de vir também.
Domino, I was thinking, as I'll be busy this evening, perhaps Mr Bond will take you to the Junkanoo.
Domino, estava a pensar, como vou estar ocupado esta tarde, talvez o Sr. Bond te leve a ver o Junkanoo.
Perhaps Mr Wu would like to explain how he wagered the car... on the outcome of the race.
Se calhar, o Sr. Wu devia explicar porque é que apostou o carro... no início da corrida.
Well, perhaps Mr Muggins doesn't like watching people getting stripped down to their old undies.
Talvez o sr. Muggins não goste de ver pessoas em cuecas.
Perhaps you can also reveal to me, Mr Turner, where the stolen manuscript - and the contents missing from my safe are located -?
Talvez também me pudesse revelar onde se encontram os manuscritos roubados, senhor Turner... E tudo o que desapareceu do meu cofre.
Mr. Harker, I have devoted my lifetime to the study of many strange things, little-known facts, which the world is perhaps better off not knowing.
Senhor Harker, eu dediquei toda a minha vida ao estudo de muitas coisas estranhas, pequenos factos que talvez seja melhor que o mundo não conheça.
Perhaps you would care to join our little circle now, Mr. Lawrence.
Talvez lhe apeteça unir-se ao nosso pequeno círculo, Sr. Lawrence,
Perhaps you didn't hear what I said, Mr Deeds.
Talvez não tenha ouvido.
Perhaps you will accept some coffee, too, Mr. Tyler.
Talvez queira mais café, Sr. Tyler.
Perhaps it's not my place to say this, Mr. Cheyne but it's simply because you and he have never had any relationship.
Talvez não seja apropriado dizer-lhe isto, mas a razão é o senhor e ele não se relacionarem.
- Mr. Miller, perhaps?
- Talvez o Sr. Miller?
Then perhaps your friend Mr. Haven will be somewhat less condescending.
Talvez, então, o teu amigo Mr. Haven seja menos condescendente.
Perhaps you could make yourself useful to Mr. De Winter if he wants anything done.
Talvez possas ser útil ao Sr. de Winter se ele quiser alguma coisa.
Perhaps, Mr. Reed, you would like to have tea in my apartment?
Talvez o Sr. Reed queira tomar chá no meu apartamento.
I know it seems an awful thing to ask but I thought you might, perhaps, as a favor persuade Mr. Ballard to withdraw his rose from the competition.
Sei que é terrível pedir isto mas pensei que podia, como favor convencer Mr. Ballard a retirar a rosa do concurso.
Now, gentlemen, perhaps we could sit down with Mr. Tarzan and talk it over.
Cavalheiros, talvez podemos tentar dialogar com o Sr. Tarzan.
Mr. Graham, perhaps you'd better choose another family.
Sr. Graham, talvez seja melhor escolher outra família.
Perhaps it would be better if I went with Mr. Cody.
Talvez fosse melhor ir com o Mr. Cody.
Perhaps I know what you mean, Mr. Neff.
Talvez o compreenda, Sr. Neff.
Perhaps Mr Dean... Certainly not.
Claro que não.
And perhaps we can persuade Mr. Hewes to do one of our old numbers :
Talvez possa convencer o Mr. Hewes a dançar uma das antigas :
Perhaps you could make yourself useful to Mr. de Winter if he wants anything done.
Talvez possas ser útil ao Sr. de Winter se ele quiser alguma coisa.
Perhaps next year, Mr. Sloane.
Possivelmente o ano que vem, Sr. Sloane.
I'm sorry, Mr. Parton, perhaps a sonata would have been more fitting.
Desculpe Sr.Parton, talvez uma sonata tivesse sido mais adequada.
Perhaps you wonder why I'm dressed in black, Mr Vogler?
Talvez se pergunte por que estou vestida de preto, Sr. Vogler?
Perhaps he's trying to give you one last word of caution, Mr. Kaplan.
Talvez ele esteja a tentar dar-lhe uma ultima palavra de precaução, Mr. Kaplan.
Perhaps you can persuade Mr. Wormold.
Talvez consiga convencer o Sr. Wormold.
Sr. Lanser, talvez se dormir um pouco.
Its function, perhaps to give Mr. Al Denton his second chance.
Talvez possibilitar ao Sr. Al Denton... A sua segunda oportunidade...
Mr. Gary, perhaps Marshal McCabe can share your quarters until he's rested sufficiently to return to his more lucrative duties in Tascosa. - Fine.
Gary, talvez o marshal McCabe possa partilhar os seus aposentos até ter descansado e regressar aos seus negócios lucrativos em Tascosa.
Perhaps you should ask Mr. Curwen.
Talvez você deva perguntar ao Sr. Curwen.
Perhaps the marquis de -
O que era exactamente... o que veio empenhar, Mr.
Has it occurred to you, Mr. Burbank... that Mr. Ford perhaps wanted you to think it was only a dry run?
Já lhe ocorreu, Sr. Firbank, que talvez o Sr. Ford quisesse que o senhor pensasse que era apenas um ensaio?
Talvez me possa dizer, Mr.
Perhaps you are a spy, Mr. Johnson
Você pode ser um espião, Sr. Johnson.
Talvez o senhor cometa o mesmo erro uma outra noite, Mr. Smart.
Talvez, Mr. Smart.
Mr. Train, perhaps the gentlemen would care for some tea.
Sr. Train, talvez os senhores queiram um pouco de chá.
Perhaps if you stopped talking nonsense, Mr. Newman.
Talvez se voce parasse de falar asneiras, Sr. Newman.
If Mr. Smart's business is so urgent, then perhaps it would be rude of us to delay him.
Se o negócio de Mr.Smart é assim tão urgente,.. ... seria descortês da nossa parte impedir a sua partida.
( door opens ) You have at least nine hours, perhaps as much as 18, Mr. Smart. Man's voice :
- Perhaps, Mr. Boma.
Talvez, Sr. Boma.
- Perhaps it's the way Mr Douglas drives.
- Se calhar é a condução do Sr. Douglas.
Angry, Mr. Spock, or frustrated, perhaps?
Zangado, Sr. Spock? Ou talvez frustrado?

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