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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ P ] / Perhaps you should

Perhaps you should traducir portugués

988 traducción paralela
Perhaps you should speak to him personally... "
Talvez devesse falar com ele pessoalmente... "
Perhaps you should leave her here in freedom.
Talvez devesses deixá-la aqui em liberdade.
Perhaps you should see a doctor.
Se calhar, devias consultar um médico.
Perhaps you should ask some questions, Stella.
Talvez devesses fazer algumas perguntas, Stella.
Perhaps you should have smiled at him.
Talvez você devesse ter sorrido para ele.
Perhaps you should thank me.
Talvez me devesse agradecer.
But perhaps you should take some to some other dealer.
Mas talvez devesses levar alguns a outro negociante de arte.
Perhaps you should have kept in touch with her.
Talvez devesse ter mantido contacto com ela.
It's only a very small charge of powder, but perhaps you should stand back.
É só uma pequena carga de pólvora, mas talvez devam chegar-se para trás.
If you can't lick the Vandamms of this world without asking girls to bed down and fly away with them and probably never come back perhaps you should learn how to lose a few cold wars.
Se não consegue caçar os Vandamms deste mundo sem pedir a raparigas para irem para a cama e voem com eles e provavelmente nunca mais regressarem talvez deve-se aprender como perder algumas guerras frias.
Perhaps you should get some rest instead of going riding with us today.
Talvez você devesse descansar, em vez de vir conosco hoje.
Perhaps you should have waited and had breakfast with my father.
Deveriam ter esperado para tomar o pequeno almoço com o meu pai.
Perhaps you should ask Mr. Curwen.
Talvez você deva perguntar ao Sr. Curwen.
I feel, perhaps you should send for him.
Possivelmente deveria mandar para buscá-lo.
Perhaps you should give him the promise that he wants.
Talvez lhe deva dar a promessa condicional que ele pretende.
Colonel Breen, perhaps you should...
Coronel Green, talvez você...
Perhaps you should forget logic. Devote yourself to motivations of passion or gain.
Talvez devesse esquecer a lógica e dedicar-se às motivações de paixão ou lucro.
Perhaps you should lie down. Doctor, will you please just leave me alone?
- Doutor, deixe-me, por favor.
You are clearly an officer of great initiative... and perhaps you should have led an expedition of your own.
O senhor é claramente um oficial de muita iniciativa... e talvez pudesse ter dirigido uma expedição sua.
Perhaps you should have brought the others.
Talvez devesses ter trazido os outros.
Perhaps you should test for radiation or other invisible rays. X-rays?
Talvez devesse examinar com raios invisíveis.
Then perhaps you should read it.
Então, talvez devesse lá-lo.
If you're such a convinced opponent... perhaps you should've leaned more on the material, instead of spiritual?
Se és um adversário convencido... talvez te devesses ter inclinado mais sobre o material, em vez do espiritual.
Then perhaps you should not leave it here.
Então taçvez não as devas trazer para cá.
Then perhaps you should do as they ask.
Então talvez devas fazer o que eles te pedem.
Perhaps you should not.
Talvez não o devesses ver.
- Perhaps you should have.
- Talvez devesse contar-lhe.
Perhaps you should have. No.
- Talvez devesse.
- Perhaps you should wait?
- Não deveríamos esperar?
I am older than you, but a queen so perhaps it was natural that you should flatter me and I believe you.
Sou mais velha que você, mas sou rainha por isso, talvez fosse natural que me lisonjeasse e que eu acreditasse.
Do you not think, though, that perhaps Uncle Ethelred, as head of the family, should be told at once?
Não acha que o tio Etheired, como chefe da família, deveria ser informado?
- Before I ask you to be honest with me, perhaps I should be completely honest with you.
Antes de lhe pedir que seja honesta comigo, talvez eu devesse ser completamente honesto consigo.
Perhaps you never should have been born.
Talvez fosse melhor que não tivesses nascido. Mas nasci.
You should wait till morning, and then... perhaps try to remember from which hotel you have wandered?
É melhor esperar até amanhã de manhã para descobrir qual é o seu hotel.
Perhaps I should tell you that Johnson, one of the liftmen here, says he can positively identify you. And that you called in to see the Count one afternoon. And you said, when told he wasn't in, that he was afraid to see you.
Johnson, um empregado do elevador diz que o pode identificar, que você visitou o Conde e quando Johnson disse que ele não estava, você disse que ele tinha medo.
Perhaps I should ask how are you? Are you well?
Talvez eu deva perguntar como você está.
I think I owe it to you to be frank. - You're all good I'm thinking of... and I really have that at heart, perhaps more than I should. - Yes, by all means.
- Creio que posso ser franca.
- Perhaps you should...
Talvez fosse melhor...
Perhaps I should arrange to have your dog kidnapped again. Then you'd be bound to stay.
Tenho de fazer com que lhe raptem outra vez o cão.
Perhaps I should thank you.
Eu é que devia agradecer-lhe.
Perhaps I should've been an artist... then He would've listened to me as He appears to have listened to you.
Talvez não devesse ter sido um artista... então, Ele ter-me-ia ouvido, como parece tê-lo ouvido.
- You don't think perhaps we should...?
Não acha que deveríamos...
Gentlemen, perhaps I should tell you - or perhaps I should not tell you - that we have just come from a very brief and very painful session with the Prime Minister on this.
Senhores tenho algo que lhes devo ou não dizer. Acabamos de chegar de uma reunião breve e muito dolorosa com o Primeiro Ministro.
If I should see this girl.... Should I come across? Perhaps, would you show me?
Se eu vir esta garota devo impressioná-la?
Or perhaps I should have told you the truth long ago.
Talvez eu devia ter dito a verdade.
Perhaps I should tell you about myself.
Talvez deva falar um pouco sobre mim.
There'll be no evacuation, but perhaps we should get you straightened out.
Não vai haver evacuação, mas devíamos corrigi-lo a si.
Not my order, you should eat lettuce though perhaps it will put some sap in your pizzle.
Não é uma ordem minha que comas alface se bem que é provável que te fortaleça esse corpo.
Perhaps Dr McCoy should examine you, Captain.
Quem sabe o Doutor McCoy devesse examiná-lo, Capitao.
- Don't you think perhaps we should open? No, no, no!
- Não acha que devíamos abrir...
Perhaps, for your own sake, you should face him now.
Talvez devesses enfrentá-lo agora.

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