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Sergeant gabriel traducir portugués

151 traducción paralela
Will, please, tell sergeant Gabriel to stop the interview, Will.
Por favor, diz ao sargento Gabriel para parar o interrogatório, Will.
Brown hair. It's all right, sergeant Gabriel.
- Está bem, sargento Gabriel.
And, sergeant Gabriel, i want to bring someone in to look at a picture of Jeffrey, now that we have our killer.
E, sargento Gabriel, preciso que venham ver a foto do Jeffrey. Agora temos o nosso assassino.
Sergeant Gabriel, did you ask him if he wanted an attorney?
Sargento Gabriel, perguntou-lhe se ele queria um advogado?
Sergeant Gabriel, could you arrange a chat with Mr Grayton, please? – Yeah.
Sargento Gabriel, poderia combinar uma conversa com o Mr Grayton, por favor?
Sergeant Gabriel, a little help, please.
Sargento Gabriel, uma ajudinha, por favor?
Sergeant Gabriel, I found Croelick.
Sargento Gabriel? Encontrei o Croelick.
All right, sergeant Gabriel.
Desculpe, sargento Gabriel.
Sergeant Gabriel.
- Sargento Gabriel.
Sergeant Gabriel, get to know our widow.
Sargento Gabriel, investigue a viúva.
Sergeant Gabriel, would you come with me, please?
Sargento Gabriel, venha comigo.
I know what you're going to say, sergeant Gabriel.
- Sei o que vai dizer.
Oh, sergeant Gabriel.
Sargento Gabriel.
Sergeant Gabriel, this is special agent Fritz Howard, F.B.I.
Sargento Gabriel, este é o Agente Especial Fritz Howard, do FBI.
Where's sergeant Gabriel?
O sargento Gabriel?
Sergeant Gabriel's right, ma'am.
O Sargento Gabriel tem razão.
So if you would, sergeant Gabriel, get a crew together and dig up Wayne's backyard.
Sargento Gabriel, pegue numa equipa e escave o quintal do Wayne.
Sergeant Gabriel, does this picture speak to you?
Sargento Gabriel, que lhe diz este quadro?
- Sergeant Gabriel!
Agora! - Sargento Gabriel.
Detective Sanchez, sergeant Gabriel, if there's anything even remotely interesting in this house, i want it in the murder room.
Detective Sanchez, Sargento Gabriel, se houver aqui algo remotamente interessante, quero-a na sala do crime.
Yes, sergeant Gabriel.
Sim, Sargento Gabriel.
Look, I hate to pull rank on my very first week, but I think it would be best if you handed your notes over to sergeant Gabriel here, took a deep breath and went on back to your car.
Detesto puxar pelos galões na primeira semana, mas é melhor entregar os seus apontamentos ao Sargento Gabriel inspirar fundo e voltar para o seu carro.
And... keep sergeant Gabriel informed of your progress... because we need to focus on progress... lady and gentlemen.
E mantenham o detective Gabriel informado do vosso progresso. Porque temos de nos focarmos nisso, senhora e senhores.
But just smile and look reassuring'. And, uh, sergeant Gabriel, you can go on home.
E sargento Gabriel, pode ir para casa.
- If you give him a - - Sergeant Gabriel, um... I think I'm old enough to drive myself to work without being thought vindictive.
Sargento Gabriel, acho que tenho idade suficiente para trabalhar sem ser vingativa.
Oh, I never... bluff, sergeant Gabriel.
Não finjo, Sargento Gabriel.
Sergeant Gabriel here is gonna to inform you of your rights so we don't make any mistakes.
O sargento Gabriel vai informá-la dos seus direitos, para não haver erros.
Sergeant Gabriel.
Sargento Gabriel.
Lieutenant Tao and sergeant Gabriel, Even though i think it was picked up on the streets, Could you check and see who's bought a sniper rifle in the last year?
Tenente Tao e Sargento Gabriel, acho que foi encontrada na rua, mas pode verificar quem comprou uma arma de sniper no ano passado?
Where's sergeant Gabriel?
- Onde está o Sargento Gabriel?
Um, have sergeant Gabriel meet me outside chief Pope's office.
Peça ao Sargento Gabriel para ir ter comigo à porta do gabinete do Chefe Pope.
You can either stay here, or sergeant Gabriel here will escort you downtown.
Pode ficar, ou o Sargento Gabriel acompanha-a até à esquadra.
And, sergeant Gabriel, if you could, uh, walk the boxes over to their offices.
Sargento Gabriel, se puder levar as caixas aos gabinetes deles.
A good morning to you, too, sergeant Gabriel.
Bom dia para si também, sargento Gabriel.
Sergeant Gabriel?
Sargento Gabriel?
Deputy chief Johnson, sergeant Gabriel, this is Bill Blackburn and Steven Sims from the FBI.
Subchefe Johnson, sargento Gabriel, Bill Blackburn e Steven Simms do FBI.
Not all, sergeant Gabriel.
Todas não, sargento Gabriel.
And sergeant Gabriel, ask captain Taylor for his help, please?
Sargento Gabriel, peça ajuda ao capitão Taylor.
Sergeant Gabriel, if you could see to it that we get an autopsy right away.
Sargento Gabriel, veja se podemos tratar imediatamente da autópsia.
Detectives Sanchez, Daniels, i'd like you to check that poker game, and sergeant Gabriel, i need you to get the K-9s up here.
Detectives Sanchez, Daniels, gostava que verificassem o jogo de póquer, e Sargento Gabriel, tem de trazer os cães para aqui.
Do you mind if sergeant Gabriel and i try and talk to him?
Importa-se que eu e o Sargento Gabriel, tentemos falar com ele?
Oh, unfortunately, what sergeant Gabriel is trying to say is that you can't take your son home yet.
Infelizmente, o que o Sargento Gabriel está a tentar dizer, é que ainda não pode levar o seu filho para casa.
So, um... i have an interview right now, but as soon as the messenger arrives with the rest of your paperwork, i told sergeant Gabriel to come and get me and i'll be all yours.
Agora tenho um interrogatório, logo que o mensageiro chegue com o resto dos papeis, o Sargento Gabriel vai buscar-me e estou por sua conta.
I hope you've been paying attention, sergeant Gabriel, she can teach you a thing or two.
Espero que tenha prestado atenção, Sargento Gabriel, ela pode ensinar-lhe umas coisas.
I think you've already met Sergeant Gabriel.
Penso que já conhecem o Sargento Gabriel.
Because Sergeant Gabriel is about to make a break in the case.
O Sargento Gabriel está prestes a fazer uma descoberta importante.
He told Sergeant Gabriel.
Disse ao Sargento Gabriel.
Sergeant Gabriel, just to be clear, Roger said that he left Ruby at the park.
Só para ficar claro, o Roger disse que deixou a Ruby no parque.
I want the squad working, but no one sees this tape, or knows about what Sergeant Gabriel has done.
Quero a equipa a trabalhar, mas ninguém vê esta gravação, nem fica a saber o que o Sargento Gabriel fez.
Um, sergeant Gabriel,
Sargento Gabriel, preciso do telemóvel da Gretchen Schiller.
Sergeant Gabriel, would you come with me, please?
Sargento Gabriel? Pode vir comigo, por favor?

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