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She died traducir portugués

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It looks like she died from a massive electrical shock.
Parece que morreu devido a um grande choque eléctrico.
Cecilie Peterson did however ring a pay-as-you-go number just before she died, but we don't know whose it was.
Contudo a Cecilie Peterson ligou para um número de crédito pré-pago mesmo antes de morrer, mas não sabemos quem era.
The person she thought sent her the package, the person she rang moments before she died.
A pessoa que ela pensou que lhe tinha enviado a encomenda, a pessoa a quem ela ligou momentos antes de morrer.
She got sick and she died... about six months ago.
Estava doente, e morreu. Há seis meses atrás.
- No, actually, she died trying to abort her baby.
- Não, na verdade, ela morreu ao tentar abortar o bebé.
You know that... she died. Do you know that your daughter Camille Séguret can not be missing at the same time as your wife.
Sabe que a sua filha, Camille Séguret, não pode ter desaparecido tal como a sua mulher.
Affer she died.
Depois que ela morreu.
- Before she died, Abigail was trying to tell us something.
Antes de morrer, a Abigail tentou dizer-nos algo.
Do you know how she died?
Sabe como é que ela morreu?
Tess called her the day she died.
A Tess ligou-lhe no dia que ela morreu.
After she died, he took pieces of the root and grafted them onto other plantings.
Depois de ela morrer, ele tirou partes da raiz e enxertou-as em outras plantações.
She died protecting that book.
Ela morreu a proteger este livro.
We think she died of natural causes.
Acreditamos que ela morreu de causas naturais.
- Stop it! But not when she died.
Mas não quando morreu.
- She died.
- Morreu.
So I told him she died and that I took care of it.
Então, disse-lhe que ela tinha morrido e tratei do assunto.
This is where she died.
Foi aqui que ela morreu.
How do you know she died here?
Como sabes que morreu aqui?
She died three years ago.
Ela morreu há três anos atrás.
You held her hand when she died.
Segurastes-lhe a mão quando ela morreu.
Emma Germain enjoyed a cup of tea shortly before she died.
A Emma Germain tomou uma chávena de chá pouco antes de morrer.
She had me, she died.
Ela me teνe. Ela morreu.
And she died young.
E morreu muito nova.
She died on March the 12th of 2005.
Ela morreu a 12 de Março de 2005.
She died three months ago, a traffic accident of some kind.
Morreu há três meses atrás, num acidente de transito.
But then three months ago she died when she got hit by a bus.
Mas depois há três meses ela morreu quando foi atropelada por um autocarro.
That's the building she came from right before she died.
É o edifício de onde ela veio mesmo antes de morrer.
It was the last thing I said to her before she died.
Foi a última coisa que lhe disse, antes de morrer.
She died two years after he did, in childbirth.
Ela morreu dois anos depois dele, ao dar à luz.
And find out whether she filed any copy before she died.
E descobre se ela enviou algum artigo antes de morrer.
And he'd had an encounter with Nadia just before she died.
E teve um encontro com a Nadia mesmo antes dela morrer.
I only had a few years left with your mother before she died but... .. They were a few very good years.
Tive apenas uns poucos anos com a tua mãe antes que ela morresse, mas... foram uns poucos anos muito bons.
The day she died, he said, was the worst day of his life... because he realized too late that the best thing about his life... was his love for her.
O dia em que ela morreu... Ele disse que foi o pior da vida dele porque percebeu tarde demais que o melhor que tinha era o amor por ela.
When she died... I thought that part of me died with her.
Quando ela morreu, pensei que essa parte de mim tinha morrido com ela.
When I was at my mother's house after she died, I was really devastated.
Quando estive em casa da minha mãe, depois de ela morrer, estava devastada.
She might not recognise me, you see. She died when I was born.
Escrevi-lhe uma carta.
She was with him when he died.
Ela estava com ele quando ele morreu.
No, she just fell down and died in the street.
Não. Caiu no chão e morreu. Na rua.
Your mother died, didn't she?
A sua mãe morreu, não foi?
She almost died! Alright?
Ela quase morreu!
Alice's husband died in Normandy, and then she moved in with Lucy.
O marido da Alice morreu na Normandia e nessa altura foi viver com a Lucy.
She inherited The Green Man when her dad died.
Ela herdou o "The Green Man" quando o pai morreu.
I know her name don't sound Jewish, but she Jewish on her mama's side, and her great-uncle died in the Holocaust, and she taught me the Hebrew alphabet for granola bars. So, I'm here to present my case.
Sei que o nome dela não parece judeu, mas é judia do lado da mãe, o tio-avô dela morreu no Holocausto e ensinou-me o alfabeto hebraico, em troca de barras de cereais.
The thing is, if she had died one week earlier, my ex-wife would be rich now, and I feel bad about that, because I think she really would've enjoyed being rich.
Se ela tivesse morrido uma semana antes, a minha ex-mulher seria rica agora, e eu sinto-me mal por isso, porque acho que ela teria gostado de ser rica.
She almost died.
Ela ia morrendo.
- Oh, yes. We've got the moon and the trees and Elizabeth McNulty, who apparently died when she was the same age I am.
Sim, temos a lua e as árvores e Elizabeth McNulty, que aparentemente morreu quando tinha a mesma idade que tenho.
Oracle... my mother died before she could explain the riddle of my life, so I come to you, great Oracle of Gaia.
Oráculo... a minha mãe morreu antes que pudesse explicar o enigma da minha vida, por isso vim até si, grande Oráculo de Gaia.
My mother died before she could explain the riddle of my life.
A minha mãe morreu antes de poder explicar o enigma da minha vida.
Where Nadia Simons died and where she was first attacked, with a car.
Onde a Nadia Simons morreu e onde ela foi atacada primeiro, com um carro.
If we did not give her to the nuns, she would have died.
Se não a déssemos às freiras, teria morrido.
I cried as if she had died.
Chorei como se ela tivesse morrido.

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