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Should i keep going traducir portugués

55 traducción paralela
Should I keep going?
- Posso continuar?
Should I keep going?
Devo continuar?
- Should I keep going?
- Devo continuar?
Should I keep going, or do you guys catch my drift?
Continuo ou já perceberam o que quero dizer?
Mom, dad... Jess, Jo, Ellen... should I keep going?
A mãe, o pai, a Jess, a Jo, a Ellen.
Should I keep going, Mr. Martin?
Acha que devo continuar, Mr. Martin?
Should i keep going?
Tenho de continuar?
Should I keep going?
- Queres que continue?
Should I keep going, Your Honor?
- Posso prosseguir, Meritíssimo?
Should I keep going?
Queres que te faça um boneco?
If I wanna keep my job, I should be going now.
Se não quero perder o emprego tenho de ir andando.
Let's see if you can use all that shit. I think we should just keep going.
- Vamos ver se sabes usar isso.
Should I go any faster, Ludwig? No, no, you keep going as you are.
- Eu também tenho que ir mais de pressa?
Should I keep going or turn around?
- Continuo ou viro?
- I should just keep going, right?
Quer que eu continue?
- I think we should keep going.
- Acho que devemos continuar.
Keep going. I should be able to talk to girls.
Eu devia ser capaz de falar com raparigas.
I didn't think she should keep it going.
Achei que não devia continuar.
Should I keep going?
I've managed to keep these Vietnam expenditures under wraps as you requested, but if you decide to move forward with this, it's going to be impossible to keep up the guise indefinitely and I strongly believe you should present
Mantive as manobras no Vietname em segredo, como pediu, mas se avançar com a operação, não podemos esconder os factos. Acho que devia avançar com um pedido ao Congresso.
Maybe I should just keep walking instead of going into a dark, dreary bar.
Talvez deva continuar a andar em vez de entrar num bar escuro.
It's, like, Roxy, and she's dressed as a cucumber, and... Well, maybe I should just be happy that I'm going to London on tour with you guys and keep these thoughts to myself.
A Roxi veste-se de pepino e depois... ou melhor, conformo-me em ir para Londres com vocês e depois venho.
I just feel like if we're going to watch DVD's that we should keep the case nearby so we don't end up with just the...
Acho que, quando vemos um DVD, devemos manter a caixa por perto, para não acabarmos apenas com o...
Well, I can't imagine you came in here thinking that I was going to say anything other than that you should keep your baby.
Bom, não acho que tenhas vindo aqui pensado que ia dizer-te outra coisa que não seja o facto de deveres seguir com a gravidez
Until we figure out where this is going, I just think we should keep things on the down low.
Até percebermos em que é que isto dá, acho que devíamos manter as coisas em segredo.
No, no, no, why should I keep putting you into a position where you're just going to be letting me or yourself down again, huh?
Porque te haveria de continuar a meter numa posição em que simplesmente vais desiludir-me a mim ou a ti, de novo?
We should keep going if we're going to spy on him - find him, I mean.
Devíamos continuar se quisermos espiá-lo... encontrá-lo, quero dizer.
I think we should probably just keep going.
É melhor continuarmos.
Y'all want to keep going, or should I...
Querem continuar ou eu deveria...? - O que é agora?
So should I tell him or let him keep going?
Então, vou dizer-lhe ou deixo-o continuar?
Look, I told you that I wouldn't keep anything from you so I think you should know, I'm going to L.A.
Eu não sei. Talvez.
Should I keep going?
- Devo continuar?
I'm going around blaming everyone else, but the fact of the matter is that my lifestyle requires a huge amount of resource, too. So, how can I blame other people? And I realised that before I go around trying to change other people, maybe I should look at myself and change myself, and keep my side of the street clean.
Como posso acusar os outros? tinha de olhar para mim e mudar a mim mesmo.
Then he said... He said he'd cover me and that I should keep going.
Depois ele disse que me cobria e que eu devia seguir caminho.
I'm going to try to keep you from talking. But I think you should.
Vou tentar impedir-te de falar, mas acho que devias.
Should I keep going or should I stop?
- Continuo ou paro?
I think we should just keep going.
Devemos apenas continuar.
No, I think you should keep going.
- Não, acho que devias continuar.
I know I keep saying it, Haley, but you should be going.
Sei que já disse isto, Haley, mas devias ir.
I was just telling Frank we should set up a weekly, so he can keep us up-to-date on what's going on in the House.
Sugeri ao Frank uma reunião semanal, para que nos possa actualizar, sobre o que se passa no Parlamento.
When I said we would need to keep our tempers in check if we were going to make this meeting happen, I should have specified we'd need to do so for the duration of the meeting as well.
Quando disse que precisávamos de tentar manter a calma se a reunião acontecesse, deveria ter dito que também deveria ser durante a reunião.
Well, I don't want to keep anything from you either, and if you're going out to see Sophie, then there's something that you should know.
Eu também não te escondo nada, e se vais sair para ir ver a Sophie, então... há uma coisa que devias saber.
I'll decide whether I like what I see or if I should keep going down my list of clubs.
Eu vou decidir se gosto daquilo que vejo ou se devo continuar à procura de clubes nocturnos.
I think we should keep going, make the office even more efficient.
Acho que devíamos continuar. Tornar a esquadra ainda mais eficiente.
Trevor, I know you wanna keep going, but maybe we should just pull off, find a place to stay tonight and then I'll get it checked out in the morning.
Sei que queres continuar, Trevor, mas talvez devêssemos encostar, arranjar um sítio para passar a noite e depois mando ver tudo de manhã.
I think maybe we should try and keep this little banter wagon going, right?
Acho que devíamos levar isto mais longe, não achas?
So you think I should keep it going?
Então, achas que devia seguir em frente?
If you're going to keep insulting me, I should at least know your name.
Se vais continuar a insultar-me, pelo menos eu devia saber o teu nome.
I don't know if I should keep going or...
Não sei... Se deva continuar ou...
Should I... keep going, sir?
Devo continuar, senhor?

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