Since i was traducir portugués
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Okay, well, ever since I was a little girl, I've wanted to be a lawyer.
Desde que era pequena, que quero ser advogada.
Beside me for the whole ride, since I was a 16-year-old girl complaining about her father, until right now, tonight. Yeah.
Estiveste sempre a meu lado, desde que era uma miúda de 16 anos, que se queixava do pai... até agora... até esta noite.
Since I was a teenager.
Desde adolescente.
It's nae since I was a bairn we've had a gathering at leoch.
Desde que eu era criança que não há uma reunião em Leoch.
I've been planning this since I was a little girl.
Estive a planear desde menina.
I've been letting opportunities pass me by ever since I was a kid.
Tenho deixado várias oportunidades passarem por mim desde que fui miúdo.
Okay, that also sounds a little naive because I've been driving since I was 16 years old in New York and L.A., so I think I'm ready.
- Também soa ingenuo. - Conduzo desde os 16 anos em Nova York e Los Angeles... - De maneira que devo estar habilitado a conduzir aqui.
I've been restricted to post at Fort McNair since I was brought back from Afghanistan.
Fiquei restrito ao Forte McNair desde que voltei do Afeganistão.
I've been fighting these shites since I was a lad.
Tenho lutando com estes merdas desde que era um rapaz.
I haven't waited this long to hear someone say yes since I was at school for the deaf.
Não esperei tanto para ouvir alguém dizer sim desde que estava na escola de surdos.
What I do know is that for some strange reason, since I was a resident, I keep getting thrown the riskiest, high-profile cardiothoracic surgeries.
O que eu sei é que, por alguma razão estranha, desde que era residente, eu estou sempre a entrar em operações cardíacas de alto risco.
Dad, I've been hearing that song in the backseat of your car since I was a little kid.
Pai, tenho ouvido essa canção no assento de trás do teu carro desde que era pequena.
Because I haven't felt this at one with nature since I was in the Navy.
Não me sentia tão ligado à natureza desde a Marinha.
I've been a member of the Defense Clandestine Service since I was in college.
Sou um membro do Serviço Clandestino de Defesa desde que estava na faculdade.
I've been stealing stuff since i was a kid.
Já ando a roubar desde criança.
I haven't had a nightmare like that since I was a little kid.
Não tinha um pesadelo assim desde pequenina.
I've always loved it, ever since I was little.
Sempre adorei a história dele. Desde pequena.
A persistent affliction since I was a boy.
É algo que me aflige desde criança.
The Lord has given me this gift, since I was a young woman.
O Senhor tem-me dado esta dádiva desde que eu era uma mulher jovem.
I haven't seen this since i was a child.
Não via isto desde criança.
I-I've known mark since he was in diapers, you know?
Já conheço o Mark desde que ele andava de fraldas.
But since it's my laptop, I figured it was a line of bull, that he wanted me to give it up so he could sell it for the money.
- Não, mas como o portátil é meu, imaginei que fosse conversa fiada, que ele queria que eu lho desse para ele o vender e ficar com o dinheiro.
I haven't slept since I found out Joe was alive.
Não durmo desde que descobri que o Joe está vivo.
Since I was on the Seraphim.
Desde que estive na Seraphim.
Was that wise since you believe I tried to kill you?
Terá sido sensato, já que acreditaste que te tentei matar?
I'm sure Agent Booth merely meant that since Stephanie McNamara was...
O Agente Booth só quis dizer que como a Stephanie McNamara...
And since Stephanie was wearing Trent's nail, I can confirm that Trent is one of the victims of the Ghost Killer.
Como Stephanie usava as unha de Trent, posso confirmá-la como vítima da Assassina Fantasma.
I haven't seen him since. Well, I haven't seen him since he was talking to Harold, but I need him to give me- - He was talking to Harold?
Não o vejo desde que estava a falar com o Harold.
I was hoping that since it's my birthday tomorrow, but... no, I understand, really.
Eu esperava, já que é o meu aniversário amanhã, mas... Eu percebo, verdade.
He was here when the police were questioning me, and I figured since I didn't know anything anyway...
Ele estava aqui quando a polícia veio interrogar-me, Então pensei que como não sabia de nada de qualquer maneira...
I've been under surveillance for days. Ever since Arthur was killed. But I made sure I wasn't followed here.
Estou a ser vigiada há dias, desde que o Arthur foi morto, mas certifiquei-me que não fui seguida até aqui.
Since the meeting was aborted, I wanted to get some details regarding Avon.
Já que cancelaram a reunião, queria detalhes sobre a Avon.
I was there when Matty got his fake last night, dickweed. And since you left with Eva, I figured you were dead or in prison.
Eu estava presente quando o Matty comprou a identificação falsa e como se foram embora com a Eva, só podiam estar mortos ou na prisão e o telefonema da prisão ajudou.
Well, since Margaux's first act of office was to make him second-in-command... We hurt him, it hurts her, and then... I take over.
Dado que a primeira acção da Margaux foi nomeá-lo seu braço direito, prejudicamo-lo a ele, e consequentemente a ela, e depois... eu assumo o comando.
I was telling Agent Hutchinson I think we haven't seen each other since Christmas.
Estava a dizer ao Agente Hutchinson, que acho que já não nos víamos desde o Natal.
First time since she found out I was sick.
Primeira vez desde que descobri que estava doente.
I missed that boat the day I was born and every day since.
Perdi esse barco no dia em que nasci e todos os dias desde então.
It was just something stupid I was trying out... and I don't even know why, since it's basically impossible.
Só estava a tentar fazer uma coisa idiota. Nem sei porquê, uma vez que é impossível.
And since I know you're all friends, I was hoping you could corroborate.
E como sei que vocês são amigos, pensei que poderiam colaborar.
Honey, I know it's been a year since Jeff was abducted, and that's hitting you pretty hard.
Querida, eu sei que hoje faz um ano Que o Jeff foi raptado e está-te a ser muito duro.
I knew Frank Winter since before the world knew what a neutron was.
Conheço o Frank Winter antes do mundo saber o que era um neutrão.
I was the biggest thing to come out of baltimore Since wallis simpson.
Fui a pessoa mais importante a sair de Baltimore desde Wallis Simpson.
I asked some of the old-timers, the ones that have been around since Methuselah was a kid.
Perguntei a alguns da velha guarda, aos que andam por cá desde que o Methuselah era um miúdo.
I offered to adopt her, but since she was of legal age, they just let us leave together.
Ofereci-me para a adoptar, mas como ela já era maior de idade, simplesmente deixaram-nos sair juntas.
For I have known I was destined to draw the eye of a great and powerful man for a long time, ever since I saw those mysterious lights in the sky.
Há muito tempo que sabia estar destinada a atrair a atenção de um homem forte e poderoso. Sei-o desde que vi aquelas luzes misteriosas no céu. Também as haveis visto?
Since all this started, they've kept a plain-clothes man on watch at Lord Gillingham's set in Albany, and now I'm told that Mrs Bates was seen there, loitering outside.
Desde que isto tudo começou, puseram um homem à paisana a vigiar na casa do Lorde Gillingham em Albany, e agora disseram-me que a Sra. Bates foi vista lá, a vaguear.
Marcus Fox was my first case, and since, I've, uh, arrested 30 suspects that led to convictions, and half a dozen cases remain open.
O Marcus Fox foi o meu primeiro caso, e desde então, prendi 30 suspeitos que foram condenados, e meia dúzia de casos ficaram abertos.
It was a disaster and I am extremely upset about it, since you didn't ask.
Foi desastroso e estou muito chateada, já que não perguntaste.
In fact, I was gonna wait till after my shift was over to ask you, but since we're talking about it now,
Na verdade, ia esperar que o meu turno acabasse para te pedir, mas já que estamos a conversar queria perguntar se podes empr...
Matty and I had been * * * around each other since the essay misunderstanding, so maybe it was time to be on more solid ground, even if we were hanging by a cable 8 million feet in the air.
Eu e o Matty andávamos estranhos desde o mal-entendido da composição, por isso, talvez estivesse na altura de acalmar os ânimos, mesmo que estivéssemos presos a um cabo, a 2500m de altura.
I have known Tituba even longer than you have, ever since she was a small child.
Conheço a Tituba há mais tempo do que tu, desde que ela era uma criança.
since i was a child 16
since i was a kid 33
since i met you 22
since i'm here 26
since i've been here 18
since i 16
i was 6414
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
since i was a kid 33
since i met you 22
since i'm here 26
since i've been here 18
since i 16
i was 6414
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i was born here 96
i wasn't listening 61
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was here 250
i was thinking about you 32
i was just wondering 282
i was born 51
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i was just kidding 166
i wasn't thinking 181
i wasn't listening 61
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was here 250
i was thinking about you 32
i was just wondering 282
i was born 51
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i was just kidding 166
i wasn't thinking 181
i wasn't 1177
i wasn't born yesterday 35
i wasn't expecting that 35
i was kidding 211
i was just passing by 33
i wasn't talking to you 127
i wasn't invited 33
i was born with it 17
i was just leaving 200
i wasn't looking 38
i wasn't born yesterday 35
i wasn't expecting that 35
i was kidding 211
i was just passing by 33
i wasn't talking to you 127
i wasn't invited 33
i was born with it 17
i was just leaving 200
i wasn't looking 38
i wasn't there 230
i was so scared 191
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i wasn't alone 27
i was drunk 199
i wasn't sure 126
i was going to 181
i was so scared 191
i wasn't ready 79
i wasn't alone 27
i was drunk 199
i wasn't sure 126
i was going to 181