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So it was you traducir portugués

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Okay, well that's it, so we're gonna go, but it was lovely to talk to you, Dad, we miss you.
Mas foi óptimo falar contigo, pai. Temos saudades tuas.
So the idea that wearing what you felt like and letting your hair go wherever it wanted to be was actually considered attractive was very exciting.
Então a ideia de que usar o que dava vontade e deixar seu cabelo ir para onde ele quisesse era realmente considerada atraente era muito excitante.
So she was like, "Can you believe it?"
Então ela ficou, "acreditas nisto?"
So why don't we go down to the station, or whatever you want to call it, so that I can tell everyone that Justin was there when Fitori got his stack smoked?
Então, porque não descemos à Esquadra, ou como quiseres chamá-la, para que eu diga a todos que o Justin estava lá, quando o Fitori foi morto?
It was so cool when you had them melt the gold jewelry.
Foi tão legal quando você tinha deles derreter a jóias de ouro.
I assumed it was a heart attack, so I called you guys immediately and started CPR, but... after a few minutes, it was...
Eu pensei que tinha sido um ataque cardíaco, então liguei para vocês e comecei uma reanimação cardiorrespiratória, mas.. depois de alguns minutos, estava claro..
It's so quiet in there, you'd think it was a funeral.
Está muito sossegado, que até parece um funeral.
It was so good to meet you.
Foi um prazer conhecê-la.
I was gonna make up some story, like the kitchen caught on fire Or the caterer got run over by a bus, but we got a history, so I'm... I'm gonna give it to you straight
Eu ia inventar uma história, tipo, a cozinha pegou fogo ou o fornecedor foi atropelado por um autocarro, mas temos uma história, por isso, vou ser sincero.
So what was it you wished to tell me?
Então, o que é que me querias dizer?
I think it would also be... a good idea for you to explain to people why your behavior was so dangerous.
Acho que seria uma boa ideia explicar a toda a gente, porque é que o seu comportamento foi tão perigoso.
Although I was tempted to leave you out alone and forsaken just so you'd know how it felt.
Embora tenha ficado tentada a abandonar-te lá fora, só para saberes qual foi a sensação.
I was surprised when you didn't recognize me last night, so I went with it.
Fiquei surpresa por não me reconheceres ontem. Então, avancei.
You find him a nice... Neither of us was gonna back down, so finally we decided to take it to the groom.
Nenhum de nós ia ceder, por isso decidimos contar ao noivo.
Didn't it strike you as odd that he was so outraged that his son didn't get a proper burial and in the next breath he's hinting that the mutt who'd done this was gonna be in the ground tomorrow?
Não é estranho ele estar tão indignado que o filho não tenha um enterro digno e em seguida ele insinue que o rafeiro que fez isto estaria de baixo da terra amanhã?
So you think it was an accident? I do.
- Acha que foi um acidente?
But it was a gift from the Dohertys, so I won't pour you one lest it might make you choke on your righteousness.
Mas, foi um presente dos Doherty, então, não te vou servir um bocado, pois pode fazer-te engasgar com a tua honradez.
It had to be utterly secret, so unless you were in on it, you wouldn't even know it was here.
Tinha que ser absolutamente secreta, A não ser que estivesse cá dentro nunca saberia da sua existencia.
At first, it started out when we were really young, you know, stupid stuff, just, like, Richie sneaking us past him while he was asleep so we could watch cartoons, you know, stuff like that.
Tudo começou quando éramos muito novos, coisas estúpidas. Tal como o Richie conseguir enganá-lo quando dormia para vermos desenhos animados. Era assim.
That one was so crazy, you don't even want to know about it.
Essa foi tão maluca que nem vais querer saber!
You couldn't find it, so you thought it was lost, until the Magpie put it up for sale again.
- O quê? - Não conseguiu encontra-lo, então pensou que estava perdido, até o Magpie o colocar à venda novamente.
My explanation was sort of all over the place, so I did some research and I printed it out for you.
Minha explicação estava um pouco vaga sobre isso, por isso fiz umas investigações e imprimi-as para ti.
You tried to cut her up, destroy her face so we wouldn't know who she was, but you couldn't go through with it.
Tentou cortá-la, destruir-lhe a cara, para não a podermos identificar, - mas não conseguiu acabar.
I know that it must have been so hard for you To present her body to court Like she was some kind of criminal.
Sei que deve ter sido muito difícil para vós, apresentardes o seu corpo na corte como se ela fosse criminosa.
And I was thinking- - because I destroyed something so important to you, the only way to make it up to you is if I destroy something just as important to me.
E eu estava a pensar... Porque eu destruí uma coisa importante para ti, a única forma de me redimir disso, seria se destruísses algo importante para mim.
I-I have three patients with the same... affliction and potentially a fourth patient as well, and it's just- - it's getting a bit complicated, so I was hoping the NIH could spare you for a couple of days.
Tenho 3 pacientes com o mesmo problema e potencialmente um 4º paciente, e é que... está a ficar um pouco complicado então, espero que o Hospital possa libertá-lo durante uns dias.
You surprised him... By suddenly raising it, so he was made to look like a liar.
Surpreendeu-o, quando falou no assunto, e ele passou por mentiroso.
I was wondering if, uh, instead of being fired for misconduct, you could make it so that I was downsized?
Queria saber se, em vez de demitida por má conduta, podias suavizar um pouco?
Nick was right about you, and he can't know that, - so put a sock in it!
O Nick tinha razão em relação a ti, e ele não pode saber disso, por isso cala a boca!
So, was it you... who made those marks?
Então, foste tu... quem fizeste essas marcas?
And so it was Paul Spector who suggested you call the police about your husband's behaviour?
E então, foi o Paul Spector que lhe sugeriu que chamasse a polícia sobre o comportamento do seu marido?
And you knew the machine had a backup, so it was pointless getting rid of it.
Sabias que a máquina guardava as coisas, por isso era inútil livrares-te dela.
My mother always taught me it was ungentlemanly to turn up to a gathering empty-handed so I brought you these.
Minha mãe sempre me ensinou que era pouco educado aparecer numa reunião de mãos vazias... por isso, trouxe isto.
Mine was pretty heavy, so I figured you might not wanna read it in front of a whole bunch of people.
A minha era muito pesada, por isso, pensei, podias não a querer ler à frente de um monte de pessoas.
Where were you today while I was here packing up this house so you wouldn't have to deal with the emotional burden of it?
Onde estiveste hoje? Enquanto arrumei esta casa, para não carregares esse fardo emocional?
You said you was gonna be late tonight so it must have slipped my mind.
Disseste que ias chegar tarde esta noite. Devo ter-me esquecido.
You know, I've been thinking, it's been a really long time since I've had chicken fried lobster, so I was hoping maybe when the case is done, we can go to Binion's.
Sabes, estive a pensar, já lá vai muito tempo que não como lagosta frita. Então gostaria, quando acabar o caso, que fôssemos ao "Binion".
You guys invited us so we could spend the day together. It felt wrong that you two are out here and I was in there all alone with Alex.
Convidaram-nos para passarmos o dia juntos, pareceu-me errado vocês estarem aqui fora e eu sozinho com a Alex.
It felt so good to confess, and my old man was so proud of me, I didn't even get in any trouble. Y-you know?
Senti-me tão bem em confessar e o meu velhote ficou tão orgulhoso de mim que nem me meti em sarilhos, sabias?
So I did. I went over there and there was nothing to it, you know?
Então, eu fui e não havia nada.
So, wouldn't you think it was a coincidence that Mr. Blunt was a person of interest in two homicide investigations, but had nothing to do with either death?
Não acha coincidência que o Sr. Blunt, ser o principal suspeito em duas investigações, mas não estar envolvido em nenhumas das mortes?
You're gonna talk to the doctor and you're gonna tell him exactly what was in it so we can save his life ; are we clear?
Que escolha tinha ela?
I-I just liked you so much, and-and you liked me, and I didn't want it to end, and I was afraid it would.
Gostei tanto de ti... tu gostaste de mim, não queria que acabasse... E fiquei com medo de que acabasse.
Aw, it's so precious when you overcompensate for being a drunken loser when she was a kid.
É tão fofo quando compensas por teres sido uma bêbada falhada na sua infância.
You know... we only threw it together pretty last minute, it was really cold outside, so...
Muitas pessoas? Só nos juntamos na última parte, estava frio na rua, por isso...
Yeah. I was going to, and then your phone rang, and you answered it, and it was your mother, so I- - I waited, but then you dropped your towel, and things got creepy.
Eu ia dizer, mas entretanto, o teu telemóvel tocou, atendeste, era a tua mãe, então, esperei, depois deixaste cair a toalha, e as coisas ficaram algo bizarras.
So you know, Dewey, whatever you thought the Crowes were gonna hand you to get their heroin back, unless it was like $ 62.50, you were about to get handed a ringer.
O que pensavas que os Crowes iam dar-te para recuperarem a heroína, se não eram uns 62.50 dólares, ias cair numa cilada.
I was gonna tell you in private so that we could announce it at dinner together.
- Ia contar-te em privado. Para o anunciarmos juntos, no jantar.
So you think it was working when she went up there.
Então acha que estava a funcionar quando ela foi até lá acima.
It was really bad, you guys, and so I was waking up every morning with a 300-plus sugar level.
Era mesmo mau e, por isso, eu acordava todas as manhãs com um nível de açúcar acima dos 300.
So what it took was it took the support of my friends, my family, and, you know, especially I got to give credit where credit is due.
Então, para isso, foi preciso o apoio dos meus amigos, da minha família e, sobretudo, tenho de dar mérito a quem merece.

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